Directory Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE/

Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

                        directory in repo Advection (11 files, 2518 lines)
                        directory in repo CustomBCs (6 files, 3656 lines)
                        directory in repo Docs (3 files, 310 lines)
                        directory in repo EOS (17 files, 1983 lines)
                        directory in repo Matlab (2 files, 40 lines)
                            directory in repo Advection (5 files, 236 lines)
                            directory in repo ShockTube1D (1 files, 0 lines)
                            Folder removed from repo SolverBug (0 files, 0 lines)

Lines of Code

Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 307 (100.0%) 5411 (100.0%) 17.6
harman 185 (60.3%) 3276 (60.5%) 17.7
dav 16 (5.2%) 787 (14.5%) 49.1
worthen 63 (20.5%) 727 (13.4%) 11.5
jas 12 (3.9%) 288 (5.3%) 24.0
guilkey 15 (4.9%) 204 (3.8%) 13.6
mjc 7 (2.3%) 115 (2.1%) 16.4
borodai 3 (1.0%) 7 (0.1%) 2.3
luitjens 5 (1.6%) 6 (0.1%) 1.2
dgroulx 1 (0.3%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0

Most Recent Commits

harman 2006-12-15 14:57 Rev.: 36165

removed duplicate setBC for imp_delP.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: (new)
harman 2006-12-13 16:36 Rev.: 36125

added bulletproofing for the implicit pressure solve
outer_iteration_tolerance <= tolerance

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: (new)
harman 2006-12-11 15:35 Rev.: 36069

added level index to symmetry test output

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: (new)
harman 2006-12-11 11:09 Rev.: 36053

added new debugStream cout_dbg
- dump out cell index and value of the maxrhs, only if cout_dbg is active.

18 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: (+18 -3)
luitjens 2006-12-08 14:47 Rev.: 36041

Don't create Labels twice - MPMICE creates its on (and passes to ICE), and borrows ice and mpm's

4 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: (+2 -2), ICE.h (new)
harman 2006-12-05 18:08 Rev.: 36006

Now computing the reflux correction and putting the value in a separate varLabel,
Q_(X,Y,Z)_FC_corr, which is later applied to the Q_CC. Previously, I was reusing
the Q_(X,Y,Z)_FC_flux VarLabel which is bad form. This will make debugging less confus

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: (changed), AMRICE.h (changed)
harman 2006-12-05 17:55 Rev.: 36004

added a new variable var_(X,Y,Z)_corr, the refluxing correction, to the Models
refluxing struct. It's not being used for anything in this commit.

14 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: (+10), ICE.h (+4)
worthen 2006-12-01 15:47 Rev.: 35964

Fix regrid upon restart

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: (+1 -1)
harman 2006-11-29 18:08 Rev.: 35948

- divide the total sum of the fine level fluxes by the number of subcycles.
Previously, we were dividing by the refinement ratio. For a lockstep this is wrong.

16 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: AMRICE.h (+16 -10)
harman 2006-11-10 15:58 Rev.: 35839

- scheduleErrorEstimate.
defined material subsets for the passive scalar and refinement flags
- scheduleRefineInterface()
added tvar->matls to dependencies for the transported variables

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: (+1 -1)
harman 2006-11-01 19:15 Rev.: 35758

- removed tasks that are scheduled by the simulation controller.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: (changed)
harman 2006-11-01 18:46 Rev.: 35757

added Sandia's (saad2000-1444) steady state mms solution. This code/solution hasn't been
verified and probably has a few bugs in it. Commit before it blows away....

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: (changed)
worthen 2006-10-31 13:57 Rev.: 35738

Remove some debugging

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: (-3)
worthen 2006-10-31 13:49 Rev.: 35737

Remove concept of time-refinement from Grid, and store whether the sim is lockstep in SharedState. Have components compute delt based on the level it's on and have the SimulationController worry about the inter-level constraints. (Also consolidate SimCnt::doInitialTimestepRegridding into doInitialTimestep and doRegridding)

11 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: (+2 -2), (+9 -13), ICE.h (-3)
harman 2006-10-27 10:54 Rev.: 35702

Eject from the outer iteration loop if a timestep restart has been requested,
and allow the task to finish.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: (+1 -2)
jas 2006-10-26 09:28 Rev.: 35698

Cast *.size() to int for compiler warning.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: (+1 -1)
harman 2006-10-23 16:13 Rev.: 35672

only perform conservation test on level 0

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: (+1 -1)
harman 2006-10-10 13:30 Rev.: 35549

- updated call to advectionFactor::create()

- added in models section q_CC.initialize(0)
- fixed typo

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: (+5 -3)
harman 2006-10-10 13:26 Rev.: 35548

removed bullet proofing. No longer need to specify both timeRefinementRatio
and useLockStep to use the lockstep cycle

17 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: (+17 -31)
harman 2006-10-10 13:19 Rev.: 35546

added global d_OrderOfAdvection

Only use refluxing in the implicit solve if d_OrderOfAdvection > 1

15 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: ICE.h (+1), (+14 -3)

(131 more)

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