Daniel C Cliburn and Johannes J Feddema and James R Miller and Terry A Slocumb.
Design and Evaluation of a Decision Support System in a Water Balance Application.
In Computers & Graphics, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 931--949, 2002.



Visualization has become a vital tool for representing the results of scientific models in decision support applications. Both the raw data and the models from which these visualizations are derived usually have considerable uncertainty associated with them. Decision-makers are typically presented with results from these models with little or no insight as to the reliability of the information shown. For effective decisions to be made, a decision support system should allow collaborative participation from scientists and decision-makers, and it should display the locations, magnitudes, and sources of uncertainty in the results. This research work discusses a software application for visualizing the results of a water balance model and its associated uncertainty. The effectiveness of the application and its visual presentation methods were incrementally tested and improved through usability engineering principles.


@Article{        cliburn:2002:DAED,
  author = 	 {Daniel C Cliburn and Johannes J Feddema and James R Miller and Terry A Slocumb},
  title = 	 {Design and Evaluation of a Decision Support System in a Water Balance Application},
  journal = 	 {Computers \& Graphics},
  year = 	 {2002},
  volume = 	 {26},
  number = 	 {6},
  pages = 	 {931--949},
  month = 	 {December},



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