Fangxiang Jiao and Jeff M. Phillips and Jeroen Stinstra and Jens Krüger and Raj Varma and Edward Hsu and Julie Korenberg and Chris R. Johnson.
Metrics for Uncertainty Analysis and Visualization of Diffusion Tensor Images.
In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6326(2010), pp. 179-190, 2010.



In this paper, we propose three metrics to quantify the differences between the results of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) fiber tracking algorithms: the area between corresponding fibers of each bundle, the Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) between two fiber bundle volumes, and the current distance between two fiber bundle volumes. We also discuss an interactive fiber track comparison visualization toolkit we have developed based on the three proposed fiber difference metrics and have tested on six widely-used fiber tracking algorithms. To show the effectiveness and robustness of our metrics and visualization toolkit, we present results on both synthetic data and high resolution monkey brain DT-MRI data. Our toolkit can be used for testing the noise effects on fiber tracking analysis and visualization and to quantify the difference between any pair of DT-MRI techniques, compare single subjects within an image atlas.


@Article{        jiao:2010:MUAV,
  author = 	 {Fangxiang Jiao and Jeff M. Phillips and Jeroen
                  Stinstra and Jens Kr{\"u}ger and Raj Varma and
                  Edward Hsu and Julie Korenberg and Chris R. Johnson},
  title = 	 {Metrics for Uncertainty Analysis and Visualization
                  of Diffusion Tensor Images},
  journal = 	 {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  year = 	 {2010},
  volume = 	 {6326(2010)},
  pages = 	 {179-190},



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