@InProceedings{SCI:Cha2004a, author = "E. Chaney and S. Pizer and S. Joshi and R. Broadhurst and P.T. Fletcher and G. Gash and Q. Han and J.Y. Jeong and C. Lu and D. Merck and J. Stough and G. Tracton and M.D.J. Bechtel and J. Rosenman and Y.Y. Chi and K. Muller", title = "Automatic Male Pelvis Segmentation from CT Images via Statistically Trained Multi-Object Deformable M-rep Models", booktitle = "Presented at American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO)", year = "2004", url = "http://www.sci.utah.edu/publications/chaney04/ASTRO04_Chaney.pdf", }