Finite Element Tools

Frequently Asked Questions

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VTK Programs:

How do I run the normals program?

C++ Programs on Windows:

How do I run a program?

How do I compile changes to the code?

What’s the difference between VSC++ and VS.Net?

What files are important to save?

How do I compile changes to the Thickness program?

C++ Programs on Unix:

How do I unpack/pack a .tar file?

How do I run a program?

How do I compile changes to the code?

What files are important to save?

C++ Programs on Linux:

How do I unpack/pack a .tar file?

How do I run a program?

How do I compile changes to the code?

What files are important to save?


VTK Programs                         

How do I run the normals program?

1-    You need to have VTK and Tcl installed and working.  For additional information visit the VTK Home Page (download) and the Tcl Developer Site .

2-    You need to change the paths in the code to point to your files to process.  You can use any text editor to make and save your changes:

PathToConvert “path to folder containing .surf file”

inFileName “name of .surf file”

outFile  name of ouput .vtk file”  (this will go in PathToConvert)

   The other variables should be set with the given file structure already:

VTK_NORMALS_FILES “normalsFiles/”

   This is the location of the required files colors.tck, vtkInt.tcl, and vtkImageInclude.tcl.

3-    Now open /normals/normals.tcl with vtk.

 On Windows:

Open with vtk.exe (should be located at something like C:\Program Files\vtk42\bin\vtk.exe).  You can do this via command line too (see the Windows section on how do I run a program).

    On Unix:

Open with vtk program (should be located at something like /vtk42/bin/vtk).  You can use an alias for repeated execution (see the Unix section for instructions on how do I run a program)

4-    Once the picture of the surface is showing, the program has finished and you can close the program by closing all windows.  Go to the PathToConvert folder to find the outFile it created.



How do I run a program?

1- Set the Path variable to the FEtools\bin folder:  Right click on My Computer->Properties.  Choose the Advanced tab then the Environment Variables button.  Select the Path Variable (either in User or System) then the Edit button.  Append a ; followed by the path to the FEtools\bin folder.  OK, OK, OK.

2- Open a command prompt, change to the directory containing your files and type the program name:  Open Start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt.  Use cd to change directories and dir to list the directory contents.  Type the executable file name at the prompt.

3- Read and follow usage instructions:  The Usage lists the command name followed by all required input arguments in [].  To use the options, type the tag(s) with arguments after the required arguments.  Ex:

   >>surfToOff –o -print

How do I compile changes to the code?

- Using Microsoft Visual C++ (6.0)

Making Changes:

Open the program file (FEtools/name/name.cpp) in VSC++.  Make and save changes as desired.  Or make and save changes in your favorite text editor.


Open the program file (FEtools/name/name.cpp) in VSC++.  Choose Build->Build from the menu.  Look for status of build in the Build window below.  If prompted, choose Yes to use default project workspace.  Close VSC++ after building.  Go to the program folder (FEtools/name/) and open the subfolder Debug or Release (depending on the mode you were in when you built).  Move the .exe file to the FEtools/bin folder for future command line execution.

- Using Microsoft Visual Studio .Net (2003)

Making Changes:

Open the program solution (FEtools/name/name.sln) in VS.Net.  In the Solution Explorer window (View->Solution Explorer) double click on the main file (name->Source Files->name.cpp).  Make and save changes as desired.


With the program solution open, choose Build->Build Solution from the menu.  Look for status of build in the Output window.  Close VS.Net after building.  Go to the program folder (FEtools/name/) and open the subfolder Debug or Release (depending on the mode you were in when you built).  There you will find the solution executable (name.exe).  Move the .exe file to the FEtools/bin folder for future command line execution.

What’s the difference between VSC++ and VS.Net?

-        In VSC++, the code looks exactly as it does for a Unix compiler.  It can compile and build an executable file without other linking information.

-        In VS.Net, the code needs to be part of a project solution in order to be compiled and run.  Thus, the stdfx.h and stdfx.cpp files are used to define the entry points for the code execution by some magical means known only to the software composers.  What this means in reality is that you need to add an #include stdfx.h to the top of every .cpp file.  The other necessary file components of the solution are included in the folder download above and described in what files are important to save.

What files are important to save?

1-    All of the FEtools/bin files (.exe’s).

2-    For each program folder (FEtools/name) the following (all other folders and files are created upon compiling and can be deleted without damaging the program):








stdafx.h  (some programs have additional .ccp and .h files that should be saved)

3-    Thickness program folder.  The .obj and .sbr files are necessary because they contain the info needed to use the ANN libraries.





Debug/*.obj  (There should be 12 Object Files)

Debug/*.sbr  (There should be 12 Source Browser Intermediate Files)

ann_0.2/    (all files)


(include previous VS.Net stuff)




How do I compile changes to the Thickness program?

-        For VSC++:

Making Changes:

Open FEtools/Thickness/Thickness.dsw in VSC++>  In the Workspace window (View->Workspace) choose the FileView tab, navigate to Thickness files->Source Files->newthickness.cpp, then double click on the main file (newthickness.cpp).  Make and save changes as desired.


Choose Build->Build Thickness.exe from the menu.  Continue on according to the normal instructions.

Note on ann_2.0 files:

Some of the headers in FEtools/Thickness/ann_2.0/include/ANN were changed from the original ANN software specifically to work with C++.   

- For VS.Net:

Making Changes:

Open the program solution (FEtools/Thickness/Thickness.sln) in VS.Net.  In the Solution Explorer window (View->Solution Explorer) navigate to Thickness->Source Files->newThickness.cpp then double click on the main file (newThickness.cpp).  Make and save changes as desired.


Before you can compile any changes, you must include the ANN programs.  Choose Tools->Options then the Projects folder->VC++ Directories then on the right choose Show Directories For: Includes  files.  Add a new directory that points to FEtools/Thickness/ann_2.0/include.  This allows the compiler to find the ANN programs.  Now you’re set to make changes and compile according to the normal instructions.

               Note on ann_2.0 files:

Some of the headers in FEtools/Thickness/ann_2.0/include/ANN were changed from the original ANN software specifically for VS.Net to work.  The <iomanip.h> include in ANNx.h was changed to <iomanip>.  Several instances of <iostream.h> where changed to <iostream> and the line using namespace std; was added after.  These changes are necessary due to the out-of-date references to the standard libraries.  If you run into further errors of not being able to find one of these headers, try changing it accordingly.



How do I unpack/pack a .tar file?

1-    To untar use the following command:

tar xvf FEtools.tar

2-    To tarup use the following command:

tar cvf nameout.tar FEtools/

How do I run a program?

1-    You can set up an alias for any program you use frequently:  Change to your home directory.  Use your favorite text editor to open your .aliases file (Ex: emacs .aliases).  At the end of the existing list, add the following:

The alias command

The alias name you want to use for the program (you can use the same name as the actual program)

The path to the program (FEtools/bin_Unix/name)

Ex:      alias   name      /home/FEtools/bin_Unix/name

2-    Source the aliases file:  In your home directory run the source command.

>>source .aliases

3-    Change to the directory containing your files to process and type the alias name for the program at the prompt.

4-    Read and follow usage instructions:  The Usage lists the command name followed by all required input arguments in [].  To use the options, type the tag(s) with arguments after the required arguments. 

   Ex:   >>surfToOff –o –print

How do I compile changes to the code?

1-    Use any C++ compiler: (On the SGI machines, the command is CC).  Change to the FEtools/ directory.  This is a good place to run the compiler from because then you have access to both the program file folder and the bin_Unix folder and you won’t have to move the compiled program later. 

2-    Type the following in order:

Compiler command

Language tag (if listed in Documentation under CC tags)

            Program file name

            Output tag and output file name (use the bin_Unix/ folder)

            Other tags (if listed in Documentation under CC tags)

         Example: CC –LANG:std modulus/modulus.cpp –o bin_Unix/modulus -lm

What files are important to save?

1-    All of the FEtools/bin_Unix files (compiled programs).

2-    For each program folder (FEtools/name) the name.cpp file and any other .h or .cpp files.

3- All other folders and files are created upon compiling and can be deleted without damaging any programs.



How do I unpack/pack a .tar file?

1-    To untar use the following command:

tar xvf FEtools.tar

2-    To tarup use the following command:

tar cvf nameout.tar FEtools/

How do I run a program?

1-    You can set up an alias for any program you use frequently:  Change to your home directory.  Use your favorite text editor to open your .aliases file (Ex: emacs .aliases).  At the end of the existing list, add the following:

The alias command

The alias name you want to use for the program (you can use the same name as the actual program)

The path to the program (FEtools/bin_Linux/name)

Ex:      alias   name      /home/FEtools/bin_Linux/name

2-    Source the aliases file:  In your home directory run the source command.

>>source .aliases

3-    Change to the directory containing your files to process and type the alias name for the program at the prompt.

4-    Read and follow usage instructions:  The Usage lists the command name followed by all required input arguments in [].  To use the options, type the tag(s) with arguments after the required arguments. 

   Ex:   >>surfToOff –o –print

How do I compile changes to the code?

1-    Use any C++ compiler: (On the SCI machines, the command is g++).  Change to the FEtools/ directory.  This is a good place to run the compiler from because then you have access to both the program file folder and the bin_Linux folder and you won’t have to move the compiled program later.

2-    Type the following in order:

Compiler command

            Program file name

            Output tag and output file name (use the bin_Linux/ folder)

      Example: g++ modulus/modulus.cpp –o bin_Linux/modulus

What files are important to save?

1-    All of the FEtools/bin_Linux files (compiled programs).

2-    For each program folder (FEtools/name) the name.cpp file and any other .h or .cpp files.

3- All other folders and files are created upon compiling and can be deleted without damaging any programs.


Created by Janna Balling

     For Andrew Anderson at Musculoskeletal Research Laboratories

University Of tah