You will find in this place a few personal stuffs... Not that professional!

>> Let's get outta here!!!

My sweet love's web page: here

Ph.D. Buddies: Let's increase their page rank!


3D retrieval from 2D characteristic views

Rush to Tarik's home page! >>
Emmanuel FILIOT

Queries and transformations in semi-structured data

Rush to Manu's home page! >>

Algorithmic of non-coding RNAs

Rush to Arnaud's home page! >>
Olivier GAUWIN

Answer enumeration for tree transformations

Rush to Olivier's home page! >>
François SEPTIER

Nonlinearities suppression using particle filtering in digital communications

Rush to François's home page! >>

Towards 3D application concept

Rush to Joh's home page! >>
Samuel VIDAL

Polylogarithmic functions and Multizêta numbers

Rush to Sam's home page! >>

Open Source Projects

My GPG key ID is 0x00C366AE. I used to contribute (externally) to open source projects (Transcode, Metalog, Gentoo Linux). As soon as I'll have holidays, I will look into GNU/Linux OS port for hx2110 handhelds.

Déclaration d'utilisation de logiciels libres


MS-Windows Duty Free? For real?!!!

My letter to DELL Southern Europe (sorry in French).
A few weeks (and actually a few phone calls) later, ... DELL Refunding Protocol Fax.
And... waw! a wonderful cheque!


PG2006 took place in Taipei :) Looking forward to going to PG2007... in Hawaii!
Most credits go to Robert Bargmann.

New! Professional pictures are available on the official web site.

>> Let's get outta here!!!

Updated on June 23rd, 2007.