Using the turnin program

The turnin program is used to turn in each assignment. It is used from the command line on CS department linux machines.

From department Linux machines:

If you wrote your code on a CS department linux machine, then execute something like the following at the command line:

cd assignment1
turnin --submit edwardsj assignment1 *
turnin --list edwardsj assignment1
You can type man turnin at the command line of a CS department linux machine to get additional information on how to use turnin.

From some other machine:

If you've been doing your development on some other machine, then you'll have to add a few steps to the procedure above:

  1. If you don't have a CS department account, you should request a new account.
  2. Transfer your files to a CS department linux machine.
  3. Log on to a CS department linux machine using your CS department login. You can do this at a lab or remotely, via SSH or VNC.
  4. Follow the steps above that describe how to use the turnin program.