How MUX Mapping Works

Rob MacLeod, Bonnie Punske, Bruce Steadman


This is an attempt to describe the layout of channels in the CVRTI multiplexers (MUX) as they come out on the oscilloscope displays and in the data stream of the acquisition files. The description is targeted at the large MUXs we now use routinely so is not likely to be correct for a small (e.g., 256 channel) MUX system if you are stuck using one.

We begin with a short intro in Section 2 and then describe in Section 3 some simple tools for making your own MUX mapping files. For those who really want to know, you can find all the ugly details in Section 4.

The Rules of the Game

  1. For the 512-channel setup, channels alternate between the two 256-channel banks: the odd numbered channels are from bank #1 and the even numbered from bank #2. As a result, the order of stored channels for bank #1 is 1, 3, 5, 7, ..., 509, 511 and that for bank #2 is 2, 4, 6, 8,..., 510, 512.
  2. In the 1024-channel setup, there are still banks of 256, and channels alternate between master and slave MUX's: master has odd numbers, slave as even. Within the MUX's, channel order also alternates so that the final pattern is:
    1. MUX #1, bank 1
    2. MUX #2, bank 1
    3. MUX #1, bank 2
    4. MUX #2, bank 2
    The resulting order of stored channels is:
    1. MUX #1, bank 1: 1, 5, 9, ..., 1017, 1021
    2. MUX #1, bank 2: 3, 7, 11, ..., 1019, 1023
    3. MUX #2, bank 1: 2, 6, 10, ..., 1018, 1022
    4. MUX #2, bank 2: 4, 8, 12, ..., 1020, 1024

Another way to picture the mapping between leads of each bank and the channels in the multiplexed datastream is by the following equations:

Bank Mapping Example
Master #1 ch = (l - 1)*4 + 1 1, 5, 9, 13,...,1017, 1021
Master #2 ch = (l - 1)*4 + 3 3, 7, 11, 15,...,1023
Slave #1 ch = (l - 1)*4 + 2 2, 6, 10, 14,...,1022
Slave #1 ch = (l - 1)*4 + 4 4, 8, 12, 16,...,1024

Tools for Making MUX Mapping Files

We have some software for creating MUX mapping files that should take care of most needs. The program (script actually) that does this is called makemuxmapping and it has the following format:

 Usage: -t numtank -s numsock -n numneedles -m 512/1024 -f 
         -t to set number of tank electrodes
         -s to set number of sock electrodes
         -n to set number of needles
         -m to set MUX config (512 or 1024 leads)
         -f for a full mapping file (with padding)

-t numtank
sets the number of tank electrodes. (e.g., 192 or 374 for andy3).
-s numsock
sets the number of sock electrodes (e.g., 128, 490)
-n numneedles
sets the number of needles, and we assume that each needle has 10 electrodes.
-m 512/1024
selects between a 512 or 1024 channel configuration of the MUX('s)
if present, this requests a full MUX mapping file, i.e., one that contains padding to fill the entire 512 or 1024 channels. This is required for the data acquisition program.

Filename conventions

The filename conventions that makemuxmapping assumes are:

  1. File extension is .mux (I decided this because the filenames were otherwise getting too long for the Mac)
  2. First part of file name suggests which surface comes first in the mapping, e.g., andy3, sock, needles.
  3. What follows are numbers and letters to indicate the number and type of leads, e.g., 490s = 490-lead sock, 10n = 10 needles, 374t = 374 tank electrodes.
  4. The underscore _ joins the segments of the filenames.

See the next section for examples of filenames.


To make an andy3 mapping with 374 leads and a 490 lead sock in a 1024 MUX.

> -t 374 -s 490 -m 1024  
Wrote 192 channels of tank
Wrote 182 channels of secondary tank
Wrote 490 channels of sock
For a total of 864 channels
Finished with andy3_374t_490s_1024.mux

To have the same contents, but padded for use in the experiment:

> -t 374 -s 490 -m 1024 -f

Wrote 192 channels of tank
Wrote 182 channels of secondary tank
Wrote 490 channels of sock
Wrote 160 channels of end fill
For a total of 1024 channels
Finished with andy3_374t_490s_1024_full.mux

To make a mapping file for a 490 lead sock in the 512 channel configuration:

> -s 490 -m 512 -f 

Wrote 490 channels of sock
Wrote 22 channels of end fill
For a total of 512 channels
Finished with sock_490s_full.mux

And to now add 22 needles to this configuration

> -s 490 -n 22 -m 512 -f

Wrote 490 channels of sock
Wrote 22 channels of end fill
For a total of 512 channels
Finished with sock_490s_22n_full.mux

Untangling the Mess: The Ugly Details

In order to see the data we record in the proper order, or even to monitor leads during an experiment, we need to have some methods for untangling all these leads. For that we have ``mux mapping'' files, and there are a lot of them, one for each type of electrode configuration.

Mux mapping files contain a list of channel numbers. The order of the channels is the same as the order of the channels we want to have (e.g., in an output file). The value of the channels in the list indicate the source of that channel in the MUX itself.

Perhaps the best way to see this in action is in an example. Here is a mux mapping file for a 128-lead sock and 22 10-pole needles. We break the mux mapping file into sections to make this ordering clear.

First the 128 sock leads:

512 channels
   1    3    5    7    9   11   13   15 
  17   19   21   23   25   27   29   31 
  33   35   37   39   41   43   45   47 
  49   51   53   55   57   59   61   63 
  65   67   69   71   73   75   77   79 
  81   83   85   87   89   91   93   95 
  97   99  101  103  105  107  109  111 
 113  115  117  119  121  123  125  127 
 129  131  133  135  137  139  141  143 
 145  147  149  151  153  155  157  159 
 161  163  165  167  169  171  173  175 
 177  179  181  183  185  187  189  191 
 193  195  197  199  201  203  205  207 
 209  211  213  215  217  219  221  223 
 225  227  229  231  233  235  237  239 
 241  243  245  247  249  251  253  255

Followed by the 22, 10-pole needles, which require 220 channels. These are plugged into the second bank:

   2    4    6    8   10   12   14   16 
  18   20   22   24   26   28   30   32 
  34   36   38   40   42   44   46   48 
  50   52   54   56   58   60   62   64 
  66   68   70   72   74   76   78   80 
  82   84   86   88   90   92   94   96 
  98  100  102  104  106  108  110  112 
 114  116  118  120  122  124  126  128 
 130  132  134  136  138  140  142  144 
 146  148  150  152  154  156  158  160 
 162  164  166  168  170  172  174  176 
 178  180  182  184  186  188  190  192 
 194  196  198  200  202  204  206  208 
 210  212  214  216  218  220  222  224 
 226  228  230  232  234  236  238  240 
 242  244  246  248  250  252  254  256 
 258  260  262  264  266  268  270  272 
 274  276  278  280  282  284  286  288 
 290  292  294  296  298  300  302  304 
 306  308  310  312  314  316  318  320 
 322  324  326  328  330  332  334  336 
 338  340  342  344  346  348  350  352 
 354  356  358  360  362  364  366  368 
 370  372  374  376  378  380  382  384 
 386  388  390  392  394  396  398  400 
 402  404  406  408  410  412  414  416 
 418  420  422  424  426  428  430  432 
 434  436  438  440

Now, we fill out the rest of the mapping file with all the other leads, starting with the remaining ones from bank #1.

                     257  259  261  263 
 265  267  269  271  273  275  277  279 
 281  283  285  287  289  291  293  295 
 297  299  301  303  305  307  309  311 
 313  315  317  319  321  323  325  327 
 329  331  333  335  337  339  341  343 
 345  347  349  351  353  355  357  359 
 361  363  365  367  369  371  373  375 
 377  379  381  383  385  387  389  391 
 393  395  397  399  401  403  405  407 
 409  411  413  415  417  419  421  423 
 425  427  429  431  433  435  437  439 
 441  443  445  447  449  451  453  455 
 457  459  461  463  465  467  469  471 
 473  475  477  479  481  483  485  487 
 489  491  493  495  497  499  501  503 
 505  507  509  511

and then all those left from bank #1.

                     442  444  446  448 
 450  452  454  456  458  460  462  464 
 466  468  470  472  474  476  478  480 
 482  484  486  488  490  492  494  496 
 498  500  502  504  506  508  510  512

The reason for padding the file this way is that the data acquisition program requires the number of entries to match the number of channels--this way there are no unidentified channels. For remapping the data to create time series files, it makes more sense to shed all the empty channels and so the resulting mux mapping file contains only those necessary (in this case 128 + 220 = 348. The file looks like this:

348 channels
   1    3    5    7    9   11   13   15 
  17   19   21   23   25   27   29   31 
  33   35   37   39   41   43   45   47 
  49   51   53   55   57   59   61   63 
  65   67   69   71   73   75   77   79 
  81   83   85   87   89   91   93   95 
  97   99  101  103  105  107  109  111 
 113  115  117  119  121  123  125  127 
 129  131  133  135  137  139  141  143 
 145  147  149  151  153  155  157  159 
 161  163  165  167  169  171  173  175 
 177  179  181  183  185  187  189  191 
 193  195  197  199  201  203  205  207 
 209  211  213  215  217  219  221  223 
 225  227  229  231  233  235  237  239 
 241  243  245  247  249  251  253  255 
   2    4    6    8   10   12   14   16 
  18   20   22   24   26   28   30   32 
  34   36   38   40   42   44   46   48 
  50   52   54   56   58   60   62   64 
  66   68   70   72   74   76   78   80 
  82   84   86   88   90   92   94   96 
  98  100  102  104  106  108  110  112 
 114  116  118  120  122  124  126  128 
 130  132  134  136  138  140  142  144 
 146  148  150  152  154  156  158  160 
 162  164  166  168  170  172  174  176 
 178  180  182  184  186  188  190  192 
 194  196  198  200  202  204  206  208 
 210  212  214  216  218  220  222  224 
 226  228  230  232  234  236  238  240 
 242  244  246  248  250  252  254  256 
 258  260  262  264  266  268  270  272 
 274  276  278  280  282  284  286  288 
 290  292  294  296  298  300  302  304 
 306  308  310  312  314  316  318  320 
 322  324  326  328  330  332  334  336 
 338  340  342  344  346  348  350  352 
 354  356  358  360  362  364  366  368 
 370  372  374  376  378  380  382  384 
 386  388  390  392  394  396  398  400 
 402  404  406  408  410  412  414  416 
 418  420  422  424  426  428  430  432 
 434  436  438  440

For the 1024 channel configuration, the file for the same leads looks completely different! If we left all the connectors in the same place and just attached the second MUX, the resulting mux mapping file would be (the version without padding) as follows:

384 channels
   1    5    9   13   17   21   25   29 
  33   37   41   45   49   53   57   61 
  65   69   73   77   81   85   89   93 
  97  101  105  109  113  117  121  125 
 129  133  137  141  145  149  153  157 
 161  165  169  173  177  181  185  189 
 193  197  201  205  209  213  217  221 
 225  229  233  237  241  245  249  253 
 257  261  265  269  273  277  281  285 
 289  293  297  301  305  309  313  317 
 321  325  329  333  337  341  345  349 
 353  357  361  365  369  373  377  381 
 385  389  393  397  401  405  409  413 
 417  421  425  429  433  437  441  445 
 449  453  457  461  465  469  473  477 
 481  485  489  493  497  501  505  509 
   2    6   10   14   18   22   26   30 
  34   38   42   46   50   54   58   62 
  66   70   74   78   82   86   90   94 
  98  102  106  110  114  118  122  126 
 130  134  138  142  146  150  154  158 
 162  166  170  174  178  182  186  190 
 194  198  202  206  210  214  218  222 
 226  230  234  238  242  246  250  254 
 258  262  266  270  274  278  282  286 
 290  294  298  302  306  310  314  318 
 322  326  330  334  338  342  346  350 
 354  358  362  366  370  374  378  382 
 386  390  394  398  402  406  410  414 
 418  422  426  430  434  438  442  446 
 450  454  458  462  466  470  474  478 
 482  486  490  494  498  502  506  510 
 514  518  522  526  530  534  538  542 
 546  550  554  558  562  566  570  574 
 578  582  586  590  594  598  602  606 
 610  614  618  622  626  630  634  638 
 642  646  650  654  658  662  666  670 
 674  678  682  686  690  694  698  702 
 706  710  714  718  722  726  730  734 
 738  742  746  750  754  758  762  766 
 770  774  778  782  786  790  794  798 
 802  806  810  814  818  822  826  830 
 834  838  842  846  850  854  858  862 
 866  870  874  878

About this document ...

How MUX Mapping Works

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Rob MacLeod 2001-01-11