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Events on July 8, 2015

Joshua Blauer

Joshua Blauer Presents:

Interrogation of the Cardiac Electrophysiological Substrate

July 8, 2015 at 4:00pm for 1hr
Evans Conference Room, WEB 3780
Warnock Engineering Building, 3rd floor.


Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the leading cause of ischemic stroke and is the most commonly observed arrhythmia in clinical cardiology. Catheter ablation of AF, in which specific regions of cardiac anatomy associated with AF are intensionally injured to create scar tissue, has been honed over the last 15 years to become a relatively common and safe treatment option. However, the success of these anatomically driven ablation strategies, particularly in hearts that have been exposed to AF for extended periods, remains poor. AF induces changes in the electrical and structural properties of the cardiac tissue, which further promotes the permanence of AF. In a process known as electroanatomical (EAM) mapping, clinicians record time signals known as electrograms (EGMs) from the heart and the locations of the recording sites to create geometric representations, or maps, of the electrophysiological properties of the heart. Analysis of the the maps and the individual EGM morphologies can indicate regions of abnormal tissue, or substrates that facilitate arrhythmogenesis and AF perpetuation. Despite this progress, limitations in the control of devices currently used for EAM acquisition, and reliance on suboptimal metrics of tissue viability appear to be hindering the potential of treatment guided by substrate mapping.

In this research, we used computational models of cardiac excitation to evaluate parameters of EAM that affect the performance of substrate mapping. These models, which have been validated with experimental and clinical studies, have yielded new insights into the limitations of current mapping systems, but more importantly guided us to develop new systems and metrics for robust substrate mapping. We report here on the progress in these simulation studies and on novel measurement approaches that have the potential to improve the robustness and precision of EAM in patients with arrhythmias.

Appropriate detection of proarrhythmic substrates promises to improve ablation of AF beyond rudimentary destruction of anatomical targets to directed targeting of complicit tissues that would ultimately improve the success in terminating AF. With refined mapping and understanding of the AF substrate that our results, allow, they have the potential to improve upon the efficacy of current AF treatment options.

Posted by: Nathan Galli