Directory Packages/ModelCreation/Core/Numeric/

Directory Deleted:
2006-05-08 17:08
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

Packages/ModelCreation/Core/Numeric/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 42 (100.0%) 1915 (100.0%) 45.5
jeroen 41 (97.6%) 1914 (99.9%) 46.6
darbyb 1 (2.4%) 1 (0.1%) 1.0

Most Recent Commits

jeroen 2006-05-08 17:08 Rev.: 34169

Merge my algorithms from the ModelCreation package to Core/Algorithms so they are available for everyone. I added four directories to Core/Algorithms: Math for mathematical operations (mirrors Math in module tree), this currently has the FE code, Fields: my version of the field algorithms, these contain new ones and old ones with bug fixes to get my CardioWave stuff to work, Converter: Converter algorithms a series of converters to deal with conversion between Matrices, Nrrds and Fields, DataIO: gui less version for writing and reading in SCIRun files using PersistentIO or the Plug-ins. All the algorithms are grouped into libraries with one main header file: Algorithms/Math/MathAlgo.h Algorithms/Fields/FieldsAlgo.h Algorithms/DataIO/DataIOAlgo.h Algorithms/Converter/ConverterAlgo.h. Each library needs to be initialised with the ProgressReporter after which all the dynamic compilation is hidden from the user. I put all the algorithms in a separate namespace call SCIRunAlgo to avoid possible conflicts between class names. Similarly all the dynamic files will start with the word ALGO, to avoid duplication of filenames created by the current set of modules. --Jeroen

0 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • Packages/ModelCreation/Core/Numeric: (del), BuildFEMatrix.h (del), (del), LinearTetFEM.h (del), (del), NumericAlgo.h (del), (del)
jeroen 2006-04-26 01:35 Rev.: 34014

Update package with latest developments

267 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/ModelCreation/Core/Numeric: BuildFEMatrix.h (new)
jeroen 2006-04-24 13:46 Rev.: 33978

Adding Filename output ports for file readers so one can add the filename in the viewer automatically. Fixing problem with std namespaces being added by SCIRun include files. Using explicit namespace declarations to avoid problem by spill over of other namespaces included using 'using namespace'

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/ModelCreation/Core/Numeric: BuildFEMatrix.h (+1)
jeroen 2006-04-18 19:48 Rev.: 33908

add Frank's edits to FEM generation to Module-less copy

6 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/ModelCreation/Core/Numeric: BuildFEMatrix.h (+6 -6)
jeroen 2006-04-18 19:38 Rev.: 33907

Added a special linear stiffness matrix generator to speed up the code

0 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • Packages/ModelCreation/Core/Numeric: (new), LinearTetFEM.h (new), (new), (changed)
jeroen 2006-04-15 23:26 Rev.: 33875

bug fixes

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/ModelCreation/Core/Numeric: (-1)
jeroen 2006-04-14 22:37 Rev.: 33868

bug fixes

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/ModelCreation/Core/Numeric: (-2)
jeroen 2006-04-08 16:00 Rev.: 33810

update to most recent version

126 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • Packages/ModelCreation/Core/Numeric: (new), BuildFEMatrix.h (+84 -6), (+37 -11)
darbyb 2006-03-29 08:46 Rev.: 33673

Fixed capitalization of Datatypes directory in include.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/ModelCreation/Core/Numeric: (+1 -1)
jeroen 2006-03-28 18:11 Rev.: 33669

Bug fixes and updates

87 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • Packages/ModelCreation/Core/Numeric: (+1 -1), BuildFEMatrix.h (+83 -42), (+3 -3)
jeroen 2006-03-22 10:12 Rev.: 33584

Sync package with latest development

21 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • Packages/ModelCreation/Core/Numeric: (+20 -2), NumericAlgo.h (new)
jeroen 2006-03-06 13:59 Rev.: 33417

Updates of functions that are called by the CardioWave interface

523 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • Packages/ModelCreation/Core/Numeric: BuildFEMatrix.h (+81 -66), (+400), NumericAlgo.h (+41 -1), (+1 -1)
jeroen 2006-02-12 13:54 Rev.: 33250

Rewrote BuidFEMatrix, so other modules can call it as a library function. Added a converter from matrix to field (as the route using nrrds is still broken). Improved functions to build membrane models in a volume conductor

691 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • Packages/ModelCreation/Core/Numeric: (+85), BuildFEMatrix.h (+510), (+91 -45), NumericAlgo.h (+4 -1), (+1 -1)
jeroen 2006-02-09 10:46 Rev.: 33206

Added new modules and FieldAlgorithms for computation of geometry of cellular models

192 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • Packages/ModelCreation/Core/Numeric: (+96), NumericAlgo.h (+64), (+32)
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