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Transform Member List

This is the complete list of members for Transform, including all inherited members.

add_class(const std::string &type, const std::string &parent, Persistent *(*maker)(), Persistent *(*bc_maker1)()=0, Persistent *(*bc_maker2)()=0)Persistentstatic
add_field_class(const std::string &type, Persistent *(*maker)(), Persistent *(*bc_maker1)()=0, Persistent *(*bc_maker2)()=0)Persistentstatic
add_mesh_class(const std::string &type, Persistent *(*maker)(), Persistent *(*bc_maker1)()=0, Persistent *(*bc_maker2)()=0)Persistentstatic
change_basis(Transform &)Transform
compute_imat() const Transform
find_derived(const std::string &classname, const std::string &basename)Persistentstatic
get(double *) const Transform
get_imat_val(int i, int j) const Transforminline
get_mat_val(int i, int j) const Transforminline
get_trans(double *) const Transform
io(Piostream &stream)Transformvirtual
is_base_of(const std::string &parent, const std::string &type)Persistentstatic
load_basis(const Point &, const Vector &, const Vector &, const Vector &)Transform
load_frame(const Vector &, const Vector &, const Vector &)Transform
operator=(const Transform &)Transform
perspective(const Point &eyep, const Point &lookat, const Vector &up, double fov, double znear, double zfar, int xres, int yres)Transform
Pio(Piostream &, Transform *&)Transformfriend
post_permute(int xmap, int ymap, int zmap)Transform
post_rotate(double, const Vector &axis)Transform
post_scale(const Vector &)Transform
post_shear(const Vector &, const Plane &)Transform
post_trans(const Transform &)Transform
post_translate(const Vector &)Transform
pre_permute(int xmap, int ymap, int zmap)Transform
pre_rotate(double, const Vector &axis)Transform
pre_scale(const Vector &)Transform
pre_shear(const Vector &, const Plane &)Transform
pre_trans(const Transform &)Transform
pre_translate(const Vector &)Transform
project(const Vector &p) const Transform
project(const Point &p) const Transform
project(const Point &p, Point &res) const Transform
project(const Vector &p, Vector &res) const Transform
project_inplace(Point &p) const Transform
project_inplace(Vector &p) const Transform
project_normal(const Vector &) const Transform
project_normal(const Vector &, Vector &res) const Transform
project_normal_inplace(Vector &) const Transform
rotate(const Vector &from, const Vector &to)Transform
set(double *)Transform
set_imat_val(int i, int j, double val)Transforminline
set_inv_valid(bool iv)Transforminline
set_mat_val(int i, int j, double val)Transforminline
set_trans(double *)Transform
Transform(const Transform &)Transform
Transform(const Point &, const Vector &, const Vector &, const Vector &)Transform
unproject(const Point &p) const Transform
unproject(const Point &p, Point &res) const Transform
unproject(const Vector &p) const Transform
unproject(const Vector &v, Vector &res) const Transform
unproject_inplace(Point &p) const Transform
unproject_inplace(Vector &v) const Transform