Directory Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMArches/

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Lines of Code:

                        directory in repo fortran (1 files, 29 lines)

Lines of Code

Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMArches/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 17 (100.0%) 58 (100.0%) 3.4
jas 6 (35.3%) 26 (44.8%) 4.3
borodai 3 (17.6%) 17 (29.3%) 5.6
worthen 5 (29.4%) 10 (17.2%) 2.0
dav 2 (11.8%) 4 (6.9%) 2.0
dgroulx 1 (5.9%) 1 (1.7%) 1.0

Most Recent Commits

jas 2006-07-25 14:37 Rev.: 34860

Eliminate the use of reserve when specifying the vectors need for the

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMArches: (new)
borodai 2006-06-13 15:11 Rev.: 34482

Fixed output pport for MPMArches. Added variance computation
for the dummy solve in MPMArches since it was never there.

7 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMArches: (+7)
worthen 2006-06-02 15:23 Rev.: 34405

Prep configure to run under cygwin. Not quite ready yet.

Windows port of Uintah. Currently does not support Arches or Radiation (due to lack of fortran).

8 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMArches: (new)
dav 2006-04-20 15:06 Rev.: 33946

Updates for Bryan's new world order.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMArches: (+1 -1)
worthen 2006-04-20 13:56 Rev.: 33943

Lots of changes: In individual components' code: scheduleTimeAdvance and scheduleRefineInterface API change And if you create a subscheduler, the initializing of Parent DWs is now in a different call Schedulers:
DWDatabase overhaul - no more template on var type and no more nested structs
Multi-TaskGraph model
Retire NullScheduler and SimpleScheduler
Retire Scheduler3 (all of its changes were already integrated)

optionally use multiTaskgraph mode
don't recompile subscheduler TG unless outer TG recompiles

Remove OnDemandDataWarehouse dependency
make UdaReducer AMR-compliant

Retire many VarLabelMatl/Patch/Level structs

2 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMArches: (+1 -1), MPMArches.h (+1 -1)
jas 2006-03-24 15:02 Rev.: 33639

Add outputProblemSpec so that restart will work properly.

18 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMArches: (+16), MPMArches.h (+2)
borodai 2006-03-09 15:05 Rev.: 33463

MPMArches would restart a timestep now if told so by Arches.

10 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMArches: (+7), MPMArches.h (+3)
jas 2006-02-03 11:53 Rev.: 33150

Write out the problemSpecification for various pieces of a material that are
needed for restarting.

8 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMArches: (+5 -4), MPMArches.h (+3 -2)
dgroulx 2006-01-20 18:59 Rev.: 33039

The libxml2 branch merge

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMArches: (+1 -1)
dav 2006-01-17 13:37 Rev.: 33004

Fixed the Using Fake Arches/MPMICE/ICE scripts so that they all work.
Removed the perl version of the scripts and replaced them with shell
versions. If you run the script twice, it will toggle the changes for
you (so you can turn ICE off then on, then off... etc, without having
to 'svn update' your files). (Note, while I was at it, I added
some support for a fakeMPM, but the script itself is not written,
though it could easily be if someone wanted it...)

M CCA/Components/MPMArches/

Added dependent Arches/Mixing lib so Mac will compile.

M CCA/Components/Parent/

Added ARCHES, ICE, MPM, MPMICE variables so that the scripts can
easily toggle there value to on/off.

A CCA/Components/Dummy/

A FakeAMRICE component had to be added to support FakeICE. No one had
used fakeICE in a while, so no one had noticed that this was necessary.

M CCA/Components/Dummy/

variables so that the scripts can easily toggle there value to on/off.

M CCA/Components/Dummy/

ICE constructor had changed, so fake ICE component had to be updated.

M CCA/Components/

Added MPM, MPMARCHES, ICE, MPM, MPMICE, and DUMMY variables so that
the scripts can easily toggle there value to on/off.

AM scripts/
AM scripts/
AM scripts/

Added new scripts for toggling on/off fake components. Each script is
very similar to the others, except that it changes different
variables... could probably combine into a single script easily.

D scripts/
D scripts/
D scripts/

Removed the perl version of the scripts. The and scripts probably never were updated and did not work
at this point.

M StandAlone/

MPMICE_LIB variables so scripts can easily toggle them on/off.
Removed (unnecessary) tabs from file.

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMArches: (+3 -1)
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