Directory Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController/

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Lines of Code

Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 79 (100.0%) 1436 (100.0%) 18.1
worthen 57 (72.2%) 1233 (85.9%) 21.6
luitjens 11 (13.9%) 78 (5.4%) 7.0
harman 5 (6.3%) 78 (5.4%) 15.6
dav 1 (1.3%) 33 (2.3%) 33.0
jas 1 (1.3%) 9 (0.6%) 9.0
guilkey 1 (1.3%) 3 (0.2%) 3.0
dgroulx 3 (3.8%) 2 (0.1%) 0.6

Most Recent Commits

luitjens 2006-12-12 13:57 Rev.: 36091

Added the debug stream "IndividualComponentTimings" same as
"ComponentTimings" except per processor.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (new)
luitjens 2006-12-08 15:21 Rev.: 36043

Reformated output for easier parsing

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (+1 -1)
worthen 2006-12-08 00:20 Rev.: 36034

Add Per-Component LB stats for Regridder, LoadBalancer, TG Execution, TG mpi wait, TG compilation, available with SCI_DEBUG=ComponentTimings:+

68 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (new), (+64 -18)
worthen 2006-10-31 14:16 Rev.: 35739

Fix small DLB bug resulting from last commit and remove debug print from AMRSC

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (-2)
worthen 2006-10-31 13:49 Rev.: 35737

Remove concept of time-refinement from Grid, and store whether the sim is lockstep in SharedState. Have components compute delt based on the level it's on and have the SimulationController worry about the inter-level constraints. (Also consolidate SimCnt::doInitialTimestepRegridding into doInitialTimestep and doRegridding)

164 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (+151 -185), AMRSimulationController.h (+10 -5), (+3 -2)
luitjens 2006-10-24 10:50 Rev.: 35684

d_movingAverage is now initialized... oops.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (+1)
worthen 2006-10-23 20:50 Rev.: 35682

Overhaul the DynamicLoadBalancer
State no longer maintained internally, called by SimController
Should now work with any combination of restart, regrid, nthproc,
timestep restarts, etc.

Modify the way Particle Subsets determine whether they need to send
the number of particles to receiving processor

Don't reserve cell-refinement-ratio of cells for each var, just the
number of intra-level ghost cells required

Move a cout to a cout_doing

Use Regridder vars on matl 0

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (+4 -5)
worthen 2006-10-06 16:17 Rev.: 35514

Replace Scheduler::noScrubVar and copyDataVar with overrideDefaultBehavior. Enable restarts to regrid where the old uda left off rather than waiting a timestep first

12 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (+12 -1)
worthen 2006-09-21 15:56 Rev.: 35401

Remove runtime warning (in DataArchive),
Display grid on restart if AMR debugstream is on,
Add some padding to refinementRatio so it doesn't round down (and throw an exception if a bad one is added)

5 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (+1 -1), (+4 -2)
worthen 2006-09-19 14:40 Rev.: 35372

Force time-refinement to be based on cell refinement. This is probably temporary until we get the arbitrary-timestep per level working.

Also provides a "lockstep" knob for AMR that will in essence force TRR To be 1

Most of the changes are just moving adjustDelt from SimulationState back to Level.

20 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (+19 -12), (+1 -1)
luitjens 2006-09-19 10:43 Rev.: 35371

The mean is now calculated as the exponential moving average. Around 86% of
the weight occurs within the AVERAGE_WINDOW defined at the top of

The standard deviation has been removed because it no longer relates to
the mean.

27 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (+22 -10), SimulationController.h (new)
worthen 2006-09-15 11:29 Rev.: 35357

Improve the relationship between Load Balancing, Scrubbing, Multi-Taskgraphing, and refluxing
- Provide a Conditional message-send, which enables the TG to only compile once instead
of twice for a load-balance (and allows multi-tg to run following a lb)
- Have the LB threshold be based on the theoretical loadBalance%
- Deprecate nonCopyDataVars

23 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (+21 -15), SimulationController.h (+2)
worthen 2006-09-13 14:15 Rev.: 35319

AMR Scrubbing

176 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (+18 -9), (+158 -152)
luitjens 2006-09-12 15:33 Rev.: 35300

Added the ability to specify a max_wall_time in the Time section. This
parameter is specified in seconds, omitting it or setting it to 0 will
cause it to be infinite.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (+2 -1)
worthen 2006-09-11 13:19 Rev.: 35277

overwrite bad checkin

161 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (+161 -172)
worthen 2006-09-11 13:18 Rev.: 35276

override input.xml for reduce-uda instead of throw exception (and fix warning)

165 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (+165 -150)
worthen 2006-09-11 13:08 Rev.: 35274

Turn warning into an exception

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (+2 -2)
worthen 2006-09-11 12:59 Rev.: 35272

MPI fixes to Uda reducer

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (+3 -2)
worthen 2006-09-11 10:59 Rev.: 35267

Subcycle and coarsen only if doing AMR

13 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (+13 -11)
luitjens 2006-09-07 11:23 Rev.: 35227

Changed the memory reporting from resident memory to total memory.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController: (+2 -2)

(26 more)

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