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Indexed by Author Name
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ∞
★ Jeroen C. J. H. Aerts and Keith C. Clarke and Alex D. Keuper.
Testing Popular Visualization Techniques for Representing Model Uncertainty.
In Cartography and Geographic Information Science, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 249--261, 2003.
★ Aggrey Agumya and Gary J. Hunter.
Responding to the Consequences of Uncertainty in Geographical Data.
In International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 405--417, 2002.
★ Erik W. Anderson and Kristin C. Potter and Laura E. Matzen and Jason F. Shepherd and Gilbert A. Preston and Clàudio T. Silva.
A User Study of Visualization Effectiveness Using EEG and Cognitive Load.
In Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 791--800, 2011.
★ Anthony D. Andre and Henry A. Cutler.
Displaying Uncertainty in Advanced Navigation Systems.
In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 42nd Annual Meeting, pp. 31--35, 1998.
★ Luc Anselin and Ibnu Syabri and Oleg Smirov.
Visualizing Multivariate Spatial Correlation with Dynamically Linked Windows.
In New Tools for Spatial Data Analysis: Proceedings of the Specialist Meeting, 2002.
★ Luc Anselin and Ibnu Syabri and Youngihn Kho.
GeoDa: An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis.
In Geographical Analysis, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 5--22, 2006.
★ Leon M. Arriola and James M. Hyman.
Being Sensitive to Uncertainty.
In Computing in Science & Engineering, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 10--20, 2007.
★ Ricardo S. Avila and Lisa M. Sobierajski.
A Haptic Interaction Method for Volume Visualization.
In Proceedings of the 7th conference on Visualization '96, pp. 197--204, 1996.
★ Lee J. Bain and Max Engelhardt.
Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics.
Duxbury Press, 1992.
★ Chandrajit L. Bajaj and Valerio Pascucci and Daniel R. Schikore.
The Contour Spectrum.
In Proceedings of Visualization '97, pp. 167--173, 1997.
★ Nicholas J. Barrowman and Ransom A. Myers.
Raindrop Plots: A New Way to Display Collections of Likelihoods and Distributions.
In The American Statistician, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 268--274, 2003.
★ Santosh Basapur and Ann M. Bisantz and T. Kesavadas.
The Effect of Display Modality on Decision-Making with Uncertainty.
In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 558-561, 2003.
★ Cagatay Basdogan and Chih-Hao Ho and Mandayam A. Srinivasan.
A Ray-Based Haptic Rendering Technique for Displaying Shape and Texture of 3D Objects in Virtual Environments.
In Proc. ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, pp. 77 -- 84, 1997.
★ M. Kate Beard and Barbara P. Buttenfield and Sarah B. Clapham.
NCGIA Research Initiative 7 Visualization of Spatial Data Quality, Technical Paper 91-26.
Technical Report, Natl Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, 1991.
★ Kate Beard and William Mackaness.
Visual Access to Data Quality in Geographic Information Systems.
In Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, vol. 30, 2006.
★ Richard A. Becker and William S. Cleveland.
Brushing Scatterplots.
In Technometrics, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 127--142, 1987.
★ Sean Becketti and Willian Gould.
Rangefinder Box Plots: A Note.
In The American Statistician, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 149, 1987.
★ Sarah Belia and Fiona Fidler and Jennifer Williams and Geoff Cumming.
Researchers Misunderstand Confidence Intervals and Standard Error Bars.
In Psychological Methods, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 389--396, 2005.
★ James R. Beniger and Dorothy L. Robyn.
Quantitative Graphics in Statistics: A Brief History.
In The American Statistician, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 1--11, 1978.
★ Yoav Benjamini.
Opening the Box of a Boxplot.
In The American Statistician, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 257--262, 1988.
★ W. Berger and H. Piringer and P. Filzmoser and E. Gröller.
Uncertainty-Aware Exploration of Continuous Parameter Spaces Using Multivariate Prediction.
In Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 911 - 920, 2011.
★ E.W. Bethel and C.R. Johnson and S. Ahern and J. Bell and P.-T. Bremer and H. Childs and E. Cormier-Michel and M. Day and E. Deines and P.T. Fogal and C. Garth and C.G.R. Geddes and H. Hagen and B. Hamann and C.D. Hansen and J. Jacobsen and K.I. Joy and J. Krueger and J. Meredith and P. Messmer and G. Ostrouchov and V. Pascucci and K. Potter and Prabhat and D. Pugmire and O. Ruebel and A.R. Sanderson and C.T. Silva and D. Ushizima and G.H. Weber and B. Whitlock and K. Wu.
Occam's Razor and Petascale Visual Data Analysis.
In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 180, no. 1, pp. 012084, 2009.
★ Ann M. Bisantz and Stephanie Schinzing Marsiglio and Jessica Munch.
Displaying Uncertainty: Investigating the Effects of Display Format and Specificity.
In Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 777-796, 2005.
★ Ann M. Bisantz and Dapeng Cao and Michael Jenkins and Priyadarshini R. Pennathur and Michael Farry and Emilie Roth and Scott S. Potter and Jonathan Pfautz.
Comparing Uncertainty Visualizations for a Dynamic Decision-Making Task.
In Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 277-293, 2011.
★ Christopher M. Bishop.
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.
Springer, 2006.
★ Steve Blenkinsop and Pete Fisher and Lucy Bastin and Jo Wood.
Evaluating the Perception of Uncertainty in Alternative Visualization Strategies.
In Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 1--14, 2000.
★ Ryan A. Boller and Scott A. Braun and Jadrian Miles and David H. Laidlaw.
Application of Uncertainty Visualization Methods to Meteorological Trajectories.
In Earth Science Informatics, vol. 3, no. 1-2, pp. 119--126, 2010.
★ Jeremy S. De Bonet and Qasim Zaidi.
Comparison between Spatial Interactions in Perceived Contrast and Perceived Brightness.
In Vision Research, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 1141--1155, 1997.
★ Udeepta D. Bordoloi and David L. Kao and Han-Wei Shen.
Visualization techniques for spatial probability density function data.
In Data Science Journal, vol. 3, pp. 153--162, 2004.
★ David Borland and Russell Taylor II.
Rainbow Color Map (Still) Considered Harmful.
In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 14--17, 2007.
★ Ralf P. Botchen and Daniel Weiskop and Thomas Ertl.
Texture-based visualization of uncertainty in flow fields.
In IEEE Visualization 2005, pp. 647--654, 2005.
★ Ralf P. Botchen and Daniel Weiskopf and Thomas Ertl.
Interactive visualisation of uncertainty in flow fields using texture-based techniques.
In 12th Iternational Symposium on Flow Visualisation, 2006.
★ Nadia Boukhelifa and David John Duke.
Uncertainty Visualization - Why Might it Fail?.
In CHI '09: Proceedings of the 27th International Conference, Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 4051--4056, 2009.
★ Nadia Boukhelifa and Anastasia Bezerianos and Tobias Isenberg and Jean-Daniel Fekete.
Evaluating Sketchiness as a Visual Variable for the Depiction of Qualitative Uncertainty.
In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 2769--2778, 2012.
★ Ralph Brecheisen and Bram Platel and Anna Vilanova and Bart ter Haar Romeny.
Parameter Sensitivity Visualization for DTI Fiber Tracking.
In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1441-1448, 2009.
★ Kenneth Broad and Anthony Leiserowitz and Jessica Weinkle and Marissa Steketee.
Misinterpretations of the ``Cone of Uncertainty'' in Florida During the 2004 Hurricane Season.
In Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 88, no. 5, pp. 651--668, 2007.
★ Ken Brodlie and Rodolfo Allendes Osorio and Adriano Lopes.
A Review of Uncertainty in Data Visualization.
In John Dill, Rae Earnshaw, David Kasik, John Vince and Pak Chung Wong (Eds.), Expanding the Frontiers of Visual Analytics and Visualization, Springer Verlag London, pp. 81--109, 2012.
★ Ross Brown.
Animated Visual Vibrations as an Uncertainty Visualisation Technique.
In GRAPHITE '04: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, pp. 84--89, 2004.
★ Andreas Buja and Dianne Cook and Deborah F. Swayne.
Interactive High-Dimensional Data Visualization.
In Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 78--99, 1996.
★ Rapheal Bürger and Helwig Hauser.
Visualization of Multi-variate Scientific Data.
In Eurographics 2007 STAR, pp. 117--134, 2007.
★ Kai Bürger and Roland Fraedrich and Dorit Merhof and Rüdiger Westermann.
Instant Visitation Maps for Interactive Visualization of Uncertain Particle Trajectories.
In Proceedings Visualization and Data Analysis 2012, vol. SPIE 8294, pp. 82940P-82940P-12, 2012.
★ Barbara P. Buttenfield and Robert Weibel.
Visualizing the Quality of Cartographic Data.
In Proc.\ Third International Geographic Information Systems Symposium (GIS/LIS), 1988.
★ Barbara P. Buttenfield.
Representing Data Quality.
In Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, vol. 30, no. 2 \& 3, pp. 1-7, 1993.
★ Andrej Cedilnik and Penny Rheingans.
Procedural Annotation of Uncertain Information.
In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Visualization 2000 Conference (VIS 2000), pp. 77--84, 2000.
★ John M. Chambers and William S. Cleveland and Beat Kleiner and Paul A. Tukey.
Graphical Methods for Data Analysis.
Wadsworth, 1983.
★ Eleanor Boyle Chlan and Penny Rheingans.
Multivariate Glyphs for Multi-Object Clusters.
In Proceedings of InfoVis '05, pp. 141--148, 2005.
★ Chamnein Choonpradub and Don McNeil.
Can the Box Plot be Improved?.
In Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 649--657, 2005.
★ William S. Cleveland and Robert McGill.
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In The American Statistician, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 101--105, 1983.
★ William Cleveland.
Visualizing Data.
Hobart Press, 1993.
★ William S. Cleveland.
The Elements of Graphing Data.
Hobart Press, 1994.
★ Daniel C Cliburn and Johannes J Feddema and James R Miller and Terry A Slocumb.
Design and Evaluation of a Decision Support System in a Water Balance Application.
In Computers & Graphics, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 931--949, 2002.
★ Dale J. Cohen and Jon Cohen.
The Sectioned Density Plot.
In The American Statistician, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 167--174, 2006.
★ Christopher Collins and Sheelagh Carpendale and Gerald Penn.
Visualization of Uncertainty in Lattices to Support Decision-Making.
In Proceedings of Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization (EuroVis 2007), pp. 51--58, 2007.
★ Alexandre Coninx and Georges-Pierre Bonneau and Jacques Droulez and Guillaume Thibault.
Visualization of Uncertain Scalar Data Fields using Color Scales and Perceptually Adapted Noise.
In Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, 2011.
★ Carlos D. Correa and Yu-Hsuan Chan and Kwan-Liu Ma.
A Framework for Uncertainty-Aware Visual Analytics.
In IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), pp. 51--58, 2009.
★ Helen Couclelis.
The Certainty of Uncertainty: GIS and the Limits of Geographic Knowledge.
In Transactions in GIS, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 165--175, 2003.
★ J. Cox and D. House and M. Lindell.
Visualizing Uncertainty in Predicted Hurricane Tracks.
In International Journal of Uncertainty Quantification, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 143--156, 2013.
★ Geoff Cumming and Sue Finch.
Inference by Eye: Confidence Intervals and How to Read Pictures of Data.
In American Psychologist, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 170--180, 2005.
★ Aritra Dasgupta and Min Chen and Robert Kosara.
Conceptualizing Visual Uncertainty in Parallel Coordinates.
In Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 1015--1024, 2012.
★ Trevor J. Davis and C. Peter Keller.
Modelling and Visualizing Multiple Spatial Uncertainties.
In Computers & Geosciences, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 397--408, 1997.
★ Stephanie Deitrick and Robert Edsall.
The Influence of Uncertainty Visualization on Decision Making: An Empirical Evaluation.
In Progress in Spatial Data Handling, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 719-738, 2006.
★ Stephanie A. Deitrick.
Uncertainty Visualization and Decision Making: Does Visualizing Uncertain Information Change Decisions?.
In Proceedings of the XXIII International Cartographic Conference, 2007.
★ Stephanie Deitrick.
Evaluating Implicit Visualization of Uncertainty for Public Policy Decision Support.
In Proceedings AutoCarto 2012, pp. available online, 2012.
★ Oliver Deussen and Thomas Strothotte.
Computer-Generated Pen-and-Ink Illustration of Trees.
In Proceedings of Siggraph 2000, pp. 13--18, 2000.
★ Suzana Djurcilov and Alex Pang.
Visualizing Sparse Gridded Data Sets.
In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 52--57, 2000.
★ Suzana Djurcilov and Kwansik Kim and Pierre F. J. Lermusiaux and Alex Pang.
Volume Rendering Data with Uncertainty Information.
In Data Visualization 2001: Proceedings of the Joint Eurographics - IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization, pp. 243--252, 2001.
★ Suzana Djurcilov and Kwansik Kim and Pierre Lermusiaux and Alex Pang.
Visualizing Scalar Volumetric Data with Uncertainty.
In Computers and Graphics, vol. 26, pp. 239--248, 2002.
★ David P. Doane and Ronald L. Tracy.
Using Beam and Fulcrum Displays to Explore Data.
In The American Statistician, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 289--290, 2000.
★ Jurgen Döllner and Maike Walther.
Real-Time Expressive Rendering of City Models.
In Proceedings of Information Visualization 2003, pp. 245--250, 2003.
★ Xiao Dong and Caroline C. Hayes.
Uncertainty Visualizations: Helping Decision Makers Become More Aware of Uncertainty and Its Implications.
In Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 30--56, 2012.
★ Debra Dooley and Michael F. Cohen.
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In Proceedings of the Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, pp. 77--82, 1990.
★ I. Drecki.
Visualization of Uncertainty in Geographical Data.
In Spatial Data Quality, Taylor & Francis, pp. 140--159, 2002.
★ I. Drecki.
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In Proceedings of the XXIII International Cartographic Conference, 2007.
★ Patricia Costigan-Eaves and Michael Macdonald-Ross.
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In Statistical Science, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 318--326, 1990.
★ Laura D. Edwards and Elisabeth S. Nelson.
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In Cartographic Perspectives, no. 38, pp. 19--36, 2001.
★ Charles R. Ehlschlaeger and Ashton M. Shortridge and Michael F. Goodchild.
Visualizing Spatial Data Uncertainty Using Animation.
In Computers in GeoSciences, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 387--395, 1997.
★ Warren W. Esty and Jeffery D. Banfield.
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In Journal of Statistical Software, vol. 8, no. 17, 2003.
★ Tiago Etiene and Carlos Scheidegger and L. Gustavo Nonato and Robert M. Kirby and Clàudio T. Silva.
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In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1227--1234, 2009.
★ Beverley J. Evans.
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★ David Feng and Lester Kwock and Yueh Lee and Russell M. Taylor II.
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In Proc. SPIE 7530, Visualization and Data Analysis 2010, vol. 7530, no. 4, pp. 1-12, 2010.
★ David Feng and Lester Kwock and Yueh Lee and Russell M. Taylor II.
Matching Visual Saliency to Confidence in Plots of Uncertain Data.
In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 980--989, 2010.
★ Stephen E. Fienberg.
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★ Peter Fisher.
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★ Nathaniel Fout and Kwan-Liu Ma.
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In IEEE Transactions onVisualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 2335--2344, 2012.
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★ Bert Freudenberg and Maic Masuch and Thomas Strothotte.
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In Computer Graphics Forum: Proceedings of Eurographics 2001, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 184--191, 2001.
★ Michael Friendly.
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In The American Statistician, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 316--324, 2002.
★ Michael Friendly and Daniel Denis.
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In Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 103--130, 2005.
★ Michael Friendly.
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In Statistical Science, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 502--535, 2008.
★ Michael Frigge and David C. Hoaglin and Boris Iglewicz.
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★ Yong Ge and Sanping Li and V. Chris Lakhan and Arko Lucieer.
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In International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 413--422, 2009.
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★ Lydia E. Gerharz and Edzer J. Pebesma.
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★ Lydia Gerharz and Edzer Pebesma and Harald Hecking.
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★ Kenneth M. Goldberg and Boris Iglewicz.
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★ Bruce Gooch and Amy Gooch.
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★ Henning Griethe and Heidrun Schumann.
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★ Henning Griethe and Heidrun Schumann.
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In Proceedings of SimVis '06, SCS Publishing House, pp. 143--156, 2006.
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★ Gevorg Grigoryan and Penny Rheingans.
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★ Fangxiang Jiao and Jeff M. Phillips and Jeroen Stinstra and Jens Krüger and Raj Varma and Edward Hsu and Julie Korenberg and Chris R. Johnson.
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★ Chris .R. Johnson.
Top Scientific Visualization Research Problems.
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