Bin Jiang and Ferjan Ormeling and Wolfgang Kainz.
Visualization Support for Fuzzy Spatial Analysis.
In Auto Carto 12, Charlotte, North Carolina, pp. 291--300, 1995.



Visualization techniques benefit fuzzy spatial analysis in at least two aspects. One is in the field of exploratory analysis, and another is in the representation of uncertainty. This paper intends to discuss the first issue. Fuzzy spatial analysis may be distinguished from conventional analysis in that the former is a form of concept analysis which is closer to natural language and the latter in most cases refers to numerical processing. Due to the fuzzy nature of the analysis approach, suitable visualization techniques to support the analysis process are highly needed. In this paper, the fundamentals of fuzzy spatial analysis are outlined and consecutively, the visualization tools supporting the exploration process are focused on. Finally, an approach towards a complete system framework for exploration is presented using some advanced techniques such as the object-oriented system building approach, Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) and hypertext techniques.


@InProceedings{  jiang:1995:VSFA,
  author = 	 {Bin Jiang and Ferjan Ormeling and Wolfgang Kainz},
  title = 	 {Visualization Support for Fuzzy Spatial Analysis},
  booktitle =    {Auto Carto 12, Charlotte, North Carolina},
  pages = 	 {291--300},
  year = 	 {1995},



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