P41 Programs and other Center Grants
- Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) (P20) The
objectives of the COBRE initiative is to strengthen an
institution's biomedical research infrastructure through the
establishment of a thematic multi-disciplinary center and to
enhance the ability of investigators to compete independently for
complementary National Institutes of Health (NIH) individual
research grants or other external peer-reviewed support.
Note: Only iDea states are eligible.
- Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA)
type awards. These come in emerging flavors but share the common goal of
supporting a program or investigator rather than specific research.
- Animal models for research
- NIH Miscellaneous Opportunities
- US-Ireland R&D Partnership Programme and the specific
directions for NIH submissions
under this program.
- NIH Director's Transformative Research Awards (R01), "The
NIH Director’s Transformative Research Awards complements NIH’s
traditional, investigator-initiated grant programs by
supporting individual scientists or groups of scientists
proposing groundbreaking, exceptionally innovative, original
and/or unconventional research with the potential to create new
scientific paradigms. Little or no preliminary data are
expected. Projects must clearly demonstrate potential to
produce a major impact in a broad area of biomedical or
behavioral research. " Letter of intent: December 12, 2011 and
submission by January 12, 2012. Frequently Asked Questions
about the Transformative Research Projects Program is available
here . Send
questions to Transformative_Awards@mail.nih.gov.
Program Project Grants with NIGMS. Encourages innovative,
interactive Program Project grant applications from
institutions/organizations that propose to conduct research which
aims to solve a significant biological problem, important for the
mission of NIGMS, through a collaborative approach involving
outstanding scientists.
NIH Director's Early Independence Awards (DP5). December
21, 2010: letter of intent deadline.
Exceptional, Unconventional Research Enabling Knowledge
Acceleration (EUREKA) (R01) (Note: this mechanism is not
supported by NHLBI. )
Shared Instrumentation for Animal Research (SIFAR) Grant
Program Deadline: May 31, 2018.
High-End Instrumentation (HEI) Grant Program (S10 Clinical
Trial Not Allowed) (PAR-18-598) Deadline: May 31, 2018.
Shared Instrumentation Grant (SIG) Program Deadline: May
31, 2018.
NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research Funding Archive
NIH Training Awards
Note: these are generally the hardest programs to keep up to date as
there is a lot of flux over time. Please send me updates!
NSF Training Programs
NSF Biomedical Programs
NSF Software related programs
Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC): Research Core Program
Critical Techniques, Technologies, and Methodologies for
Advancing Foundations and Applications of
Big Data Sciences and Engineering (BIGDATA) March 15, 2017.
Software Infrastructure for Sustained Innovation - SSE & SSI
"SI^2's intent is to foster a pervasive cyberinfrastructure to help
researchers address problems of unprecedented scale, complexity,
resolution, and accuracy by integrating computation, data,
networking, observations and experiments in novel ways." Deadlines
in Jauary and June, 2015.
Smart and Connected Health Reissued for 2014. "The goal of the
Smart and Connected Health (SCH) Program is to accelerate the
development and use of innovative approaches that would support the
much needed transformation of healthcare from reactive and
hospital-centered to preventive, proactive, evidence-based,
person-centered and focused on well-being rather than disease. "
Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS)
NSF Graduate Research Fellowships (GRF) November deadlines.
Applicants must be United States citizens or nationals, or permanent
resident aliens of the United States.
FastLane Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).
- American Stroke Association-Bugher Foundation Centers of Excellence In
Stroke Collaborative Research for Regeneration, Resilience and Secondary
Prevention .
- Letter of intent: April 1, 2013. Application
deadline: June 1 2013.
- Full RFP (pdf).
- Western States Affiliate Opportunities:
- Undergraduate Student Research Program , due February 7, 2013.
- Predoctoral fellowships, due Jan 29, 2013.
- Medical student program, due Feb 7, 2013. (Note: only exists
for Western states.
- Postdoctoral fellowships, due Jan 29, 2013.
- Clinical Research program, due Jan 29, 2013.
- Beginning Grant in Aid, due Jan 20, 2013.
Success rates for AHA grant proposals.
Main link to Program
- Detailed submission instructions (pdf)
- Program requirements
- Must have an MD, PhD, DO, DVM, or equivalent degree by June in
the year of award activation
- May not be enrolled in a graduate or medical school by June in
the year of award activation
- May not have completed three cumulative years of postmedical
school or graduate school research
- Sponsor must be a member of the Heart Rhythm Society by
activation of award
- Award is a one-year stipend of $50,000 and complimentary
registration to the Heart Rhythm Society's Annual Scientific
Other Sources
Some of these are specific to grants, others simply useful for any writing
Preparation mechanics and policies
NIH Writing Your Application page. Full of useful content!
- General Instructions for NIH and
Other PHS Agencies )The SF424 guide for everything. Also
available as web site link
- SBIR/STTR Instructions for NIH
and Other PHS Agencies (The SF424 guide just for SBIR)
Communicating Research Intent and Value in NIH Applications.
Information on communicating your message clearly.
- NIH Biosketch in the new 4-page format, available in
MS Word format and
PDF . Both contain an empty form
and a sample biosketch. The new format is now
- Rob's Biosketch in LaTeX, can
also be used as a starting point for your own.
- The BibTex style file that
supports PMCID codes, now also a requirement for NIH biosketches,
reports, and (probably) proposals.
NIH Dates/Deadlines and the
NIH policy on grant application delivery dates, including delays
for weather.
- NIH policy on submission of video and other nontraditional
materials as part of a grant proposal. Bottom line: videos are allowed.
- Instructions for Completion of the Vertebrate
Animal Section (VAS)
- Marking Changes in Resubmission Applications. We used to have to
mark all the changes we made; this is NO LONGER NECESSARY.
NIH Appendix policy , which is basically that there are (almost)
no appendix materials permitted.
Policy on Post-Submission Materials, what we may submit after
the regular date but before review. Applies mostly to major changes
in personnel, budget, or other unforeseen matters.
Establishing Scientific Rigor and Reproducibility
NIH is leading the way to ensuring more rigor in biomedical research in
order to improved reproducibility. Here are some links related to this
very dynamic initiative.
Writing Guidelines for NIH Proposals
BibTex, PMCID, and the NIH
NIH requires public disclosure of journal articles supported by NIH
funding and all such articles receive a code called the PMCID as part of
the PubMed system. As an NIH funded researcher, you MUST include this code
every time you cite such a reference, especially in progress reports,
proposals, and biosketches.
To support this code in BibTeX, I have created a slightly modified
version of one of the most common BibTeX style files (.bst), which is
available here.
To use this new style file,
- Add a field called "pmcid" to each BibTeX reference that contains
the PMCID string, which you can locate by searching for the papers in
the PubMed system.
- Modify your \bibiographystyle
command to look (something) like this:
NIH Forms for Grant Applications
NIH Grant Review Guidelines
Last update: Wed Apr 28 05:07:42 2004 by Rob MacLeod