Scalar fields can be easily visualized using the VolVis ( Volume Visualization ) module. Great detail is revealed using this 3D data rendering technique, which allows for representation of four-dimensional data.
Click on the UI button in order to bring up the user interface, transfer map user interface and the volume viewing window. The user interface options are described in the "User Interface Options" section of this document.
In order to access particular variables, select the desired button and click the left mouse button. The user interface corresponding to that option will pop up on the screen. If that user interface does not pop up on the screen, bring it up from a minimized icon or look for it somewhere on your screen.
In order to redraw the screen or force image recalculation, select the "redraw" or "execute" button and click the left mouse button.
The following are the options corresponding to each of the buttons:
The opacity level and the color components range from 0 to 1.
Line Correspondence
Black line and nodes => scalar value - opacity.
Red line and nodes => scalar value - red color component.
Green line and nodes => scalar value - green color component.
Blue line and nodes => scalar value - blue color component.
In this document, nodes are the colored circles visible on each line. Nodes may be created, deleted, and moved. Complex shaped lines may thus be defined by the user. As the mouse pointer is moved across the graph area, the sliders on the sides follow its position.
Node Movement
To move a node, select it by moving the pointer on top of it ( the node will fill with color ). Click the left mouse button and while holding it, drag the node to the desired position. Horizontally, each node can only move between its left and right neighbors. Vertically, the node can be moved to any location.
Node Deletion
To delete a node, select it by moving the pointer on top of it ( the node will fill with color ), and double click the right mouse button. The node will disappear, and the nodes to the left and right of it will connect. Note that the leftmost and the rightmost nodes ( the nodes at the min and max scalar values ) cannot be deleted.
Node Addition
To add a node, position the mouse cursor between the to-be-neighbors of the new node. For addition to: