# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  CLASSES: nightly
#  Test Case: 
#  Programmer: Mark C. Miller 
#  Date:       28Oct10
#  Modifications:
#    Mark C. Miller, Mon Nov  1 12:24:23 PDT 2010
#    I added specification of the Silo format to the open call so that we
#    can be assured of having the real exception (DBYieldedNoData) returned
#    in the error message. Otherwise, that exception is caught and then folded
#    into whatever other possible exceptions other candidates might generate.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import re

OpenDatabase("../data/silo_pdb_test_data/empty.silo", 0, "Silo_1.0")
errStr = GetLastError()
tmpType =",\nno data was found in the file for VisIt to work with.", errStr)
msg = errStr
if tmpType != None:
    msg = "DBYieldedNoDataException\n"
TestText("empty_01", msg)
