Volume visualization techniques typically provide support for visual exploration of data, however additional information can be conveyed by allowing a user to see as well as feel virtual objects. In this paper we present a haptic interaction method that is suitable for both volume visualization and modeling applications. Point contact forces are computed directly from the volume data and are consistent with the isosu$ace and volume rendering methods, providing a strong correspondence behveen visual and haptic feedback. Virtual tools are simulated by apply- ing three-dimensional jilters to some properties of the data within the extent of the tool, and interactive visual feedback rates are obtained by using an accelerated ray casting method. This haptic interaction method was implemented using a PHANTOM haptic interface.
@InProceedings{ avila:1996:HMVV, author = "Ricardo S. Avila and Lisa M. Sobierajski", title = "A Haptic Interaction Method for Volume Visualization", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 7th conference on Visualization '96", pages = "197--204", year = "1996", }