Announcements and new Uploads
- 01/03/2011: For questions about the
grading/rating of your final project and the calculation of the final
grade as a combination of the 5 projects, the midterm, the final project
and your participation, I would be happy to show you the details. Best is
to arrange a short meeting by email.
- Wed 12/13: FINAL PROJECT DUE (strict deadline midnight
upload, see project link for details). (The Final Project replaces the
previously announced Final Exam)
- Mon 12/6/2010: Grayscale Morphology (Chapter 9 G&W
Textbook, see materials under slides), LAST CLASS OF SEMESTER
- Thu 12/2: Additional notes on Parameter Space Reduction
for Final Project on Hough Transform (see Final Project directory)
- Wed 12/01: Uploaded handwritten notes on snake solution
with variational calculus (see slides)
- Wed 12/01 - 12/06: Mathematical Morphology (Chapter 9
G&W Textbook), see Slides for demo and additional materials
- Wed 12/01: Project 5 on
Hough Transform due midnight
- Mon 11/29: SNAKES ctd. (see
materials and demos under Slides)
- Wed 11/24: SNAKES: Active Contour Models (see Slides)
- 11/21: Mon 11/22: Generalized Hough Transform / Start
with SNAKES: Active Contour Models (see Slides)
- 11/18: FINALPROJECT is out, see “Projects” page.
- 11/17: Project 5 is out, see “Projects” page.
- 11/16: Wed 11/17: Hough Transform ctd.,
see handwritten notes part II under “Slides”
- 11/15: Mon 11/15: Hough Transform. See materials and
additional reading under “Slides”
- 11/10: Wed 11/10:
- Finishing Canny for
“Line Edges”, 2nd Derivative Operator (book chapter 10 pages
689-725). See files “Notes-Canny-Line-Edges-GG” and also updated slides
“Canny-Gerig-Slides-updated.pdf” under “Slides”
- Hough Transform (book
10.2.7, pages 733-738)
- 11/03: Project 4 “Canny Edge Detection” uploaded
- 11/03: Continued discussion of “Canny Operator” for
detection of edges and lines. Please check “slides” for upload of
additional notes II and for Canny’s original
- 10/31: Mon Nov 1: Discussion solutions to midterm.
Discussion optimal filters for edges and lines: Canny edge and line
detectors (see materials under slides).
- 10/27: Image Mosaicing:
Additional documents on mosaicing and homographies (see under “Slides”)
- 10/26: Wed. 10/27: Image Mosaicing/Stitching
(see new slides under “Slides” link)
- 10/24: Project 3: Please find updated project
description uploaded (correction of new deadline Nov 1, clarifications of
materials for RBF, report format). New: Report can be submitted as html
or pdf document!
- 10/24: Midterm exam 10/25 10.45 to 12.05. Open book,
all materials allowed (book chapters as discussed (1/2/3), slides, and
additional documents.
- 10/22: Additional documents for Warping with RBFs:
Please see “Slides” and also “Project 3” directories.
- 10/20: Project 3 Extension: New Deadline Mo Nov. 1st
(due to proximity to midterm). Additional notes for clarification on RBFs
will follow soon.
- 10/17: Lecture Monday 10/18: Discussion of “image
warping”, in depth repetition of radial basis functions and its use in
image warping (see slides and lecture 10/06). Lecture will be held by Stanley
Durrleman (PostDoc SCI
Institute, expert in image registration). Please note that this topic is
part of Project 3!
- 10/06: Project 2 due today midnight / Project 3 is uploaded (out Oct 6, in Oct 27).
- 10/06: Lecture Wed 10/06: Continue discussion geometric
transforms, file “geometric_trans_GG.pdf” updated (RBF discussion moved
before Mosaicing).
- 10/03: Lecture Monday 10/04: “Geometric Transformations
and Image Warping”: Chapter 2.6.7 pages 87-92 and slides
- 09/30: Our TA reported that some submissions were done
by email, which creates huge additional overhead. Project 2 needs to be submitted via
the CADE labs handin system, please read
the instructions on the project page, you need an account but can submit
via the web via a few clicks.
- 09/30: Updated Project 2 description uploaded
(project2-updated-F2010.pdf). This includes a few typos but mostly
clarifications following our class discussion. The changes should not
affect work already done.
- 09/28: Lecture Wed 09/29: Wrap-up nonlinear spatial
filtering (last part of slides, UINTA method, see
updated slides). Start discussion of “Geometric Transformations and Image
Warping”: Chapter 2.6.7 pages 87-92 and slides “geometric_trans_GG.pdf”.
- 09/28: Slides “spatial_filtering_GG.pdf” updated
(slides 58-65 corrections, new links)
- 09/27: Lecture Mo 09/27: Continuation spatial filtering
(continuation of Monday 09/13): 2nd part “Nonlinear filters”.
Lecture held by Suyash P. Awate,
- 09/24: Project 2: Typos in Gaussian filter definition
(minus sign in exponent) corrected, please see new pdf
file. New corrected version of hand image uploaded.
- 09/22: Project 2: “Spatial Filtering” is uploaded (out
Sept. 22, in Oct. 06)
- 09/22: Slides Fourier Filtering (lecture
Marcel Prastawa) uploaded.
- 09/20: New Deadline Project 1: Wed Sept 22, midnight
- 09/20: Lectures Mo 09/20 and Wed 09/22 on “Fourier
Filtering”, Chapter 4 of book, held by Marcel Prastawa
Research Assistant Professor SCI. Please review book chapter and slides.
- 09/18: Project 1: 2dim CT image CTscan1Layer.tif
uploaded (contains only 1 layer, thanks to Mitchel
- 09/17: Project 1: 2dim CT image CTscan-225x225 uploaded
in 3 formats (bmp, jpg, png) (there were
questions about the format)
- 09/12: Slides “spatial_filtering_GG.pdf” for Mon 9/13
uploaded (see Slides from Class
- 09/09: Project 1 description updated w.r.t. submission (e.g. add your NAME to documents)
- 09/08: Wed lecture: Continue discussion histogram,
segmentation, histogram equalization.
- 09/08: Project 1 is out (see Projects -> project
- 09/01: Wed lecture: Chap 3 first part histograms. Next
lecture Wed 09/08: Chap 3 second part spatial filtering.
- 09/01: New version of “greylevel_transformation_GG.pdf”
uploaded, see Slides from Class
- 08/30: Discussion histogram and probabilities (see also
other materials: Review of Probabilities)
- 08/30: Slides for 08/30 class:
“greylevel_transformation_GG.pdf” uploaded
- 08/25: Matlab Primer and
Tutorial documents (see link to Matlab on main page: MATLAB)
- 08/24: Slides for 08/25 Class uploaded (see Slides from Class link) Digital
Image Fundamentals Chap0102
- 08/23: Office hours TA: CADE Lab Mon 2-5pm / Fri
8-11am or on request (see main page)
to main page
Guido Gerig