Rob's Links to Research Groups/Resources

"A new chapter has been opened in the study of heart diesease, not by the work of a single investigator, but by that of many talented men, who have not been influenced in their work by political boundaries and, distributed over the whole surface of the heart, have devoted their powers to an ideal purpose, the advance of knowledge by which, finally, suffering mankind is helped."
Wilhem Einthoven from his Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1925.

In this wonderful spirit, links to other research groups and resources.

Quick Links:

  1. Research Groups
  2. Other Simulation Research Groups
  3. Bioelectricity tutorials
  4. Bioelectric Field Simulation Software
  5. Simulation Techniques and Tutorials
  6. Bioelectric Field Mapping Systems
  7. ECG Information Sites
  8. ECG Imaging and Forward & Inverse Problems
  9. Clinical Electrophysiology
  10. Atrial Arrhytmias and AF
  11. Visualization aod Problem Solving Software
  12. Biomedical Imaging
  13. Cardiac Atlas and Data Sharing
  14. Geometric Modeling and Mesh Generation
  15. Electrical Impedance Tomography
  16. Heart and Research Associationas
  17. Printing, mostly 3D Printing
  18. Teaching Materials
  19. Miscellaneous

Research Groups in Bioelectric Field Electrophysiology and Simulation

Cardiac simulation and imaging groups that we belong to

Cardiac simulation and imaging groups that we work with

Neuro Simulation Groups we work with

Other Cardiac groups we know about

Neuro Groups we know about

Bioelectricity Tutorials and Resources

Electrocardiography/Cardiology Sites

Basic and Clinical Electrophysiology Links

Heart and Research Related Organizations

Atrial Arrythmias and Fibrillation (AF)

Electric Impedance Tomography

Forward and Inverse Problems

Other Simulation Groups/Centers

Bioelectric Field Simulation/Mapping Software

Cardiac Applications

Neuro Applications

General purpose software

Bioelectric Mapping Hardware, Data Acquisition, and Processing

Visualization and Problem Solving Environments

BioMedical Imaging and Image Processing

Image Acquisition

Image Processing and Analysis

Cardiac Atlas and Shared Data Projects

Simulation Techniques and Tutorials

Model/Mesh Generation and Computational Geometry

3D Printing Information and Resources

3D Printing has become a major adjunct to our modeling and even to our experiments so it seems time to gather some pointers and links:

Teaching Materials and Resources

Miscellaneous Academic Links/Information

Miscelaneous Cool Stuff

Last update: Sat Nov 30 08:31:57 2013 by Rob