Resolution Study: Input Revision 3
The primary reason behind this revision of the input files was to align resolutions with Todd for better comparison on data. The other parameters of the case remain:
- - Two sets of setup: a steel casing senario, pure PBX disk
- - 5 resolutions: 0.25 mm, 0.5 mm, 0.67 mm, 1.0 mm, 1.25 mm
- - 2 dimensional simulation
- - A disk 6 cm diameter disk in a 12.8 cm2 domain
- - Symmetry on the +/-z
- - Dirichlet boundary conditions on +/-x and +/-y
No Steel Casing
- Burn Rate
- Surface Area
- Total Mass Burned
- Mass Burned/Timestep
0.25 mm Case
- Burn Rate: Cumulative, 000
- Surface Area: Cumulative, 000
- Mass Burned: Cumulative, 000
- Surface Area And Pressure: Cumulative, 000
- Image of End of Restart: Current, 000
- Movie of Current State
- Input File
0.50 mm Case
- Burn Rate: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Surface Area: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Mass Burned: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Surface Area And Pressure: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Image of End of Restart: Current, 000, 001
- Movie of Current State
- Input File
0.67 mm Case
- Burn Rate: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Surface Area: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Mass Burned: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Surface Area And Pressure: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Image of End of Restart: Current, 000, 001
- Movie of Current State
- Input File
1.0 mm Case
- Burn Rate: Cumulative, 000, 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006
- Surface Area: Cumulative, 000, 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006
- Mass Burned: Cumulative, 000, 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006
- Surface Area And Pressure: Cumulative, 000, 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006
- Image of End of Restart: Current, 000, 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006
- Movie of Current State
- Input File
1.25 mm Case
- Burn Rate: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Surface Area: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Mass Burned: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Surface Area And Pressure: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Image of End of Restart: Current, 000, 001
- Movie of Current State
- Input File
Steel Casing
- Burn Rate
- Surface Area
- Total Mass Burned
- Mass Burned/Timestep
0.25 mm Case
- Burn Rate: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Surface Area: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Mass Burned: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Surface Area And Pressure: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Image of End of Restart: Current, 000, 001
- Movie of Current State
- Input File
0.50 mm Case
- Burn Rate: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Surface Area: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Mass Burned: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Surface Area And Pressure: Cumulative, 000, 001
- Image of End of Restart: Current, 000, 001
- Movie of Current State
- Input File
0.67 mm Case
- Burn Rate: Cumulative, 000
- Surface Area: Cumulative, 000
- Mass Burned: Cumulative, 000
- Surface Area And Pressure: Cumulative, 000
- Image of End of Restart: Current, 000
- Movie of Current State
- Input File
1.0 mm Case
- Burn Rate: Cumulative, 000
- Surface Area: Cumulative, 000
- Mass Burned: Cumulative, 000
- Surface Area And Pressure: Cumulative, 000
- Image of End of Restart: Current, 000
- Movie of Current State
- Input File
1.25 mm Case
- Burn Rate: Cumulative, 000
- Surface Area: Cumulative, 000
- Mass Burned: Cumulative, 000
- Surface Area And Pressure: Cumulative, 000
- Image of End of Restart: Current, 000
- Movie of Current State
- Input File
All file linked to by this page can be found here.
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