Directory Core/Algorithms/Math/

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Lines of Code

Core/Algorithms/Math/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 32 (100.0%) 2930 (100.0%) 91.5
jeroen 14 (43.8%) 2294 (78.3%) 163.8
allen 10 (31.3%) 548 (18.7%) 54.8
callahan 5 (15.6%) 87 (3.0%) 17.4
worthen 1 (3.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
dav 2 (6.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

allen 2006-07-13 14:49

fixed a bug in the seed point, made the var name understandable, and switched to a widget for the threading gui

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • Core/Algorithms/Math: (new), BasicIntegrators.h (changed)
worthen 2006-07-12 09:35 Rev.: 34743

Get Glew to work with Windows

Have Environment query values for installed SCIRun rather than compiled-in values.

Fix windows compile

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Core/Algorithms/Math: BasicIntegrators.h (+1)
allen 2006-07-07 15:19 Rev.: 34678

Round two to make this more streamlined

178 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Core/Algorithms/Math: (+162 -141), BasicIntegrators.h (+16 -31)
allen 2006-07-07 13:58 Rev.: 34677

Realized that the streamlineIntegrators should be basic integrators and moved the streamline colinear point clean up back to the module

370 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • Core/Algorithms/Math: (+271), BasicIntegrators.h (+96), (+3 -2)
callahan 2006-06-14 15:15 Rev.: 34496

Fix compiler warnings.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Core/Algorithms/Math: (changed)
callahan 2006-06-14 15:09 Rev.: 34495

Fix compiler warnings.

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Core/Algorithms/Math: (+3 -3)
callahan 2006-06-14 15:07 Rev.: 34494

Cleanup, add spaces, remove misuse of dynamic_cast.

82 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Core/Algorithms/Math: (+82 -53)
dav 2006-06-13 11:17 Rev.: 34477

Fix typo?

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Core/Algorithms/Math: BuildFEMatrix.h (changed)
jeroen 2006-06-12 16:44 Rev.: 34470

Added speed ups in BuildFEMatrix, for regular grids (need to compute Jacobians only once as each element is the same). Added LogFile support for regression tests and fixed the regression testing program

446 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Core/Algorithms/Math: BuildFEMatrix.h (+446 -154)
jeroen 2006-05-29 21:23 Rev.: 34352

Adding preparations for Regression testing: added comaprison functions for dataflow objects. Modified Dynamic compilation so it has an option to compile load and destroy the library, to prevent the on-the-fly-lib directory to grow out of control when testing whether dynamically compilled algorithms work. Fixed HexVolMesh to deal with degenerate meshes and started to better optimize this mesh to use less memory (still need to finish this as table sizes can be shrunk even more). Added a RegressionReporter to store all the information during regression testing. Fixed the Finite Element Code to deal with degenerate elements (Comparison with Tetsn and Prisms show that Hexahedral elements with degenerate nodes can act as tetrahedrals or prisms and still generate the proper stiffness matrix). Fixed the visualization so degenerate elements show upm properly (fixed the order of the faces of these degenerate elements so the three unique element nodes are always returned first when quering a face). Still need to upgrade the quadsurfmesh to also support degenerate elements. Field boundary now also supports degenerate elements as the number of faces returned per element can now vary with the actual number of faces. Next to do: generate degenerate meshes with tets, piramids, prisms and hexahedral and test which algorithms fail and fix those.

23 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Core/Algorithms/Math: BuildFEMatrix.h (+23 -8)
callahan 2006-05-18 10:18 Rev.: 34274

Fix various compiler warnings.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Core/Algorithms/Math: (+2 -6)
jeroen 2006-05-08 17:08 Rev.: 34169

Merge my algorithms from the ModelCreation package to Core/Algorithms so they are available for everyone. I added four directories to Core/Algorithms: Math for mathematical operations (mirrors Math in module tree), this currently has the FE code, Fields: my version of the field algorithms, these contain new ones and old ones with bug fixes to get my CardioWave stuff to work, Converter: Converter algorithms a series of converters to deal with conversion between Matrices, Nrrds and Fields, DataIO: gui less version for writing and reading in SCIRun files using PersistentIO or the Plug-ins. All the algorithms are grouped into libraries with one main header file: Algorithms/Math/MathAlgo.h Algorithms/Fields/FieldsAlgo.h Algorithms/DataIO/DataIOAlgo.h Algorithms/Converter/ConverterAlgo.h. Each library needs to be initialised with the ProgressReporter after which all the dynamic compilation is hidden from the user. I put all the algorithms in a separate namespace call SCIRunAlgo to avoid possible conflicts between class names. Similarly all the dynamic files will start with the word ALGO, to avoid duplication of filenames created by the current set of modules. --Jeroen

14 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • Core/Algorithms/Math: (+5 -2), BuildFEMatrix.h (+3 -1), (+3 -2), MathAlgo.h (+3 -1)
jeroen 2006-05-05 19:17 Rev.: 34140

Change Numeric into Math to better represent the tree we have as module names in the dataflow system. And a few fixes to FieldInformation class

1811 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • Core/Algorithms/Math: (+82), BuildFEMatrix.h (+753), (+827), MathAlgo.h (+110), share.h (new 11), (+28)
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