SCIRun Help

General Widget Help

Path Widget Help

The Path Widget is composed of a spline or hermite curve and several sub-widget "control points" (the "spline" in the figure is simulated by cylinders). The control points consist of a sphere, an arrow for the tangent (for hermite curves), and two arrows which define the "look at" and "up" directions for an object at that point on the path. The primary use of the View Widget is to create either a spline curve or a hermite curve. If this curve is to be used as a path (such as for an animation sequence), then the user may control the orientation of the object (or camera) at each control point on the path. If the user is creating a spline, then the tangent at each control point is unnecessary, so they may be turned off by changing Modes (see below). The same is true if the orientation is not needed.

The user may drag any arrow about its associated sphere, but the distance will remain constrained. The two orientation arrows will maintain their orthogonality throughout manipulation by the user. A control point sub-widget may be moved by dragging its sphere. Finally, the entire widget may be dragged by its spline.

SCI Research Group

Computer Science Department Research