CS 2100: Discrete Structures

Fall 2017


Instructor: Bei Wang Phillips (beiwang AT sci.utah.edu, WEB 4608)

Supporting Instructor: Elaine Cohen (cohen AT cs.utah.edu, WEB 2891)


Chris Brooks (brooks AT cs.utah.edu)
Matthew Dutson (matthew.dutson AT utah.edu)
Srinivaas Ganesan (srini AT cs.utah.edu)
Garima Chhabra (garima.chhabra AT utah.edu)
Tim Sodergren (tsodergren AT sci.utah.edu)
Abhishek Penujuri Nataraj (abhipn AT cs.utah.edu)

Lectures: Tuesdays, Thursdays, 12:25PM-01:45PM, WEB L101

Discussion Sessions: Administered by the TAs.
Session 2: Friday, 09:40 AM - 10:30 AM, WEB L120 (Chris, Srinivaas, Garima)
Session 3: Friday, 10:45 AM - 11:35 AM, WEB L112 (Chris, Srinivaas, Garima)
Session 4: Friday, 11:50 AM - 12:40 PM, WEB L122 (Abhishek, Matthew, Tim)
Session 5: Friday, 12:55 PM - 01:45 PM, WEB L122 (Abhishek, Matthew, Tim)
The discussion sections should be attended. They will help you master the material and complete homework assignments.

Office Hours:

  Prof. Bei Wang Phillips: Tuesdays 1:45 pm - 3:45 pm or by appointment (beiwang AT sci.utah.edu), WEB 4608

  Prof. Elaine Cohen: Thursdays 1:45 pm - 3:45 pm or by appointment (cohen AT cs.utah.edu), WEB 2891

TA office hours: MEB 3115 (the TA room)

  Monday, 11:00AM-12:30PM (Tim), 12:30PM-2:00PM (Chris), 4:30PM-6:00PM (Garima)
  Tuesday, 11:00AM - 12:00PM (Matthew), 4:00PM-7:00PM (Srinivaas)
  Wednesday, 11:00AM-12:30PM (Tim), 12:30PM-2:00PM (Chris), 4:30PM-6:00PM (Garima)
  Thursday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM (Abhishek), 4:00PM-6:00PM (Matthew)
  Friday, 2:00PM - 3:00PM (Abhishek)

Course Description: CS 2100 provides an introduction into the discrete mathematics and structures that are at the foundation of computer science. It teaches logical thinking about discrete objects and thinking about abstract things.

Suggested Topics: The course will cover (but is not limited to) the following topics:

  • Modules 1A and 1B: Mathematical Reasoning. Introduction to formal mathematical statements, logic, theorems and proofs. We will cover several fundamental strategies for proving mathematical statements.
  • Module 2: Set Theory and Boolean Logic. Introduction to sets, set operations, proving set properties and Boolean Logic.
  • Module 3: Relations and Functions. Introduction to relations, equivalence relations, functions, and properties of functions.
  • Module 4: Combinatorics and Probability. Basic combinatorics, counting principles, and an introduction to discrete probability.
  • Module 5: Graph Theory. Basic graph theory and networking.
Assignments: The students will be given individual assignments. Homework assignments and deadlines will be posted to the class website/Canvas. Student solutions must be uploaded to Canvas by 5:00 pm on the due date. Homework grading will not be negotiated (as it is a 4-tier scale, see Syllabus). Give yourself time to think about the material. Plan on working on the assignments a little each day, and ask questions when you get stuck. Do not plan on solving the assignments all at once; it actually takes much longer to finish!

There are 7 homeworks (15% of final grade), 5 Quizzes (60% of final grade) and 1 Final Exam (25% of final grade).

Class Information:

Communication: Most communication is handled through the Canvas system. Additionally, please feel free to email the TA and the instructor for questions. When class material questions are sent to the instructor or the TA, we may isolate the question and post the response to Canvas (so that all can learn from both the question and answer).


Required Textbook:

Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Reasoning and Proof with Puzzles, Patterns, and Games by Douglas E. Ensley and J. Winston Crawley

Disability Notice

The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services and activities for people with disabilities.  If you will need accommodations in the class, reasonable prior notice needs to be given to the Center for Disability Services, 162 Olpin Union Building, 581-5020 (V/TDD).  CDS will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations.

All written information in this course can be made available in alternative format with prior notification to the Center for Disability Services.