Directory Packages/Uintah/Dataflow/Modules/Operators/MMS/

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Lines of Code

Packages/Uintah/Dataflow/Modules/Operators/MMS/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 16 (100.0%) 108 (100.0%) 6.7
dav 6 (37.5%) 69 (63.9%) 11.5
borodai 5 (31.3%) 19 (17.6%) 3.8
worthen 3 (18.8%) 16 (14.8%) 5.3
jas 2 (12.5%) 4 (3.7%) 2.0

Most Recent Commits

worthen 2006-06-21 11:25 Rev.: 34548

Updates for Windows StandAlone utilities. All compile except for compare_mms (I don't, async_mpi_test, dumpfields, and TestRangeTree.

Also made it so and SimulationController don't both try to load the UPS file.

16 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/Dataflow/Modules/Operators/MMS: MMS1.h (+5 -3), share.h (new 11)
borodai 2006-03-02 18:13 Rev.: 33395

Just so Mr. G. can keep doing nothing.

MMS initial fields from the ICE and MMS
module are exactly the same now. Major changes:

1. MMS module can now operate on u and v velocity components
from VectorFieldOperator.
2. MMS module computes MMS solution correctly (I hope) now
(by both allcating fields correctly and using physical
coordinates for MMS solution instead of indexes).
3. ICE MMS bc's for pressure have been set to Neumann
no to trigger outer iteration.
4. MMS bc's in ICE have to use t+deltaT for current time.
5. ICE ups file has been changed to match MMS default
6. SCIRun example file to view MMS have been added.

19 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/Dataflow/Modules/Operators/MMS: MMS.h (new), (new), MMS1.h (+3 -2)
dav 2006-02-16 18:50 Rev.: 33291

Major update:
Simplified the (XML) calls appendElement() and appendChild() by
removing the embedded newline and tab parameters. The XML outputer
(libxml2) will indent things properly without them. Also cleaned up
the file to remove the appendText() call which was
commented out and thus not doing anything.

Minor updates:
In some files placed the function return type on a separate line.

In StandAlone, sus requires Core/Datatypes (because of a circular
dependency that will be removed soon... however, this allows sus to
run on the SGI's for now).

Removed extra ";" from the end of MMS class constructors.

Added field name to ScalarMinMax (which I only partially checked in before).

Some restructuring of, but it is not functional yet.

4 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/Dataflow/Modules/Operators/MMS: MMS.h (+2 -2), MMS1.h (+2 -2)
jas 2006-01-25 11:10 Rev.: 33080

Add constructors and destructors and reorder include files so it will compile
with gcc 4.0.

4 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/Dataflow/Modules/Operators/MMS: MMS.h (+2), MMS1.h (+2)
dav 2006-01-17 14:46 Rev.: 33007

First commit of (partially completed) CompareMMS module.

M StandAlone/compare_mms/

The base utility classes have been moved to Dataflow/Modules/Operators.
Link verses them at the new location.

M StandAlone/compare_mms/

Include the MMS.h files from the Dataflow/Modules/Operators/MMS
directory now. (Also fixed typo in usage.)

A Dataflow/XML/CompareMMS.xml
M Dataflow/GUI/
A Dataflow/GUI/CompareMMS.tcl

Added the .xml and .tcl files for the module. These are just basic
templates right now and will have to be expanded to contain all their
required information.

A Dataflow/Modules/Operators/MMS
A Dataflow/Modules/Operators/MMS/
A Dataflow/Modules/Operators/MMS/
A Dataflow/Modules/Operators/MMS/MMS.h
A Dataflow/Modules/Operators/MMS/MMS1.h

Moved the MMS* files to their new home.

M Dataflow/Modules/Operators/

Use the new MMS subdir and build the CompareMMS module.

A Dataflow/Modules/Operators/

Just the skeleton for the module... right now it just creates a field
with dummy data in it. Will need to be expanded to use the correct
MMS function, and to read data from an UDA for comparison.

65 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/Dataflow/Modules/Operators/MMS: MMS.h (+17), (+28), MMS1.h (+14), (new 6)
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