Directory R_Tester/toplevel/

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Lines of Code

R_Tester/toplevel/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 14 (100.0%) 120 (100.0%) 8.5
dav 1 (7.1%) 70 (58.3%) 70.0
harman 11 (78.6%) 27 (22.5%) 2.4
bpeterson 1 (7.1%) 22 (18.3%) 22.0
tsaad 1 (7.1%) 1 (0.8%) 1.0

Most Recent Commits

harman 2016-07-19 09:51 Rev.: 55526

If the environmental variable


is set then a symbolic link will be created, allowing the tests that start from a checkpoint to run.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • R_Tester/toplevel: startLocalTest (new)
harman 2016-07-15 10:58 Rev.: 55520

Remove the existing symbolic link to goldStandards before regenerating the link. The path
is not constant and can change via the GOLD_STANDARDS environmental var.

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • R_Tester/toplevel: startLocalTest (+3)
harman 2016-07-14 10:34 Rev.: 55517

Removed port from the URL.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • R_Tester/toplevel: startTester (changed)
harman 2016-07-13 10:22 Rev.: 55515

The user can override the default path to the gold standards using the environmental variable:


setenv GOLD_STANDARDS <path>

export GOLD_STANDARDS=<path>

where <path> must point to either dbg/opt gold standards. Caveat: There's no bulletproofing to check
if the user is running the localRT from a dbg build but is point to optimized gold standards.

10 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • R_Tester/toplevel: startLocalTest (+10 -4)
harman 2016-07-12 16:35 Rev.: 55514

Take into account the different options for mvapich or openmpi when passing in environmental variables.

-This line, and those below, will be ignored--

M toplevel/

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • R_Tester/toplevel: (changed)
harman 2016-07-11 16:44 Rev.: 55510

changes for the new RT machine

9 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • R_Tester/toplevel: startTester (+9 -9)
harman 2016-04-28 16:44 Rev.: 55261

Move the MPIRUN path to the front of the line. You need this if the machine is using a non-system mpirun.

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • R_Tester/toplevel: startTester (+4 -3)
harman 2016-04-21 08:40 Rev.: 55207

uncomment line to import check_output.
You need this if the user is using a non-system mpirun.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • R_Tester/toplevel: (+1 -2)
dav 2016-03-14 00:56 Rev.: 55019

This commit changes the way Uintah checks for the file system it
will use to save UDAs. Previously (and still available via a
command line flag to sus) Uintah had every process create a file,
and then every other process look for (some of the files) in order
to determine if everyone was running on the same file system or on
a local system. Currently we don't use any machines that have
local (per node) disks, so we don't need to do this work and,
because on 100K+ jobs, this hammers the file system, can take
minutes, and possibly cause errors, we will now default to assuming
a shared file system (we do a single file check for this).

M CCA/Components/SimulationController/

- Remove warning by putting VISIT var into #if HAVE_VISIT.

M CCA/Components/SimulationController/SimulationController.h
M CCA/Components/SimulationController/

- Store d_usingLocalFileSystems in the shared state.

M CCA/Components/MPM/ReactionDiffusion/

- Remove warning by putting unused var inside #if.

M CCA/Components/OnTheFlyAnalysis/
M CCA/Components/ICE/

- Replace GetVisIt() with renamed getVisIt().

M CCA/Components/DataArchiver/DataArchiver.h
M CCA/Components/DataArchiver/

- Main changes to file system check in this file.
- Re-wrote the check for a common FS in setupSharedFileSystem().
- Mostly has process 0 create a file and all the others look for it.
- Put old code that was in initializeOutput() into setupLocalFileSystems().

M CCA/Components/Schedulers/
M CCA/Components/Schedulers/
M CCA/Components/Schedulers/
M CCA/Components/Schedulers/
M CCA/Components/Schedulers/

- Minor white space.

M CCA/Components/Schedulers/SchedulerCommon.h
M CCA/Components/Schedulers/

- Update names of some class variables to be consistent (_) with
naming convention in file.
- OCD formatting.

M R_Tester/helpers/
M R_Tester/toplevel/

- Fix generateGoldStandards check for correct version of python (need 2.7 or better).
- Update "print" statement to be "print()". This allows local RT python scripts
to run under python 3.

M Core/Grid/SimulationState.h
M Core/Grid/

- Added d_usingLocalFileSystems var. Few minor whitespace fixes.
- Uintah uses lower case letters to begin functions. Updated setVisIt() and getVisIt()).

M StandAlone/inputs/MPM/

- Minor whitespace edit.

M StandAlone/

- Check for/handle new command line arg: -local_filesystem
- Most likely no one will ever use this...
- As we do note have access to a system with local file systems, this has not been
tested but the code just passes through to the original code for checking
for a local FS.
- Minor whitespace / formatting.

70 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • R_Tester/toplevel: (+70 -69)
tsaad 2016-01-07 10:40 Rev.: 54631

get rid of a carriage return that prevents make gold_standards from running when MPIRUN is not set as an environmental variable.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • R_Tester/toplevel: (+1)
bpeterson 2016-01-04 18:21 Rev.: 54624

All updates from the gpu_dev branch merged back into trunk.

22 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • R_Tester/toplevel: (+22 -11)
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