Alison Love and Alex Pang and David Kao.
Visualizing Spatial Multivalue Data.
In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 69--79,.



We introduce multivalue data as a new data type in the context of scientific visualization. While this data type has existed in other fields, the visualization community has largely ignored it. Formally, a multivalue datum is a collection of values about a single variable. Multivalue data sets can be defined for multiple dimensions. A spatial multivalue data set consists of a multivalue datum at each physical location in the domain. The time dimension is equally valid. This leads to spatio-temporal multivalue data sets where there is time varying, multidimensional data with a multivalue datum at each location and time. The spatial multivalue data type captures multiple instances of the same variable at each location in space. Visualizing spatial multivalue data sets is a new challenge.


@Article{        love:2005:VSMD,
  author = 	 "Alison Love and Alex Pang and David Kao",
  title = 	 "Visualizing Spatial Multivalue Data",
  journal = 	 "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
  year = 	 2005,
  volume = 	 "25",
  number = 	 "3",
  pages = 	 "69--79",



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