Joe M. Kniss and Robert Van Uitert and Abraham Stephens and Guo-Shi Li and Tolga Tasdizen and Charles Hansen.
Statistically Quantitative Volume Visualization.
In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2005, pp. 287--294, 2005.


@InProceedings{  kniss:2005:SQVV,
  author = 	 "Joe M. Kniss and Robert Van Uitert and Abraham
                  Stephens and Guo-Shi Li and Tolga Tasdizen and
                  Charles Hansen",
  title = 	 "Statistically Quantitative Volume Visualization",
  booktitle = 	 "Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2005",
  pages = 	 "287--294",
  year =         "2005",
