Visualization is a valuable approach to the exploration and communication of large data sets. In different domains these data sets may contain an unavoidable amount of uncertainty that needs to be included in the visualization process to enable the correct cognition of hidden facts. In recent years many different concepts regarding this uncertainty visualization were developed but the topic is still gaining interest. Within this quick development it is difficult to keep track of what is there and what is missing. Therefore this paper provides a statement on the position of uncertainty visualization today: It defines the basic concept of uncertainty and discusses sources and necessary measures. It furthermore explains the basic uncertainty visualization process and systematically presents existing approaches to the acquisition and especially to the display of uncertainty that can be transferred to new fields, e.g. the visualization of uncertainty in structures. This leads to the depiction of limits and open questions that partly already are or that are assumed to be the focus of further research in this field.
@InProceedings{ griethe:2006:UDMP, author = {Henning Griethe and Heidrun Schumann}, title = {The Visualization of Uncertain Data: Methods and Problems}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SimVis '06}, publisher = {SCS Publishing House}, pages = {143--156}, year = {2006}, }