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TriSurfMesh< MESH > Member List

This is the complete list of members for TriSurfMesh< MESH >, including all inherited members.

add_class(const std::string &type, const std::string &parent, Persistent *(*maker)(), Persistent *(*bc_maker1)()=0, Persistent *(*bc_maker2)()=0)Persistentstatic
add_elem(ARRAY a)TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
add_field_class(const std::string &type, Persistent *(*maker)(), Persistent *(*bc_maker1)()=0, Persistent *(*bc_maker2)()=0)Persistentstatic
add_find_point(const Core::Geometry::Point &p, double err=1.0e-3)TriSurfMesh< MESH >
add_mesh_class(const std::string &type, Persistent *(*maker)(), Persistent *(*bc_maker1)()=0, Persistent *(*bc_maker2)()=0)Persistentstatic
add_node(const Core::Geometry::Point &p)TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
add_point(const Core::Geometry::Point &p)TriSurfMesh< MESH >
add_triangle(typename Node::index_type, typename Node::index_type, typename Node::index_type)TriSurfMesh< MESH >
add_triangle(const Core::Geometry::Point &p0, const Core::Geometry::Point &p1, const Core::Geometry::Point &p2)TriSurfMesh< MESH >
ALL_ELEMENTS_E enum valueMesh
array_type typedefMeshTraits< VMesh >
as() const Datatypeinline
basis_TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
basis_order()TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlinevirtual
basis_type typedefTriSurfMesh< MESH >
bbox_TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
begin(typename Node::iterator &) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >
begin(typename Edge::iterator &) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >
begin(typename Face::iterator &) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >
begin(typename Cell::iterator &) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >
bisect_element(const typename Face::index_type)TriSurfMesh< MESH >
BOUNDING_BOX_E enum valueMesh
cell_type_description()TriSurfMesh< MESH >static
CELLS_E enum valueMesh
clear_synchronization()TriSurfMesh< MESH >
clone() const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlinevirtual
collapse_edges(const std::vector< index_type > &nodemap)TriSurfMesh< MESH >
compute_bounding_box()TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
compute_edge_neighbors()TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
compute_edges()TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
compute_edges_bugfix()TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
compute_elem_grid()TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
compute_node_grid()TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
compute_node_neighbors()TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
compute_normals()TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
Datatype(const Datatype &other)Datatype
debug_test_edge_neighbors()TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
DElem typedefTriSurfMesh< MESH >
DELEMS_E enum valueMesh
derivate(const VECTOR1 &coords, INDEX idx, VECTOR2 &J) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
det_jacobian(const VECTOR &coords, INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
dimension_type typedefMeshTraits< VMesh >
dimensionality() const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlinevirtual
dynamic_type_name() const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlinevirtual
edge_neighbors_TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
edge_on_node_TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
edge_type_description()TriSurfMesh< MESH >static
EdgeMapType typedefTriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
EdgeMapType2 typedefTriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
edges_TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
EDGES_E enum valueMesh
Elem typedefTriSurfMesh< MESH >
elem_grid_TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
ELEM_LOCATE_E enum valueMesh
ELEM_NEIGHBORS_E enum valueMesh
elem_reserve(size_type s)TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
elem_type_description()TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlinestatic
ElemData classTriSurfMesh< MESH >friend
ELEMS_E enum valueMesh
end(typename Node::iterator &) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >
end(typename Edge::iterator &) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >
end(typename Face::iterator &) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >
end(typename Cell::iterator &) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >
ENODES_E enum valueMesh
epsilon2_TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
epsilon_TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
EPSILON_E enum valueMesh
face_type_description()TriSurfMesh< MESH >static
faces_TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
FACES_E enum valueMesh
FIND_CLOSEST_E enum valueMesh
find_closest_elem(double &pdist, Core::Geometry::Point &result, ARRAY &coords, INDEX &face, const Core::Geometry::Point &p) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
find_closest_elem(double &pdist, Core::Geometry::Point &result, ARRAY &coords, INDEX &face, const Core::Geometry::Point &p, double maxdist) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
find_closest_elem(double &pdist, Core::Geometry::Point &result, INDEX &elem, const Core::Geometry::Point &p) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
FIND_CLOSEST_ELEM_E enum valueMesh
find_closest_elems(double &pdist, Core::Geometry::Point &result, ARRAY &elems, const Core::Geometry::Point &p) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
find_closest_node(double &pdist, Core::Geometry::Point &result, INDEX &node, const Core::Geometry::Point &p) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
find_closest_node(double &pdist, Core::Geometry::Point &result, INDEX &node, const Core::Geometry::Point &p, double maxdist) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
FIND_CLOSEST_NODE_E enum valueMesh
find_closest_nodes(ARRAY &nodes, const Core::Geometry::Point &p, double maxdist) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
find_closest_nodes(ARRAY1 &distances, ARRAY2 &nodes, const Core::Geometry::Point &p, double maxdist) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
find_derived(const std::string &classname, const std::string &basename)Persistentstatic
flip_face(typename Face::index_type face)TriSurfMesh< MESH >
flip_faces()TriSurfMesh< MESH >
get_area(typename Face::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_basis()TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_bounding_box() const TriSurfMesh< MESH >virtual
get_canonical_transform(Core::Geometry::Transform &t) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >virtual
get_cells(typename Cell::array_type &, typename Node::index_type) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_cells(typename Cell::array_type &, typename Edge::index_type) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_cells(typename Cell::array_type &, typename Face::index_type) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_cells(typename Cell::array_type &, typename Cell::index_type) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_center(Core::Geometry::Point &result, typename Node::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_center(Core::Geometry::Point &result, typename Edge::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_center(Core::Geometry::Point &result, typename Face::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_center(Core::Geometry::Point &, typename Cell::index_type) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_coords(VECTOR &coords, const Core::Geometry::Point &p, INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_delems(typename DElem::array_type &array, typename Node::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_delems(typename DElem::array_type &array, typename Edge::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_delems(typename DElem::array_type &array, typename Face::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_delems(typename DElem::array_type &, typename Cell::index_type) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_edge_center(Core::Geometry::Point &result, INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
get_edges(typename Edge::array_type &array, typename Node::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_edges(typename Edge::array_type &array, typename Edge::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_edges(typename Edge::array_type &array, typename Face::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_edges(typename Edge::array_type &, typename Cell::index_type) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_edges_from_elem(ARRAY &array, INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
get_edges_from_face(ARRAY &array, INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
get_edges_from_node(ARRAY &array, INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
get_edges_from_node_bugfix(ARRAY &array, INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
get_elem_neighbor(INDEX1 &neighbor, INDEX1 elem, INDEX2 delem) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
get_elem_neighbors(ARRAY &array, INDEX1 elem, INDEX2 delem) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
get_elem_neighbors(ARRAY &array, INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
get_elems(typename Elem::array_type &array, typename Node::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_elems(typename Elem::array_type &array, typename Edge::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_elems(typename Elem::array_type &array, typename Face::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_elems(typename Face::array_type &, typename Cell::index_type) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_epsilon() const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_face_center(Core::Geometry::Point &result, INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
get_faces(typename Face::array_type &array, typename Node::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_faces(typename Face::array_type &array, typename Edge::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_faces(typename Face::array_type &array, typename Face::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_faces(typename Face::array_type &, typename Cell::index_type) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_faces_from_edge(ARRAY &array, INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
get_faces_from_node(ARRAY &array, INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
get_length(typename Edge::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_neighbor(typename Elem::index_type &neighbor, typename Elem::index_type elem, typename DElem::index_type delem) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_neighbor(index_type &nbr_half_edge, index_type half_edge) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >
get_neighbors(std::vector< typename Node::index_type > &array, typename Node::index_type node) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_neighbors(std::vector< typename Elem::index_type > &array, typename Elem::index_type elem, typename DElem::index_type delem) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_neighbors(typename Elem::array_type &array, typename Elem::index_type elem) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_node_center(Core::Geometry::Point &p, INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
get_node_neighbors(ARRAY &array, INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
get_nodes(typename Node::array_type &array, typename Node::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_nodes(typename Node::array_type &array, typename Edge::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_nodes(typename Node::array_type &array, typename Face::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_nodes(typename Node::array_type &, typename Cell::index_type) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_nodes_from_edge(ARRAY &array, INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
get_nodes_from_elem(ARRAY &array, INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
get_nodes_from_face(ARRAY &array, INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
get_normal(Core::Geometry::Vector &result, typename Node::index_type index) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_normal(Core::Geometry::Vector &result, VECTOR &coords, INDEX1 eidx, INDEX2)TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_point(Core::Geometry::Point &result, typename Node::index_type index) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_random_point(Core::Geometry::Point &, typename Elem::index_type, FieldRNG &rng) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >
get_size(typename Node::index_type) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_size(typename Edge::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_size(typename Face::index_type idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_size(typename Cell::index_type) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_type_description() const TriSurfMesh< MESH >virtual
get_volume(typename Cell::index_type) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_weights(const Core::Geometry::Point &p, typename Node::array_type &l, double *w)TriSurfMesh< MESH >
get_weights(const Core::Geometry::Point &, typename Edge::array_type &, double *)TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
get_weights(const Core::Geometry::Point &p, typename Face::array_type &l, double *w)TriSurfMesh< MESH >
get_weights(const Core::Geometry::Point &, typename Cell::array_type &, double *)TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
getFacade() const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlinevirtual
halfedge_to_edge_TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
handle_type typedefTriSurfMesh< MESH >
has_normals() const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlinevirtual
HasId()HasId< IdType, IdGenerator >inline
id() const HasId< IdType, IdGenerator >inline
id_type typedefDatatype
index_type typedefTriSurfMesh< MESH >
insert_elem_into_grid(typename Elem::index_type ci)TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
insert_node(const Core::Geometry::Point &p)TriSurfMesh< MESH >
insert_node(typename Face::index_type face, const Core::Geometry::Point &p)TriSurfMesh< MESH >
insert_node_in_edge_aux(typename Face::array_type &tris, typename Node::index_type &ni, index_type halfedge, const Core::Geometry::Point &p)TriSurfMesh< MESH >
insert_node_in_face(typename Face::array_type &tris, typename Node::index_type &ni, typename Face::index_type face, const Core::Geometry::Point &p)TriSurfMesh< MESH >
insert_node_in_face_aux(typename Face::array_type &tris, typename Node::index_type &ni, typename Face::index_type face, const Core::Geometry::Point &p)TriSurfMesh< MESH >
insert_node_into_grid(typename Node::index_type ci)TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
inside3_p(index_type face_times_three, const Core::Geometry::Point &p) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
interpolate(Core::Geometry::Point &pt, VECTOR &coords, INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
inverse_jacobian(const VECTOR &coords, INDEX idx, double *Ji) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
io(Piostream &)TriSurfMesh< MESH >virtual
IRREGULAR enum valueMesh
is_base_of(const std::string &parent, const std::string &type)Persistentstatic
is_editable() const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlinevirtual
jacobian(const VECTOR &coords, INDEX idx, double *J) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
jacobian_metric(INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
locate(typename Node::index_type &loc, const Core::Geometry::Point &p) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
locate(typename Edge::index_type &loc, const Core::Geometry::Point &p) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
locate(typename Face::index_type &loc, const Core::Geometry::Point &p) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
locate(typename Cell::index_type &, const Core::Geometry::Point &) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
locate(typename Elem::index_type &elem, std::vector< double > &coords, const Core::Geometry::Point &p)TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
LOCATE_E enum valueMesh
locate_edge(INDEX &loc, const Core::Geometry::Point &p) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
locate_elem(INDEX &elem, const Core::Geometry::Point &p) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
locate_elem(INDEX &elem, ARRAY &coords, const Core::Geometry::Point &p) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
locate_elems(ARRAY &array, const Core::Geometry::BBox &b) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
locate_node(INDEX &node, const Core::Geometry::Point &p) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
maker()TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlinestatic
mask_type typedefTriSurfMesh< MESH >
Mesh(const Mesh &copy)Mesh
mesh_maker()TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlinestatic
MeshFacadeHandle typedefMeshTraits< VMesh >
NEIGHBORS_E enum valueMesh
next(index_type i)TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotectedstatic
node_grid_TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
NODE_LOCATE_E enum valueMesh
node_neighbors_TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
NODE_NEIGHBORS_E enum valueMesh
node_reserve(size_type s)TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
node_type_description()TriSurfMesh< MESH >static
NODES_E enum valueMesh
NONE_E enum valueMesh
normals_TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
NORMALS_E enum valueMesh
operator=(const Datatype &rhs)Datatype
orient_faces()TriSurfMesh< MESH >
point(typename Node::index_type i)TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
points_TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
prev(index_type i)TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotectedstatic
pwl_approx_edge(std::vector< VECTOR > &coords, INDEX ci, unsigned int which_edge, unsigned int div_per_unit) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
pwl_approx_face(std::vector< std::vector< VECTOR > > &coords, INDEX ci, unsigned int which_face, unsigned int div_per_unit) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
REGULAR enum valueMesh
remove_elem_from_grid(typename Elem::index_type ci)TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
remove_face(typename Face::index_type)TriSurfMesh< MESH >
remove_node_from_grid(typename Node::index_type ci)TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
remove_obvious_degenerate_triangles()TriSurfMesh< MESH >
remove_orphan_nodes()TriSurfMesh< MESH >
resize_elems(size_type s)TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
resize_nodes(size_type s)TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
scaled_jacobian_metric(INDEX idx) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
search_node(INDEX &loc, const Core::Geometry::Point &p) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
set_nodes_by_elem(ARRAY &array, INDEX idx)TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlineprotected
set_point(const Core::Geometry::Point &point, typename Node::index_type index)TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
size(typename Node::size_type &) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >
size(typename Edge::size_type &) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >
size(typename Face::size_type &) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >
size(typename Cell::size_type &) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >
size_type typedefTriSurfMesh< MESH >
STRUCTURED enum valueMesh
swap_shared_edge(typename Face::index_type, typename Face::index_type)TriSurfMesh< MESH >
Synchronize classTriSurfMesh< MESH >friend
synchronize(mask_type mask)TriSurfMesh< MESH >virtual
synchronize_cond_TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
synchronize_lock_TriSurfMesh< MESH >mutableprotected
synchronized_TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
synchronizing_TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
to_index(typename Node::index_type &index, index_type i) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
to_index(typename Edge::index_type &index, index_type i) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
to_index(typename Face::index_type &index, index_type i) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
to_index(typename Cell::index_type &index, index_type i) const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inline
topology_geometry() const TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlinevirtual
transform(const Core::Geometry::Transform &t)TriSurfMesh< MESH >virtual
trisurf_typeidTriSurfMesh< MESH >static
TriSurfMesh()TriSurfMesh< MESH >
TriSurfMesh(const TriSurfMesh &copy)TriSurfMesh< MESH >
type_name(int n=-1)TriSurfMesh< MESH >static
under_type typedefTriSurfMesh< MESH >
UNKNOWN enum valueMesh
UNSTRUCTURED enum valueMesh
unsynchronize(mask_type mask)TriSurfMesh< MESH >virtual
vmesh()TriSurfMesh< MESH >inlinevirtual
vmesh_TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
VMeshShared classTriSurfMesh< MESH >friend
VTriSurfMesh classTriSurfMesh< MESH >friend
VUnstructuredMesh classTriSurfMesh< MESH >friend
walk_face_orient(typename Face::index_type face, std::vector< bool > &tested, std::vector< bool > &flip)TriSurfMesh< MESH >protected
~TriSurfMesh()TriSurfMesh< MESH >virtual