Propogation Rate Revision 1


These simulations are from the original files Changwei sent, however variable heat exchange is turned on. As such, pressure dependence is of the order of ~0.02, still very different from experimental values. Following are several graphs representing different, possibly useful values from different simulations. Input files can be found here.

Overall Burn Rate Graphs, 1mm resolution

As can be seen from the pressure dependence graph, preheating increases the lateral spread rate, but does only a little for changing pressure dependence. The trends in both cases are very bad, there must be some other basis for their behaviour. However, they seem to be quite a bit better than with variable heat exchange on. As can be seen, the trend is fairly good for Variable Heat Exchange turned off. This, then, speaks to a possible problem with variable heat exchange as to why the trend is so screwed up for those with it turned on.
For contrast a plot of BurningCells at 0.5mm is shown at the bottom, along with the corresponding Pressure dependence. Overall, we see the trend is the same, with slightly different numbers (on average, higher numbers).
Pressure Dependence Graph
Burning Cells for all runs vs Time for Preheated Runs
Burning Cells of all runs vs Time for Non Preheated Runs
Pressure dependence with variable heat exchange off
Burning Cells for all runs vs Time for variable heat exchange off
Pressure Dependence for 0.5mm run
Burning Cells for 0.5mm run

No Preheating


Variable Heat Exchange Turned Off


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Contact: josuf dot the dot uf at gmail

Updated: 06/18/09
Created: 06/18/09