Sarah E. Geneser and Robert M. Kirby and Robert S. MacLeod.
Application of Stochastic Finite Element Methods to Study the Sensitivity of ECG Forward Modeling to Organ Conductivity.
In IEEE Transations on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 31--40, 2008.



Because numerical simulation parameters may significantly influence the accuracy of the results, evaluating the sensitivity of simulation results to variations in parameters is essential. Although the field of sensitivity analysis is well developed, systematic application of such methods to complex biological models is limited due to the associated high computational costs and the substantial technical challenges for implementation. In the specific case of the forward problem in electrocardiography, the lack of robust, feasible, and comprehensive sensitivity analysis has left many aspects of the problem unresolved and subject to empirical and intuitive evaluation rather than sound, quantitative investigation. In this study, we have developed a systematic, stochastic approach to the analysis of sensitivity of the forward problem of electrocardiography to the parameter of inhomogeneous tissue conductivity. We apply this approach to a two-dimensional, inhomogeneous, geometric model of a slice through the human thorax. We assigned probability density functions for various organ conductivities and applied stochastic finite elements based on the generalized Polynomial Chaos-stochastic Galerkin (gPC-SG) method to obtain the standard deviation of the resulting stochastic torso potentials. This method utilizes a spectral representation of the stochastic process to obtain numerically accurate stochastic solutions in a fraction of the time required when employing classic Monte Carlo methods. We have shown that a systematic study of sensitivity is not only easily feasible with the gPC-SG approach but can also provide valuable insight into characteristics of the specific simulation.


@Article{        geneser:2008:SFEM,
  author =       {Sarah E. Geneser and Robert M. Kirby and Robert S. MacLeod},
  title =        {Application of Stochastic Finite Element Methods to
                  Study the Sensitivity of ECG Forward Modeling to
                  Organ Conductivity},
  journal =      {{IEEE} Transations on Biomedical Engineering},
  volume =       {55},
  number =       {1},
  pages =        {31--40},
  year =         {2008},
  month =        {January},



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