Dr. Allen Sanderson

Research Scientist - retired
Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute

SCI Personnel Page


1985 Bachelor of Science with High Honors, Mechanical Engineering, Oregon State University

1988 Master of Engineering, Bioengineering, University of Utah

1996 Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science, University of Utah


1996 Bourse Chateaubriand, Epidaure Research Group (Now Epione), Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatic (INRIA), Sophia Antipolis, France


I am a retired research scientist at the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute (aka SCI which is pronounced 'ski'). Because of my diverse background I have worked in many application areas. But for the most part my research interest lies in applying computer graphic and computer vision techniques to data analysis and visualization in HPC (High Performance Computng) applications. I have applied this to areas ranging from medical image data to ice core data. I have worked with Plasma Physicists and Oceanographers to develop techniques for analyzing and visualizing toroidal fields which are a type of Hamiltonian system. Another interest is in the analysis and visualization of Lagrange Coherent Structures (LCS) in flow fields. More recently I have developed techniques for visualizing the performance of supercomputers. My latest work has been to integrate Kokkos in to Uintah and other HPC applications that are running on some of newest and fastest super computers in the word such as the DOE machines Frontier and Aurora. I find that the best solutions to hard problems are often the simplest and a firm believer in the KISS principle.


After 42 years of banging on the keyboard, the last 22 at SCI I have retired. Though I continue to work on few projects of interest. When not at SCI I can usually be found climbing, skiing, canyoneering, or biking in the local Wasatch Mountains or down in Southern Utah. When not playing locally I am often traveling about the world either in the high mountains climbing or under the ocean blue scuba diving. I have been doing this nonsense for a long time and I try to visit one new country each year. This past year it was Australia.