File Sizes and File Counts
- Total Files:
- 2795
- Average File Size:
- 266.5 lines
- Average Revisions Per File:
- 4.5
![File Count](file_count.png)
![Average File Size](file_size.png)
File Types
Type |
Files |
LOC per file |
Totals |
2795 (100.0%) |
744803 (100.0%) |
266.4 |
*.cc |
1119 (40.0%) |
460939 (61.9%) |
411.9 |
*.h |
1283 (45.9%) |
224438 (30.1%) |
174.9 |
*.mk |
146 (5.2%) |
9472 (1.3%) |
64.8 |
*.cu |
5 (0.2%) |
6173 (0.8%) |
1234.6 |
*.py |
18 (0.6%) |
3641 (0.5%) |
202.2 |
*.hpp |
18 (0.6%) |
3325 (0.4%) |
184.7 |
*.in |
29 (1.0%) |
2536 (0.3%) |
87.4 |
*.m |
3 (0.1%) |
2079 (0.3%) |
693.0 |
*.sub |
1 (0.0%) |
1825 (0.2%) |
1825.0 |
*.guess |
1 (0.0%) |
1462 (0.2%) |
1462.0 |
Others |
138 (4.9%) |
28913 (3.9%) |
209.5 |
Non-Code Files |
34 (1.2%) |
0 (0.0%) |
0.0 |
Largest Files
File |
Lines of Code |
CCA/Components/ICE/ |
6478 |
CCA/Components/MPM/ |
5588 |
CCA/Components/Arches/ |
5345 |
CCA/Components/MPM/ |
5002 |
CCA/Components/Schedulers/ |
4916 |
CCA/Components/MPMArches/ |
4659 |
CCA/Components/Arches/ |
4539 |
CCA/Components/DataArchiver/ |
4460 |
CCA/Components/MPM/ |
4171 |
CCA/Ports/SFC.h |
3932 |
CCA/Components/Schedulers/ |
3891 |
CCA/Components/Schedulers/ |
3579 |
CCA/Components/Arches/TransportEqns/Discretization_new.h |
3565 |
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/ConstitutiveModel/UnusedCM/ |
3378 |
CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT/ |
3314 |
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/ConstitutiveModel/ |
3213 |
CCA/Components/Arches/ |
3127 |
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/ConstitutiveModel/Biswajit/ |
3004 |
CCA/Components/MPMICE/ |
2942 |
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/ConstitutiveModel/ |
2873 |
Files With Most Revisions
File |
Revisions |
VisIt/libsim/ |
58 |
CCA/Components/Arches/ |
52 |
CCA/Components/SimulationController/ |
50 |
CCA/Components/DataArchiver/ |
43 |
CCA/Components/Application/ |
39 |
CCA/Components/SimulationController/ |
39 |
CCA/Components/Arches/ |
39 |
CCA/Components/ICE/ |
38 |
CCA/Components/Solvers/ |
36 |
CCA/Components/Schedulers/ |
34 |
CCA/Components/Schedulers/ |
33 |
VisIt/libsim/ |
32 |
R_Tester/ |
31 |
VisIt/libsim/ |
30 |
CCA/Components/Schedulers/ |
28 |
CCA/Components/Application/ApplicationCommon.h |
28 |
CCA/Components/OnTheFlyAnalysis/planeAverage.h |
27 |
CCA/Components/Wasatch/ |
27 |
CCA/Components/OnTheFlyAnalysis/ |
26 |
CCA/Components/Arches/Transport/ |
26 |