@Article{SCI:Bla2014a, author = "J.J.E. Blauer and D. Swenson and K. Higuchi and G. Plank and R. Ranjan and N. Marrouche and and R.S. MacLeod", title = "Sensitivity and Specificity of Substrate Mapping: An In Silico Framework for the Evaluation of Electroanatomical Substrate Mapping Strategies", booktitle = "Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology", journal = "Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology", volume = "25", number = "7", pages = "774--780", year = "2014", month = "May", note = "Featured on journal cover.", keywords = "arrhythmia, computer-based model, electroanatomical mapping, voltage mapping, bipolar electrogram", url = "http://www.sci.utah.edu/publications/Bla2014a/Blauer_JCE2014-BPA_Modeling-formatted.pdf", url = "http://www.sci.utah.edu/publications/Bla2014a/Blauer_JCE2014-OnlineSupplement-formatted.pdf", }