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Visualization Category Help


The VolVis module performs volume visualization using the technique described in Marc Levoy's 1988 paper "Display of Surfaces from Volume Data."

Scalar fields can be easily visualized using the VolVis ( Volume Visualization ) module. Great detail is revealed using this 3D data rendering technique, which allows for representation of four-dimensional data.

Module retrieval

There are two ways to bring up a VolVis module in SCIRun.

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the left hand listbox. Double click on the "VolVis" entry in the list.

  • In the top left listbox, scroll down to the bottom of the list. Click the left mouse button in order to select the "Visualization" entry. In the top right list, scroll down to the bottom of the list and double click on the VolVis entry.

    Click on the UI button in order to bring up the user interface, transfer map user interface and the volume viewing window. The user interface options are described in the "User Interface Options" section of this document.


    The VolVis module must be connected to a Scalar Field Reader module or any other module which provides 3D scalar field data. It may be connected to the Colormap module or any module which provides a color map. If a colormap is connected, each of the scalar values is assigned a corresponding color which is used in rendering the volume. If no colormap is attached, the Transfer Map color map will be used.

    User Interface Options

    The main user interface consists of vertically arranged buttons. The top section of buttons with black labels corresponds to various volume visualization options that may be modified by the user. The bottom section of buttons with blue labels corresponds to the "redraw" and "execute" commands.

    In order to access particular variables, select the desired button and click the left mouse button. The user interface corresponding to that option will pop up on the screen. If that user interface does not pop up on the screen, bring it up from a minimized icon or look for it somewhere on your screen.

    In order to redraw the screen or force image recalculation, select the "redraw" or "execute" button and click the left mouse button.

    The following are the options corresponding to each of the buttons:

  • View - Alter the eye position, at point position, up vector, or the field of view.

  • Raster Size - Alter the raster size which can range from 100-600 pixels in both the horizontal and vertical direction.

  • Background Color - Specify the red, green, and blue components of the background color ( Black is the default ).

  • Transfer Map - Designate the opacity levels and color values ( red, green, and blue color components ) corresponding to the possible range of scalar values.

  • Redraw - Force a redraw of the image.

  • Execute - Recalculate the image and redraw it. The image is recalculated based on the currently specified view, raster sizes, background color, and the transfer map information. Note that scalar field change within the Scalar Field Reader forces the VolVis module to execute.

    SCI Research Group

    Computer Science Department Research