Directory VisIt/interfaces/

Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

VisIt/interfaces/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 49 (100.0%) 5408 (100.0%) 110.3
allen 48 (98.0%) 5393 (99.7%) 112.3
dav 1 (2.0%) 15 (0.3%) 15.0

Most Recent Commits

allen 2018-12-20 19:02 Rev.: 59134

added local index to coarse so not to the incorrect level version

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • VisIt/interfaces: (new), (new)
allen 2018-12-20 18:30 Rev.: 59132

rewrite to get coarse level safer

39 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • VisIt/interfaces: (+20 -23), (+19 -23)
allen 2018-12-20 16:39 Rev.: 59131

commented out code

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • VisIt/interfaces: (+3 -3)
allen 2018-12-20 15:16 Rev.: 59130

added code to support full extra patches

492 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • VisIt/interfaces: (+220 -149), (+272 -136)
allen 2018-12-20 15:14 Rev.: 59128

removed var

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • VisIt/interfaces: datatypes.h (new)
allen 2018-12-17 14:49 Rev.: 59104

removed unused interfaces

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • VisIt/interfaces: datatypes.h (-12)
allen 2018-12-17 14:49 Rev.: 59102

additions to handle AMR properly

285 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • VisIt/interfaces: (+113 -98), (+172 -162)
allen 2018-12-13 15:06 Rev.: 59072

clean up to the in situ interface

14 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • VisIt/interfaces: datatypes.h (+14 -2)
allen 2018-12-11 18:20 Rev.: 59060

updated the interfaces and in situ to fully support particles and their rank SILs

314 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • VisIt/interfaces: (+157 -159), (+157 -172)
allen 2018-12-11 13:39 Rev.: 59056

temp check of code

174 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • VisIt/interfaces: (+28 -19), (+146 -124)
allen 2018-12-10 19:25 Rev.: 59050

added ability to get teh particle count

153 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • VisIt/interfaces: (+51 -17), (+96 -41), warehouseInterface.h (new)
allen 2018-12-07 18:02 Rev.: 59035

fixed index

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • VisIt/interfaces: datatypes.h (+5 -5)
allen 2018-10-10 09:55 Rev.: 58800

added access method for the number of processors

16 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • VisIt/interfaces: (+16)
allen 2018-07-20 11:48

commented out DOUT as they cause an error when used with VisIt

24 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • VisIt/interfaces: (+21 -20), (+3 -3)
dav 2018-04-25 15:35 Rev.: 58189

This commit brings the PIDX data I/O branch (named: pidx_xml) back into the trunk.
All PIDX data I/O is, by default, turned off. To use PIDX you have to configure
against the PIDX library (either installing manually and pointing at it, or using
the --with-pidx flag (not 100% certain that this works at the moment)), and you must
set <DataArchiver type="PIDX"> (as opposed to the default which is type="UDA") in
the .ups input file.

Other caveats:

- Particles are not (currently?) supported in PIDX so any simulation that has a
particle data type will fail (most will print an error that PIDX does not
support them, but it seems some just die).

- Simulations that have overlapping patches (this may just be AMR type
sims) (eg: multibox_rmcrt_coal_1L) can save (slightly different) results.
In the multibox_rmcrt_coal_1L, we saw (only) a handful of differences like this:
((A 1 vs a 0 in a couple of locations) Also note that the UDA itself compared
successfully, but the checkpoint underneath it did not...)

DIFFERENCE [int 36, 5, 0] Time: 0.0003106658 Level: 0 Patch1: 0 Patch2: 0 Material: 0 Variable: areaFractionFX
multibox_RMCRT_coal_1L.uda/checkpoints goldStandard/.../multibox_RMCRT_coal_1L.uda/checkpoints
1 0

- "#if HAVE_PIDX" is used inconsistently through a number of files. Some PIDX stuff is #if'd out, while other code
is left in and compiles, it is just not used.

- There are a lot of cleanups that can and should take place wrt the PIDX integration.
While the code passes all the local RT tests (with the exception of particle tests),
I don't believe it has been run at large scale (though it should work) on a BGQ or Quartz@llnl.

Summary of changes: (Note, see pidx_xml branch commits if you want more information.)

M CCA/Ports/ApplicationInterface.h
M CCA/Components/Application/ApplicationCommon.h

- Added the ability to record (and retrieve) the number for the last regrid time step.

M CCA/Components/DataArchiver/DataArchiver.h
M CCA/Components/DataArchiver/

- When saving as PIDX, only create/output timestep.xml on the initial (I/O) time step that occurs after the regrid.
- Fixes that allow PIDX to save correctly (and efficiently) in parallel. If you are ever trying
to trace this back, read the comments from the commit logs for the "pidx_xml" branch.
- Remove createPIDX_dirs() as it was commented out and Sid tells me that PIDX creats its own dirs and we don't need this.
- Lot of white space fixes.

M CCA/Components/Examples/
M CCA/Components/PostProcessUda/

- The DataArchive (DA) queryVariables() function now also returns the number of materials for each variable.
- "else" and "else if" should be on a separate line to make it easier to read.

M CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT/

- Differentiate the output between the GPU and non-GPU reports so the viewer knows explicitly whether the GPU code was run.

M CCA/Components/Schedulers/OnDemandDataWarehouse.h
M CCA/Components/Schedulers/

- Cosmetics: Line up variables, use more than 80 chars per line, white space.
Add in comments denoting default param values.

M CCA/Components/Schedulers/

- Cosmetics.

M CCA/Components/SimulationController/

- Cosmetics: Use more white space, 80+ chars per line for better readability, etc.

M CCA/Ports/PIDXOutputContext.h

- const'ify some params.
- checkReturnCode() is a static function so mark it so.

M CCA/Ports/

- White spacee. Code alignment for readability.

M Core/DataArchive/DataArchive.h
M Core/DataArchive/

- Add in PIDX functions. Note, queryPIDXSerial() is used (currently) by standalone codes (eg: puda).
Its purpose is to wrap the setupQueryPIDX()/queryPIDX() calls that have been added to
allow PIDX to truly run in parallel. At some point it would be good to update puda/compare_uda/etc
to run in parallel...
- See previous comments from PIDX branch for more details on the PIDX communicators that are necessary
to transfer data as some data does not live on all cores and thus can't use the golbal comm.

- Rename a few functions (queryAndSetParticlePositionName()) to be more accurate as to what they do.

- There are still a number of hacks in this code that need to be addressed (eg: var_materials map).

M Core/Geometry/IntVector.h

- Mostly cosmetics...
White space for readability.
Place 1-line functions in .h on one line to make it easier to see all provided functions.

M Core/Grid/

- White space, variable alignment for readability.

M Core/Grid/Level.h
M Core/Grid/

- White space, coding standard (return type on its own line).
- Fix logic error in computeVariableExtents() that did not handle periodic boundaries correctly.
This fix was suggested as probably the correct way to do it by Todd... seems to pass tests and did fix
the issue (PIDX saving a particular something or other) that led me to it.

M Core/Grid/

- Place "else" on its own line for readability.

M Core/Grid/Variables/GridVariable.h

- Added emitPIDX().
- Opening "{" for functions in .h files goes on same line.

M Core/Grid/Variables/GridVariableBase.h
M Core/Grid/Variables/

- Organize #includes.
- White space, line up vars, etc for better readability.
- Return type on its own line.

M Core/Grid/Variables/ParticleData.h

- #include ParticleSubset.h for particleIndex.

M Core/Grid/Variables/ParticleSubset.h

- Cosmetic white space.

M Core/Grid/Variables/ParticleVariable.h

- White space, variable line up, etc.
- Added emitPIDX() function for particles. Note, particles do not fully work yet (on PIDX side).
And thus, this function hasn't really been tested.

M Core/Grid/Variables/ParticleVariableBase.h
M Core/Grid/Variables/
M Core/Grid/Variables/PerPatchBase.h
M Core/Grid/Variables/
M Core/Grid/Variables/ReductionVariableBase.h
M Core/Grid/Variables/

- Cosmetic white space. Coding standards. Etc.

M Core/Grid/Variables/Variable.h
M Core/Grid/Variables/

- Organize #includes.
- Use "const" on params that are const.
- Cosmetic white space, etc.

M Core/Grid/Variables/VarnameMatlPatch.h

- Pass non-changing strings by const reference (instead of copying them).
- White space for readability.

M Core/ProblemSpec/

- Line up vars, white space.

M R_Tester/helpers/

- Strip "/" from end of uda names.
- Clean up output to make it more readable (Todd I hope this doesn't break some of your scripts...)

M R_Tester/helpers/compare_dats

- White space.

M R_Tester/helpers/

- Fix typo.

M StandAlone/

- White space.
- Line up vars.
- Coding standard.
- Line up case statement for better readability.
- 0 => nullptr
- query() now returns if the var was found (because PIDX has a list of all variables the simulation starts with
and the vars may not actually exist in the UDA.
- var => var_name (as it is actually the name, and not the var).
- Use 80+ columns.

M StandAlone/partvarRange.cco
M StandAlone/
M StandAlone/tools/
M StandAlone/tools/dumpfields/
M StandAlone/tools/extractors/
M StandAlone/tools/extractors/
M StandAlone/tools/extractors/
M StandAlone/tools/extractors/
M StandAlone/tools/extractors/
M StandAlone/tools/extractors/
M StandAlone/tools/extractors/
M StandAlone/tools/extractors/
M StandAlone/tools/puda/
M StandAlone/tools/puda/
M StandAlone/tools/puda/
M StandAlone/tools/puda/
M StandAlone/tools/puda/
M StandAlone/tools/puda/
M StandAlone/tools/puda/
M StandAlone/tools/puda/
M StandAlone/tools/puda/
M StandAlone/tools/puda/
M StandAlone/tools/puda/
M StandAlone/tools/puda/
M StandAlone/tools/puda/
M VisIt/interfaces/

- queryVariables() now returns number of materials.

M StandAlone/tools/puda/varsummary.h
M StandAlone/tools/puda/

- Swat some evil endls.

M build_scripts/

- FYI... Not sure if changing PIDX_TAG to "master" actually works...


- Added a number of comments about use of this script.
- Fixed some typos.
- Spread command to multiple lines for readability.

15 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • VisIt/interfaces: (+15 -11)
allen 2018-04-18 13:24 Rev.: 58162

cleaned up the var naming

4 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • VisIt/interfaces: (+2 -2), (+2 -5)
allen 2018-04-18 13:23 Rev.: 58161

removed the node info

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • VisIt/interfaces: datatypes.h (+4 -17)
allen 2018-04-13 16:39 Rev.: 58095

name change

1084 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • VisIt/interfaces: (+19 -19), (del), insituInterface.h (del), (+1 -1), (+983), warehouseInterface.h (+81)
allen 2018-04-13 16:37 Rev.: 58094

added templates the header

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • VisIt/interfaces: (new), utils.h (new)
allen 2018-04-13 13:36 Rev.: 58091

split the interfaces and renamed files/dir

2782 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • VisIt/interfaces: (+978), datatypes.h (+432), (new 994), insituInterface.h (new 81), (+55), (+174), utils.h (+68)
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