Directory Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE/

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Lines of Code

Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 77 (100.0%) 1353 (100.0%) 17.5
harman 31 (40.3%) 641 (47.4%) 20.6
guilkey 16 (20.8%) 535 (39.5%) 33.4
worthen 16 (20.8%) 111 (8.2%) 6.9
jas 3 (3.9%) 28 (2.1%) 9.3
mjc 3 (3.9%) 16 (1.2%) 5.3
dav 5 (6.5%) 16 (1.2%) 3.2
luitjens 1 (1.3%) 5 (0.4%) 5.0
dgroulx 2 (2.6%) 1 (0.1%) 0.5

Most Recent Commits

worthen 2006-12-18 22:29 Rev.: 36197

Consolidate SPRelocate into MPIRelocate

Next step in scheduling coarsen and refining particles

9 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (+9 -7)
harman 2006-12-15 14:25 Rev.: 36162 is now responsible for deleting and creating the labels

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (-1)
luitjens 2006-12-08 14:47 Rev.: 36041

Don't create Labels twice - MPMICE creates its on (and passes to ICE), and borrows ice and mpm's

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (+5 -4)
worthen 2006-10-31 13:49 Rev.: 35737

Remove concept of time-refinement from Grid, and store whether the sim is lockstep in SharedState. Have components compute delt based on the level it's on and have the SimulationController worry about the inter-level constraints. (Also consolidate SimCnt::doInitialTimestepRegridding into doInitialTimestep and doRegridding)

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (+1 -1)
worthen 2006-10-23 20:50 Rev.: 35682

Overhaul the DynamicLoadBalancer
State no longer maintained internally, called by SimController
Should now work with any combination of restart, regrid, nthproc,
timestep restarts, etc.

Modify the way Particle Subsets determine whether they need to send
the number of particles to receiving processor

Don't reserve cell-refinement-ratio of cells for each var, just the
number of intra-level ghost cells required

Move a cout to a cout_doing

Use Regridder vars on matl 0

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (+1 -1)
worthen 2006-09-19 14:40 Rev.: 35372

Force time-refinement to be based on cell refinement. This is probably temporary until we get the arbitrary-timestep per level working.

Also provides a "lockstep" knob for AMR that will in essence force TRR To be 1

Most of the changes are just moving adjustDelt from SimulationState back to Level.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (+1 -1)
guilkey 2006-08-21 17:31 Rev.: 35102

Removed require and get for delT for interpolatePAndGradP.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (-4)
guilkey 2006-08-09 11:38 Rev.: 34983

Set pressure BCs for pressNC. Previously, particles were feeling a pressure
gradient as they exited the domain (with GIMP and only in MPMICE) due to
incorrect nodal pressures at the outermost layer of nodes.

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (+5 -1)
harman 2006-08-08 17:04 Rev.: 34974

Ignore bulletproofing & exceptions if a timestart has already been requested.
Let the simulation get to the bottom of the timestep so a restart can occur.

16 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (+16 -24)
harman 2006-08-07 12:02 Rev.: 34948

removed weed setBC_rho_micro, it's not used

1 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (+1 -61), MPMICE.h (-10)
guilkey 2006-07-26 17:43 Rev.: 34872

Added scheduleSetBCsInterpolated( sched, patches, matls);
to the scheduleTimeAdvance for MPMICE

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (+1)
jas 2006-07-25 15:14 Rev.: 34866

Eliminate the use of reserve when specifying the vectors need for the

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (+2 -4)
guilkey 2006-07-19 13:54 Rev.: 34825

Move first contact step and compute stress tensor ahead of NCToCC_0,
as I think it should be. This should only change answers for MPMICE
problems that include at least two MPM matls.

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (+3 -3)
harman 2006-07-13 09:14 Rev.: 34756

Moved some tasks from scheduleFinalizeTimestep to scheduleTimeAdvance.
-scheduleFinalizetimestep: scheduled on every level
-scheduleTimeAdvance: scheduled once

34 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (+34 -38)
harman 2006-07-11 09:06 Rev.: 34717

removed doICEOnLevel()
ICE is performed on all levels all the time.

48 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (+48 -86)
harman 2006-07-10 16:38 Rev.: 34702

Added an additional call to


right after AdvectAndAdvanceInTime(). You need primitive variables
for refineCFI() and you need to setBC on the coarse level. This task
is now called twice, once after advectAndAdvance() and also inside of
scheduleFinalize(). Answers are still not right.

20 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (+20 -17)
harman 2006-07-06 15:59 Rev.: 34667

Big Change: Single level results shouldn't change,, ICE.h & MPMICE.h
- moved all tasks after advectAndAdvance() to scheduleFinalizeTimestep() & AMRICE.h
- operate on the conserved quantities mass_adv, mom_adv, eng_adv....etc.
moved scheduleConservedtoPrimitive_Vars() to the very bottom of the timestep.

32 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (+28 -4), MPMICE.h (+4 -1)
harman 2006-06-30 13:19 Rev.: 34625

Big shift: 1 of 2 (shouldn't change the answers, except for fuzz)

- advectandAdvance() moved all setBC() and update() calls to a new task
called conservedtoPrimitive_Vars(). This is in preparation for phase 2,
setting the boundary conditions at the very bottom of the timestep.

-added mass_adv, mom_adv, eng_adv, sp_vol_adv, these are the conserved
quantities after advection.

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (+4 -3)
harman 2006-06-15 11:32 Rev.: 34501

moved Core/Grid/Variables/AMRInterpolate.(cc,h) to Core/Grid/AMR.(cc,h)

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (+1 -1)
worthen 2006-06-02 15:23 Rev.: 34405

Prep configure to run under cygwin. Not quite ready yet.

Windows port of Uintah. Currently does not support Arches or Radiation (due to lack of fortran).

21 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: (+5 -5), MPMICE.h (+5 -4), share.h (new 11)

(32 more)

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