The goal of this course is to introduce students to the principles, methods, and techniques for effective visual analysis of data. Students will explore many aspects of visualization, including techniques for both spatial (eg. gridded data from simulations and scanning devices) and nonspatial data (eg. graphs, text, high-dimensional tabular data). The course begins with an overview of principles from perception and design, continues with a framework for discussing, critiquing, and analyzing visualizations, and then focuses on visualization techniques and methods for a broad range of data types. Students will acquire hands-on experience using cutting edge visualization systems as well as programming interactive visual analysis tools.
week | date | topic | date | topic | homework |
1 | 8/26 | Introduction | 8/28 | Design principles | Design critiques |
2 | 9/2 | Perception | 9/4 | Data types & Intro to Tableau | Data exploration | out Th | due in 1.5 weeks |
3 | 9/9 | Visual encodings | 9/11 | Color | |
4 | 9/16 | Intro to Processing | 9/18 | Processing lab day | Time series | out T | due in 2 weeks |
5 | 9/23 | Tasks & interaction | 9/25 | Views | |
6 | 9/30 | Focus+context | 10/2 | Filtering & aggregation | |
7 | 10/7 | Exam 1: foundations | 10/9 | Tabular | Parallel coordinates | out Th | due in 3 weeks |
8 | 10/14 | fall break | 10/16 | fall break | |
9 | 10/21 | Trees & graphs | 10/23 | Text & sets | |
10 | 10/28 | Maps | 10/30 | Grids | |
11 | 11/4 | Isosurfaces | 11/6 | 3d graphics | scalar data | out T | due in 2.5 weeks |
12 | 11/11 | Volume rendering | 11/13 | Transfer functions | |
13 | 11/18 | Vector fields | 11/20 | Visualization models | transfer functions | out Th | due in 3.5 weeks |
14 | 11/25 | Tensor fields | 11/27 | Thanksgiving | |
15 | 12/2 | Design studies | 12/4 | Molecular animation | |
16 | 12/9 | D3 + other tools | 12/11 | Exam 2: techniques |
prerequisites | The prerequisites for this class are some linear algebra and calculus, as well as some programming experience. If you are unsure please come talk with me. Having taken CS-5610: Computer Graphics, or its equivalent at another university, is very helpful but not required. Grad students from other departments with the appropriate background are welcome! |
required textbooks | Visualization Analysis and Design (advanced version of e-book), Tamara Munzner, AK Peters, (hardcopy appearing in Oct 2014). |
recommended textbooks |
Visual Thinking for Design, Colin Ware, Morgan Kaufman, 2008. Learning Processing, Daniel Shiffman, Morgan Kaufmann, 2008. (free e-book through the Marriott Library) Getting Started with Processing, Casey Reas and Ben Fry, O'Reilly Media, 2010. Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists, Casey Reas and Ben Fry, MIT Press, 2007. (free e-book through the Marriott Library) |
grading | Grades in this course will be determined by:
There will be no final examination in this course. The weighting of the assignments may change as the semester goes on. Final letter grades will be determined based on a grading curve. Last year's ranges are here -- note that this is not necessarily (and most likely not exactly) what the ranges will be this year, but I've put it up for reference. |
late policy | For each day that an assignment is turned in late I will deduct 10% off the total possible points. That is, one-day late is 10% off, two-days is 20%, etc. For example, if you turn in an assignment 3 days late, the max number of points (out of 100) that you can receive is 70. |
class websites |
- design
critique & class forum | forum for posting design
critiques as well as for class discussions - design critique sign-up | for scheduling the weekly critiques |
cheating policy | You are required to complete all of the assignments on your own -- this includes the coding and write-up. In some assignments we indicate parts where you are free to use libraries or source-code that you find, but you MUST cite your sources both in the code and in the write-up. Otherwise, the code must be your own. You are welcome to discuss topics with your classmates, but you may not share implementation details. School of Computing Policy Statement on Academic Misconduct |
critique |
Rolling due dates throughout semester -- see the sign-up page for your week to post. Critiques are due on Thursdays and discussions are due by the following Sunday. In this course you will learn about basic visualization design principles and guidelines. The goal of this assignment is to apply your knowledge to visualizations you find. Each week several students will post a design critique on our bulletin board. You are responsible to post one design critique during the semester and to actively participate in a discussion of a new critique each week.
more details...
For online discussions, please read the following: For your critique, find an interesting visualization from one of the following types of sources:
Once you have selected your visualization, explain the data being shown (type and semantics) and the visual encodings used -- put into words what the visualization is trying to show. Next, critique the visualization: what works and what doesn't? Is the visualization clear or is it misleading? Do you like it (or not), and why? What could be improved? Compose your explanation and critique in 3-4 paragraphs and post your text and visualization in a new thread. Please format your thread title like this:
Each week you are required to actively participate in one of the new threads for that week (except for the week that you are posting a critique). Your comments should be thoughtful; a single sentence saying "I like it" is not enough! Do you agree with the critique? If so, why (or, why not)? Did the critique miss anything? Did you learn something new? Please be constructive, not critical. Your peers will be discussing your critique as well! Grading |
data exploration |
Due on Tuesday, Sept 16th at midnight A variety of digital tools have been designed to help users visually explore data sets and confirm or disconfirm hypotheses about the data. The task in this assignment is to use an existing visualization tool to formulate and answer a series of specific questions about a data set of your choice. After answering the questions, you should create a final visualization that is designed to communicate your findings. You should maintain a (digital) notebook that documents all the questions you asked and the steps you performed from start to finish. The goal of this assignment is not to develop a new visualization tool, but to better understand the process of using visualizations to perform exploratory data analysis.
more details...
Visualization Tool (For students wishing to install Tableau on their personal computer...) We have a class license available here (OS X and Windows are supported). The license will last for one year. (For students wishing to use Tableau in a computer lab...) Tableau has also been installed in the Engman Lab (WEB L210) on the ten closest computers to the Help Desk: LAB5-82 through LAB5-91. When you open Tableau, it will ask you to simply register your email. To access this lab, you will want to create an account and register your U-Card through the CoE user tools. You can find a wealth of information for Tableau online:
Tableau's data visualization software is provided through the Tableau for Teaching program. Data Sets movie data: This data set contains information on a large sample of movies. The data includes the movie budget and revenue from different sources as well as ratings from RottenTomatoes and IMDB.
Download: csv file flight data: FAA data describing every commercial flight during the month of December 2009. For detailed descriptions of each data column in the attached file, please see You are also welcome to download your own version of the file (which might include columns or time spans that were left out from this data set) directly from Download: csv file Many other sources for data sets can be found on the resources page. Formulate a Question Next, assess the fitness of the data for answering your question. Inspect the data -- it is invariably helpful to first look at the raw data values. Does the data seem appropriate for answering your question? If not, you may need to find a new initial question. Next, does the data need to be reformatted or cleaned before you analyze it? Perform any steps necessary to clean the data prior to visual analysis. Write down the initial question clearly in your notebook, and describe any data wrangling you had to perform. Data Exploration and Analysis NOTE: We are interested in seeing the evolution of your thoughts and investigation. We are not interested in just a final answer! Please document your discovery progress. Once you have answered all the questions to your satisfaction, think of a way to present the data and the answers as clearly as possible. Include an image of your final visualization in your notebook, along with a caption and a paragraph description of how it answers the question you posed. Think of the figure, the caption, and the paragraph as material you might include in a research paper. Submission Details Grading
time series |
Due on Tuesday, Sept 30th at midnight Time series data show up all over the place: in finance, medicine, climatology, history, and on and on. In this assignment you will develop an interactive viewer for looking at time series that explores several different visual representations. The main goal is to get your feet wet with the Processing programming environment, specifically the functionality for: drawing basic primitives; handling mouse and keyboard events; and working with text.
more details...
In this assignment, you will be implementing the code described in Chapter 4 of Ben Fry's book: Visualizing Data; we have provided you with a copy of the chapter. Please note that some of the scanned figures are distorted; thus, your visualization may look slightly different than what you see, which is okay! For each of the steps below, include a screenshot of your visualization and answer the questions in a (digital) notebook (similar to the DATA EXPLORATION assignment). You will be submitting this notebook and the final version of your code for the assignment. Before reading the chapter, download and install Processing, and explore the examples online. We highly recommend you go through some of the tutorials, in particular the first four at the Beginner level. Complete the following steps. Feel free to make changes to the design of the visualization as you see fit, and, if you do, be sure to justify those changes in your notebook.
Recommended Books
Submission Details Grading
Please format your notebook so these are easy to find; don't forget the appropriate screenshots! If we can't find something in a reasonable amount of time, you will not recieve credit for it. |
parallel coordinates |
Due on Thursday, Oct 30th at midnight Exploring multidimensional data is a fundamental challenge in visualization. In this assignment you will implement a widely used visual representation: parallel coordinates. The goal of the assignment is two-fold. First, you will gain experience designing and implementing a variety of interaction mechanisms to support data exploration. And second, you will evaluate the effectiveness of parallel coordinates on a variety of multidimensional data sets. This assignment promotes sketching out some ideas on paper before coding interaction and furthers your understanding and experience programming in Processing.
more details...
First, you will want to understand what parallel coordinates are. Please read the following short discussions:
Next, play around with this nice example written by Jason Davies in the D3.js language. Different data can be seen in the veterans and nutrient contents examples by Kai Chang. In these examples, note that you can filter along an axis and rearrange axes. Think about what you like in the designs and what you would want to do differently. There are many different ways to encode, layout, and interact with data in a parallel coordinates plot -- these examples are just one way to do this. There is no "right" answer! Data Wrangling Basic Visualization Next, create a Processing sketch for the assignment based on your paper prototype. Get the cars data set imported (feel free to use FloatTable.pde), and write a basic renderer to create a static parallel coordinates plot. In your sketch, be sure to label everything you can: titles, tick marks, ranges, etc. In your notebook, include a screenshot of this static version of your visualization. Were you able to include everything that you had thought of in your paper prototype? Please record some of your thoughts on this sketching and coding process in your notebook. Interactivity
For each of these interactions (and any more you want), draw a series of story boards, i.e. a sequence of sketches that illustrate the steps behind an interaction in the visualization. Be sure to show any interface elements that the user will interact with. This just needs to be enough to give you an idea of what you want to write in the code. Then, create a digital copy of your story boards, and add each of the story boards to your notebook with a brief description of what is occurring in each story board. Next, implement your ideas! In your notebook, include a screenshot of your interactive visualization, describe how your interactivity works, and justify your design decisions using concepts we have covered in the class. Does your design work? What could be improved, given more time, and how? Did you come up with any interactivity mechanisms to support tasks other than those described above? Clustering (for 6630 students only | extra credit for
5630 students) You may use existing k-mean clustering algorithms to create your clusters, or be adventurous and implement it yourself (it is straight-forward to do). Experiment with the number of clusters you create and find a number that does a good job in creating meaningful clusters. We would recommend doing this experimentation in your visualization once you implement a visual representation for the clusters. The most obvious way to show clusters is to assign each cluster a color (hue) and render the data (lines) in the appropriate color according to their cluster membership. When encoding categorical data with color, however, remember that we can only distinguish a limited number of colors -- how many can we actually distinguish? Design your visual encoding accordingly. You are free to develop a different way to encode the clusters if you would like. However you encode the clusters, allow the user to choose to show the clusters, or not. Include a screenshot of your visualization with the cluster encoding in your notebook along with a description of your encoding method. extra credit: A way to accommodate a limited color palette is by creating an interactive color legend. An example is shown in the image on the right. This legend allows the user to apply a color to a specific group, or have a default color of gray. This visualization widget thus serves dual purpose: it works as a legend to inform the user about the encoding, and it also lets the user dynamically set the color of each group. Implement your own interactive color legend. Data Exploration Lastly, critique your parallel coordinate visualization in your notebook. What do you think of parallel coordinates as a visualization representation? Do you find it easy or hard to use? Could you have found those same features without interactivity? What are the limits of parallel coordinates for data other than quantitative data, and how might you visualize that? Data Sets cars: This data set contains information on 406 different cars from the 1983 ASA Data Exposition data set. Download:
repository cameras: This data set contains information about 1000+ digital cameras and 13 different attributes. Download:
tsv file Many other data sets can be obtained from XmdvTool or R data sets. Submission Details Grading
†This is extra credit for everyone. Please format your notebook so these are easy to find. If we can't find something in a reasonable amount of time, you will not recieve credit for it. |
scalar data |
Due on Thursday, Nov 20th at midnight Scalar data defined over a grid is an incredibly common data type, showing up in medical applications, computational science, and many other places. The purpose of this assignment is to give you experience with several different ways to visualize scalar data. For this assignment you will create visualizations of several data sets, all of which are mappings of ℝ2→ℝ.
more details...
Data Reader It is important to understand what is represented in the header and how this connects to the format of the data below the header. In particular, the dimension component describes that we have a regular 2-D grid. Also, the sizes component gives us the width and height of this grid, respectively. Lastly, the encoding component tells us that we have data written as text (human-readable). After the header, each row of our data represents a single point in the grid. For this assignment, each row contains one scalar value. The grid iterates through the x-axis first, then the y-axis. With the NRRD format in mind, write your data reader in Processing that will store the data in your sketch. Storing the data in a 2-D array is recommended. For more on 2-D arrays, see the corresponding Processing tutorial. Be sure that you also read in the important values from the header, particularly the sizes components, to set the two dimensions of your data array. You should only be reading in data during the setup() function, not within your draw() loop. Some functions to consider: loadStrings(), for(), split(), and float(). Once you have imported the data into your sketch, create a grayscale image using the same dimensions as the data grid for both of the datasets. See the examples in FIGURE 1 and 2 -- NOTE that FIGURE 1 has been zoomed in from an 8x8 image so that you can see the results. For drawing each data point, we recommend using either rect(), point(), or PImage(). Be mindful of your fill() and stroke() values in your draw loop. You may wish to add a mouse or key command to save your sketch as an image: save(). In your digital notebook, add in your grayscale images, and be sure to answer the following:
Applying a Color Map Now, for each scalar value, map or convert these data values into colors using your color map. This assigns a color to each pixel of your image. This should produce a continuous color image for your data, and look something like FIGURE 3. Some functions to consider: map(), lerpColor(). In your digital notebook, add your color mapped image, and be sure to answer:
You may want to experiment with several colormaps. If you do, make sure to include screenshots of your work! Interpolating the Grid After creating a larger sketch, map your original data grid values into the appropriate pixel values to fill the screen. This will result in an image that looks pixelated, as in FIGURE 1. Do this for both datasets. Keep in mind that Processing expects integers in its size() function, but division with integers can result in rounding issues in programming languages. You can always convert or cast your data from floating point numbers into integers for this function. To smooth out our image, we will perform bilinear interpolation of the data. This process first maps every pixel on our screen into the data grid, and determines its location in floating point. This position will lie between four values of that grid. We find an interpolated value using these four grid points and the ratios of distances to them. Be mindful of the pixels on the edges of the image. Finally, this interpolated color value is looked up in the color map. Create an image for both datasets using bilinear interpoloation (again, with the images having a width of 800 pixels and appropriate aspect ratio). In FIGURE 4 we have a zoomed in region from the brain dataset showing the difference between nearest-neighbor (left) and bilinear interpolation (right). In FIGURE 5 you can see the results of smoothing the test image. Include in your notebook a zoomed in region of the brain dataset that shows something similar (but of any region of the image). You can create these zoomed in images in an image view tool, or in your Processing tool. In your digital notebook, add the interpolated brain images, as well as the comparison to nearest neighbor, and be sure to answer:
Note that in the next part of the assignment you will be using a different technique to visualize this data (isocontours). You will need to switch between these two modes use keystrokes. This is an FYI for planning how you structure this part of the assignment! Isocontours using Marching Squares Write your own marching squares algorithm to generate and draw isocontours. Allow the user to switch between our color-mapped image and the isocontours using the 'c' key. For the isocontours mode, you must draw all the isocontours at a single isovalue. To draw isolines in Processing, you can use beginShape()/endShape() or line(). Note that, you should still keep your display of a fixed height of 800 pixels. However, you should isocontour on the original data and then scale up the position of the isocontours appropriately. This is not equivalent to isocontouring the bilinearly interpolated data! To help with debugging focus first on the test dataset. This data set is just random noise, but at an isovalue of 32700 it hits all 16 cases of marching squares. See the sample image in FIGURE 5 for the properly generated isocontours. Next, with your working marching squares algorithm, test different isovalues on the brain data set. See what values of the data highlight different portions of the image. Take note of potentially interesting or uninteresting ranges of this data set. We have provided another sample image at isovalue 176 in FIGURE 6. Feel free to play around with interactions to set or change isovalues. This can allow you to more easily explore the data set, but it is not required. In your digital notebook, be sure to add an image of the test data set at the same isovalue as in FIGURE 5. Additionally, add several images of interesting isovalues you found in the brain data set. Be sure to also answer:
Data Exploration First, test your color map technique. You can see a sample image in FIGURE 7. Play around with your colormaps for this data set and choose a colormap that you think is most appropriate. Next, explore different isocontours. Try to find interesting values and patterns that you maybe could not see in the color map. Compare how these contours look versus the contours you saw in the brain data set. In your digital notebook, include a couple images showing your color map and changes for the mtHood data set, along with a couple images for isocontours. Additionally, answer the following:
Extra Credit 1: Higher Order Interpolation
Extra Credit 2: Efficient Coding Data Sets brain.nrrd: This data set contains scalar values measured from a 2D slice of a brain. test.nrrd: This data set is a randomly-generated 2D grid of noise. source: Gordon Kindlmann mtHood.nrrd: This data set contains scalar values measured from a 2D spatial grid which represents a height field around Mount Hood in Oregon. Recommended Resources
Submission Details Grading
Please format your notebook so these are easy to find. If we can't find something in a reasonable amount of time, you will not recieve credit for it. |
transfer function design |
Due on Tuesday, Dec 16th at midnight The need to visualize 3D volumes is a ubiquitous problem is medicine, engineering, and the computational sciences. These volumes are often complex and contain a wide range of scalar values that represent things like different tissue types, pressure fields, and temperatures. In this assignment you'll gain experience with one of the most challenging aspects of volume render: transfer function design.
more details...
Understanding Transfer Functions In your write-up, include the data set you chose to explore and several images of different stages of your exploration. Then, answer the following:
Running the Volume Renderer First, test the volume renderer as it is. You will need to download the assignment code as well as the latest version of Processing -- NOTE: this assignment requires you to be running Processing 2.1! If you have a slower computer, you may wish to go to the Engman lab as the volume renderer will rely on a fairly modern GPU; the computers in the Engman lab run the code well (see the data exploration assignment). Load this program up in Processing and run it. You should successfully get a screen as on the right. Volume Visualization and Control Panel
Code Structure Designing Your Own Transfer Function Widget Note that most transfer function widgets give the users some context about the distribution of scalar values in the volume, ie. they often show histograms of the scalar values. These histograms can help a user to select appropriate colors and alpha values by targetting the most (or sometimes least) prevalant values. You may want to consider "scenting" your transfer function widget with a histogram. Pick one to implement. You will be creating your widget so that it shows up on the empty, right-hand side of the Control Panel window. You will implement this widget using Processing code, and below we describe in detail where this code goes and what aspects of the existing data structures your widget must modify. The end result of your code will be to take the user input from your widget and use it to fill in the specific data structures in the code that specify the transfer function values (for both color and alpha). Your widget code will go in In the implementation details below we give details on how to use the code we have provided you. Include a screenshot of your interactive widget in your digital notebook and answer the following:
Finding Good Transfer Functions
Extra Credit
If you choose to do this extra credit, you do not need to design your widget using RGBA -- you can start with this more advanced color space and complete the assignment with it. Implementation Details We have provided two variables, cWidth and cHeight, that will set the height and width of the control panel. The default elements of the control panel are set later in the file, but you should not need to edit them. The GUI of the control panel already gives you a button to switch between two transfer function modes. The second mode (custom transfer function) is the one you will use for your own widget. We are also providing you with the volume data. First, an integer, gridSize, stores the number of data values on each edge of our 3D grid (which is uniform in all three dimensions). Also, data[x][y][z] is a 3D integer array that stores the scalar values of the volume, which have a range between 0 and 255. We also provide the min and max values for the current data set. To define the transfer functions used by the volume renderer, your widget will need let the user set the color and alpha for each scalar value in the volume, and then fill in four different integer arrays with those values. These four arrays (red, green, blue, and alpha) each have a size of 256, which represents the scalar values 0-255. At each array element you'll need to set the appropriate color channel value for that scalar value. For example, if I want the scalar value of 10 to be transparent red, I'd set red[9]=255, green[9]=blue[9]=0, and alpha[9]=150. The color channel array values should be between 0 and 255. Thus, to find the color for the scalar value of 255, the volume renderer will check the following: red[255], green[255], blue[255], and alpha[255]. Please note that we have white backgrounds, so if all the RGB values are 0, then you are using the color black. However, the alpha channel is set so that values of 0 are transparent and values of 255 are solid. By default, the RGBA arrays are all transparent white. If you are scenting your transfer function widget with a histogram of the scalar field values, then be aware that some of the data sets will be dominated by a single value -- this is quite common in volumes. These dominate values are most often uninteresting, such as the background or noise. You are free to "process" your histogram or display it in such a way that will minimize these dominate values. Please make sure to explain what you do in your notebook. Like in Processing, the code has a setup() method. Do not remove or change the ordering of the initial setup calls. But, you are welcome to add more to the setup if you wish. We also have a draw() method, where the bulk of your widget will likely be written. Please note that there is a special function, updateTransferFunction(), which will pass your RGBA arrays in their current form and update the volume renderer with that data, if you are set to the proper transfer function mode (custom transfer function). You do not need to call this every draw cycle, but you must have a clear way to call this function in your widget in order to update the volume renderer with the user's transfer function. Since you are writing in a Java file, there may be some quirks with using Processing commands. For example, to create a color, Java officially recognizes them as an int (not color!). Also, if you wish to write your own methods, you must be sure to specify them as public or private, like the setup() and draw() methods. You can do this for Processing methods that work like normal, like mouseClicked() or mouseDragged(). There may be more quirks, and, if you have trouble, feel free to contact the TAs. Submission Details Grading
Please format your notebook so these are easy to find. If we can't find something in a reasonable amount of time, you will not recieve credit for it. |
The exams will pull from both the lecture content and the required readings. The first exam will cover the foundational material from weeks 1-6, and the second exam will cover the technique material from weeks 7-15. You are allowed one 8.5 x 11 piece of paper of notes for each exam. NO COMPUTERS ARE ALLOWED DURING THE EXAMS. |
recommended |
- A
Tour through the Visualization Zoo. Jeffrey Heer, Michael
Bostock, Vadim Ogievetsky. Communications of the ACM, 53(6),
pp. 59-67, Jun 2010. - The Value of Visualization. Jarke van Wijk. Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization Conference, pp. 79-86, 2005. |
slides |
L01-intro.pdf |
required |
- Visualization
Analysis and Design, Ch. 1 What's Vis, and Why Do It?
Tamara Munzner. - Visualization Analysis and Design, Ch. 6.10 Function First, Form Next Tamara Munzner. - 99% Details. Podcast from 99% Invisible, Sep 2010. |
recommended |
- Design
Principles for Visual Communication. Maneesh Agrawala,
Wilmot Li, Floraine Berthouzoz. Communications of the ACM,
54(4), pp. 60-69, Apr
2011. - Design of data figures. Bang Wong. Nature Methods 7, pp. 665, Sept 2010. - Negative space. Bang Wong. Nature Methods 8, pp. 5, Jan 2011. - A User Study of Visualization Effectiveness Using EEG and Cognitive Load. E. W. Anderson, K. C. Potter, L. E. Matzen2, J. F. Shepherd, G. A. Preston, C. T. Silva. Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 30, Issue 3, pages 791Ð800, June 2011. - Useful Junk? The Effects of Visual Embellishment on Comprehension and Memorability of Charts. Scott Bateman, Regan L. Mandryk, Carl Gutwin, Aaron Genest, David McDine, Christopher Brooks. Proceedings of CHI '10, pp. 2573-2582, Apr 2010. - Want to make a chart memorable? Add junk. Critique of Bateman's argument by Robert Kosara, 2011. - What Makes a Visualization Memorable? Borkin MA, Vo AA, Bylinskii Z, Isola P, Sunkavalli S, Oliva A, Pfister H. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of InfoVis 2013). 2013. - Unseen and Unaware: Implications of Recent Research on Failures of Visual Awareness for HumanÐComputer Interface Design. Alexander Varakin, Daniel T. Levin, Roger Fidler. Human-Computer Interaction, 19(4), pp. 389-422, Nov 2009. - The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Edward Tufte. 2001. |
slides |
L02-design.pdf |
required |
- Visual
for Design, Ch. 1 & 2, Visual Queries & What We Can Easily
Colin Ware. |
recommended |
- Perception
in visualization. Chris Healey. - Gestalt and composition. In Course #13, SIGGRAPH 2002. Fredo Durand. - High-Speed Visual Estimation Using Preattentive Processing. C. Healey, K. Booth, and J. Enns. ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction 3(2), pp. 107-135, 1996. - Visual Perception from a Computer Graphics Perspective. W. Thompson, R. Fleming, S. Creem-Regehr, J. Stefanucci. CRC Press, 2011. - Gestalt principles (part 1). Bang Wong. Nature Methods 7, pp. 863, Nov 2010. - Gestalt principles (part 2). Bang Wong. Nature Methods 7, pp. 941, Dec 2010. - National Geographic: Test Your Brain Episode 1 - Pay Attention. - National Geographic: Test Your Brain Episode 2 - Perception. - National Geographic: Test Your Brain Episode 3 - Memory. |
slides |
L03-perception.pdf |
required |
- Visualization
Analysis and Design, Ch. 2 What: Data Abstraction Tamara Munzner. |
recommended |
- Polaris: A System for Query, Analysis and Visualization of Multi-dimensional Relational Databases (extended paper).
Chris Stolte, Diane Tang and Pat Hanrahan. IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 8, No. 1, January
2002. - What Does the User Want to See? What do the Data Want to Be? A. Johannes Pretorius and Jarke J. Van Wijk. Information Visualization 8: 153, 2009. - Levels of Measurement. Wikipedia. - On the Theory of Scales of Measurement. S. S. Stevens. Science, 103(2684), pp. 677-680, June 1946. |
slides |
L04-data.pdf |
required |
- Visualization
Analysis and Design, Ch. 10.2-10.3 Color Theory and Colormaps, Tamara Munzner. - Visual Thinking for Design, Ch. 4 Color. Colin Ware. |
recommended |
- Rainbow
Color Map (Still) Considered Harmful.
D. Borland and R. Taylor. Computer Graphics and
Applications, 27(2), pp. 14-17, 2007. - How Not to Lie with Visualization. Bernice E. Rogowitz and Lloyd Treinish. Computers in Physics, 10, n.3, pp. 268-274, May/June 1996. - Face-based Luminance Matching for Perceptual Colormap Generation. Gordon Kindlmann, Sarah Creem, Erik Reinhard. In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization, pages 299Ð306, October 2002. - Color Use Guidelines for Mapping and Visualization. Cynthia A. Brewer. Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Graphics, American Statistical Association, Alexandria VA. pp. 55-60. 1999. - Selecting Semantically-Resonant Colors for Data Visualization. Sharon Lin, Julie Fortuna, Chinmay Kulkarni, Maureen Stone, Jeffrey Heer. Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EuroVis), 2013. - Perceptually Driven Visibility Optimization for Categorical Data Visualization. Sungkil Lee, Mike Sips, Hans-Peter Seidel. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 19, No. 10, October 2013. - Color Naming Models for Color Selection, Image Editing and Palette Design. Jeffrey Heer, Maureen Stone. ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2012. - Choosing Colors for Data Visualization. M. Stone, 2006. - Representing Colors as Three Numbers. M. Stone. IEEE CG&A, July/Aug 2005. - Using Color Effectively in Computer Graphics. Joan R. Truckenbrod. SIGGRAPH, 1981. - Color coding. Bang Wong. Nature Methods 7, pp. 573, Aug 2010. - Color blindness. Bang Wong. Nature Methods 8, pp. 441, May 2011. - Colors. RadioLab, Season 10, Episode 13. |
resources |
- Color Brewer 2.0 - Color Overview & Tools - HCL Color Picker - MudCube Color Scheme (can simulate color deficiency) - Color Converter (across multiple color spaces) - More color resources, from Bruce Lindbloom. |
slides |
required |
- Getting Started with Processing - Processing Overview - Drawing in Processing |
recommended |
- Learning Processing, Ch. 1-3 (Lesson 1),
Daniel Shiffman, Morgan Kaufmann, 2008. |
resources |
- Download Processing - Processing Tutorials - Processing Examples |
slides |
exercises |
- Processing exercises, c/o Dr. Josh Levine - data.txt for Processing exercise #2 |
required |
- Visualization
Analysis and Design, Ch. 3 Why: Task Abstraction, Tamara Munzner. - Visualization Analysis and Design, Ch. 11 Manipulate View, Tamara Munzner. - Visualization Analysis and Design, Ch. 6.8 Responsiveness Is Required, Tamara Munzner. |
recommended |
- Low-Level
Components of Analytic Activity in Information
Robert Amar, James Eagan, and John Stasko. Proceedings of
InfoVis, 2005. - A Multi-Level Typology of Abstract Visualization Tasks. Matthew Brehmer and Tamara Munzner. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 19(12), p. 2376--2385, 2013. - A Design Space of Visualization Tasks. Hans-Jorg Schulz, Thomas Nocke, Magnus Heitzler, and Heidrun Schumann. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 19(12), p. 2376--2385, 2013. - Toward a Deeper Understanding of the Role of Interaction in Information Visualization. J.S. Yi, Y.A. Kang, J.T. Stasko and J.A. Jacko, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 13, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2007, pp. 1224-1231. - Fluid interaction for information visualization. N. Elmqvist, A. Vande Moere, H-C. Jetter, D. Cernea, H. Reiterer, and TJ Jankun-Kelly, Information Visualization, Vol. 10, No. 4, Oct. 2011, pp. 327-340. - Interactive Dynamics for Visual Analysis. Heer & Shneiderman. Queue 10, 2, Pages 30 (February 2012). - Pad++: A Zooming Graphical Interface for Exploring Alternate Interface Physics Ben Bederson, and James D Hollan, Proc UIST 94. - Space-Scale Diagrams: Understanding Multiscale Interfaces George Furnas and Ben Bederson, Proc SIGCHI '95. - Smooth and efficient zooming and panning. Jarke J. van Wijk and Wim A.A. Nuij. INFOVIS'03 Proceedings of the Ninth annual IEEE conference on Information visualization. - Animated Transitions in Statistical Data Graphics. Jeffrey Heer and George G. Robertson. IEEE TVCG (Proc. InfoVis 2007) 13(6): 1240-1247, 2007. |
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required |
- Visualization
Analysis and Design, Ch. 12 Facet Into Multiple Views, Tamara
Munzner. - Visualization Analysis and Design, Ch. 6.7 Overview First, Zoom and Filter, Details on Demand, Tamara Munzner. |
recommended |
- Cognitive costs of
zooming versus using multiple windows.
Matthew D. Plumlee and Colin Ware. ACM Trans. Applied
Perception (TAP) 13(2):1-31, 2006. - Guidelines for Using Multiple Views in Information Visualization. M. Wang, A. Woodruff, A. Kuchinsky. Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces (AVI '00), 2000. - State of the Art: Coordinated & Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization. J. Roberts. Proc. Conference on Coordinated & Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization (CMV) 2007. - Interactive Coordinated Multiple-View Visualization of Biomechanical Motion Data. Daniel F. Keefe, Marcus Ewert, William Ribarsky, Remco Chang. IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. Vis 2009), 15(6):1383-1390, 2009. - The Eyes Have It: A Task by Data Type Taxonomy for Information Visualizations. Ben Shneiderman. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Visual Languages, 1996. - The visual design and control of the trellis display. R. Becker, W. Cleveland, M. Shyu. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 5(2), 1996. - Configuring Hierarchical Layouts to Address Research Questions. A. Slingsby, J. Dykes, J. Wood. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 15 (6), Nov-Dec 2009. - Product Plots. H. Wickham, H. Hofmann. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. InfoVis '11), 2011. - Taxonomy-Based Glyph Design Ñ with a Case Study on Visualizing Workflows of Biological Experiments. Eamonn Maguire, Philippe Rocca-Serra, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Jim Davies, and Min Chen. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS, VOL. 18, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2012. |
slides |
required |
- Visualization
Analysis and Design, Ch. 14 Embed: Focus + Context, Tamara
Munzner. |
recommended |
- A
review of overview+detail, zooming, and focus+context interfaces. Andy
Cockburn, Amy Karlson, and Benjamin B. Bederson. ACM Computing Surveys
41(1), 2008. - A fisheye follow-up: further reflections on focus + context George Furnas, CHI '06, Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems. - SpaceTree: Supporting Exploration in Large Node Link Tree, Design Evolution and Empirical Evaluation Catherine Plaisant, Jesse Grosjean, and Ben B. Bederson. Proc. InfoVis 2002. - Degree-of-interest trees: a component of an attention-reactive user interface. S. Card and D. Nation, Proceedings of the Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 02), 2002. |
slides |
required |
- Visualization
Analysis and Design, Ch. 13 Reduce Items and Attributes, Tamara
Munzner. |
recommended |
- Empirical
Guidance on Scatterplot and
Dimension Reduction Technique Choices. Michael Sedlmair, Tamara
Munzner, and Melanie Tory.
IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. InfoVis 2013)
19(12): 2634-2643, 2013. - Glimmer: Multilevel MDS on the GPU. Stephen Ingram, Tamara Munzner and Marc Olano. IEEE TVCG, 15(2):249-261, Mar/Apr 2009. - Visual Exploration of High Dimensional Scalar Functions. Samuel Gerber, Peer-Timo Bremer, Valerio Pascucci, Ross Whitaker, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Proceedings of VIS 2010. - DimStiller: Workflows for dimensional analysis and reduction. Stephen Ingram, Tamara Munzner, Veronika Irvine, Melanie Tory, Steven Bergner, and Torsten Moeller. IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Software and Technologies (VAST) 2010, p 3-10. - Interactive Dimensionality Reduction Through User-defined Combinations of Quality Metrics. Sara Johansson and Jimmy Johansson. IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. InfoVis 09) 15(6):993-1000, 2009. |
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L11-filtering-aggregation.pdf |
required |
- Visualization
Analysis and Design, Ch. 7 Tables, Tamara
Munzner. |
recommended |
- Arc Length-based Aspect Ratio Selection.
Justin Talbot, John Gerth, and Pat Hanrahan. IEEE TVCG (Proceedings of
InfoVis), 2011. - An Empirical Model of Slope Ratio Comparisons. Justin Talbot, John Gerth, and Pat Hanrahan. IEEE TVCG (Proceedings of InfoVis), 2012. - An Extension of WilkinsonÕs Algorithm for Positioning Tick Labels on Axes. Justin Talbot, Sharon Lin, and Pat Hanrahan. IEEE TVCG 16(6), 2010. - Multi-Scale Banking to 45 Degrees Jeffrey Heer, Maneesh Agrawala. Proc. InfoVis 2006, published as IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 12(5), Sep/Oct 2006, pages 701-708. - LineUp: Visual Analysis of Multi-Attribute Rankings. Samuel Gratzl, Alexander Lex, Nils Gehlenborg, Hanspeter Pfister and Marc Streit. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis '13), 2013. - VisDB: A System for Visualizing Large Databases. Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel. Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD 1995. - Interactively Exploring Hierarchical Clustering Results. Jinwook Seo and Ben Shneiderman. IEEE Computer, Volume 35, Number 7, pp. 80-86, July 2002. - Stacked Graphs Ð Geometry & Aesthetics. Byron & Wattenberg. Proceedings of InfoVis 2008. - Metric-Based Network Exploration and Multiscale Scatterplot Yves Chiricota, Fabien Jourdan, Guy Melancon. Proc. InfoVis 04, pages 135-142. - Hierarchical Parallel Coordinates for Exploration of Large Datasets Ying-Huey Fua, Matthew O. Ward, and Elke A. Rundensteiner, IEEE Visualization '99. - Sizing the Horizon: The Effects of Chart Size and Layering on the Graphical Perception of Time Series Visualizations. Jeffrey Heer, Nicholas Kong, and Maneesh Agrawala. ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2009. pp. 1303 - 1312. - Parallel sets: visual analysis of categorical data Fabien Bendix, Robert Kosara, and Helwig Hauser. Proc. InfoVis 2005, p 133-140. |
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L12-tabular.pdf |
required |
- Visualization
Analysis and Design, Ch. 9 Arrange Networks and Trees, Tamara
Munzner. - A Visual Bibliography of Tree Visualization, Hans-Jorg Schulz, InfoVis 2010 Best Poster. |
recommended |
Graph Visualisation in Information Visualisation: a Survey Ivan
Herman, Guy Melancon, M. Scott Marshall. IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics, 6(1), pp. 24-44, 2000. - A survey of multiple tree visualisation. Martin Graham and Jessie Kennedy. Information Visualization, vol. 9 no. 4, 235-252, 2010. - Visual Exploration of Multivariate Graphs. Martin Wattenberg, Proc. CHI 2006. - ABySS-Explorer: Visualizing genome sequence assemblies. Cydney B. Nielsen, Shaun D. Jackman, Inanc Birol, Steven J.M. Jones. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc InfoVis 2009) 15(6):881-8, 2009. - Task taxonomy for graph visualization.B. Lee, C. Plaisant, C. Sims Parr, J.-D. Fekete, N. Henry, Proc. of BELIV '06, April '06, pp. 1-5. - Online Dynamic Graph Drawing Yaniv Frishman and Ayellet Tal. Proc EuroVis 2007, 75-82. - Cushion Treemaps Jack J. van Wijk and Huub van de Wetering, Proc InfoVis 1999, pp 73-78. - Map of the market. - Visualization of large tree structures. - Planarity game. - Force-directed layout in Protovis. |
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L13-trees-graphs.pdf |
required |
- Search
User Interfaces - Chapter 11, Information Visualization for Text
Analysis. Marti A. Hearst, 2009. - Visualizing Sets and Set-typed Data: State-of-the-Art and Future Challenges. Alsallakh, Bilal and Micallef, Luana and Aigner, Wolfgang and Hauser, Helwig and Miksch, Silvia and Rodgers, Peter, Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis), June 2014. |
recommended |
- ThemeRiver: Visualizing Theme Changes over
Time. Susan Havre, Beth Hetzler, Lucy Nowell. IEEE
Information Visualization Symposium, 2000. - The Word Tree, an Interactive Visual Concordance. Martin Wattenberg, Fernanda Viegas. IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2008. - Jigsaw: Supporting Investigative Analysis through Interactive Visualization. John Stasko, Carsten Gorg, Zhicheng Liu. Information Visualization, 2008. - DocuBurst: Visualizing Document Content using Language Structure. Christopher Collins, Sheelagh Carpendale, Gerald Penn. IEEE Eurographics VGTC Symposium, 2009. - Mapping Text with Phrase Nets. Frank van Ham, Martin Wattenberg, Fernanda Viegas. IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2009. - Arc Diagrams: Visualizing Structure in Strings. Martin Wattenberg. IEEE Information Visualization Symposium, 2002. - Rule-based Visual Mappings - with a Case Study on Poetry Visualization. Alfie Abdul-Rahman, Julie Lein, Katharine Coles, Emmon Maguire, Miriah Meyer, Martine Wynne, Chris Johnson, Anne Trefethen, and Min Chen. Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of EuroVis 2013), 32(3), 2013. - Wordle. Jonathan Feinberg. Beautiful Visualization, O'Reilly Media, 2010. - Bubble Sets: Revealing Set Relations with Isocontours over Existing Visualizations. C. Collins, G. Penn, S. Carpendale. IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2009. - Untangling Euler Diagrams. Nathalie Henry Riche, Tim Dwyer. IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2010. - Design Study of LineSets, a Novel Set Visualization Technique. B. Alper, N.H. Riche, G. Ramos, M. Czerwinski. IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2011. - KelpFusion: A Hybrid Set Visualization Technique. W. Meulemans, N.H. Riche, B. Speckmann, B. Alper, T. Dwyer. IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2013. |
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L14-text-sets.pdf |
required |
- Visualization
Analysis and Design, Ch. 8.1-8.3 Arrange Spatial Data, Tamara
Munzner. |
recommended |
- The
Evolution of Thematic Cartography/A Research Methodology and Historical
Review. Alan M. MacEachren. The Canadian Cartographer 16:1 (1979),
- Unfolding
the Earth: Myriahedral Projections.
Jarke J. van Wijk,
The Cartographic Journal, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp.32-42, February
2008. - Diffusion-based method for producing density-equalizing maps. Michael T. Gastner and M. E. J. Newman, PNAS 101(20), 2004. - Necklace Maps. Bettina Speckmann and Kevin Verbeek, Proceedings of InfoVis, 2010. - Map Projections - Cartogram Central - Myriahedral Projections |
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L15-maps.pdf |
required |
- Mathematical
Principles for Scientific Computing and Visualization, Chapter 13 Facets. Gerald Farin
and Dianne Hansford. A K Peters/CRC Press, 2008. |
recommended |
- A Survey of Grid Generation Methodologies and Scientific Visualization Efforts.
Bernd Hamann, Robert J. Moorhead In G. M. Nielson, Hans Hagen, H. Muller
, eds. Scientific Visualization: Overviews, Methodologies, and
Techniques IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, 1997. - Sections 10.1-10.3: Unstructured Mesh Generation. Jonathan Richard Shewchuk. In Combinatorial Scientific Computing (Uwe Naumann and Olaf Schenk, editors), Chapter 10, pages 257-297, CRC Press, January 2012. - Fast, Memory-Efficient Cell Location in Unstructured Grids for Visualization. Christoph Garth, Kenneth I. Joy: IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 16(6): 1541-1550, 2010. - Streaming Simplification of Tetrahedral Meshes. Huy T. Vo, Steven P. Callahan, Peter Lindstrom, Valerio Pascucci, Cláudio T. Silva. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 13(1): 145-155, 2007. |
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L16-grids.pdf |
required |
- Visualization
Analysis and Design, Ch. 8.4.1 Arrange Spatial Data, Tamara
Munzner. - Marching Cubes: A High Resolution 3D Surface Construction Algorithm. William E. Lorensen and Harvey E. Cline, Computer Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 87), 21 (4), pp. 163-169 (July 1987, Anaheim, California). |
recommended |
Data structures for soft objects. Geoff Wyvill, Craig McPheeters,
Brian Wyvill. The Visual Computer 2(4): 227-234 (1986). - The Asymptotic Decider: Resolving the Ambiguity in Marching Cubes, Gregory M. Nielson, Bernd Hamann. IEEE Visualization 1991: 83-93. - Topology Verification for Isosurface Extraction, Tiago Etiene, Luis Gustavo Nonato, Carlos Eduardo Scheidegger, Julien Tierny, Thomas J. Peters, Valerio Pascucci, Robert M. Kirby, Cl‡udio T. Silva. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 18(6): 952-965 (2012). - Topology, Accuracy, and Quality of Isosurface Meshes Using Dynamic Particles, Miriah D. Meyer, Robert M. Kirby, Ross T. Whitaker. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 13(6): 1704-1711 (2007). - On the Fractal Dimension of Isosurfaces. Marc Khoury, Rephael Wenger. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 16(6): 1198-1205 (2010). - A Near Optimal Isosurface Extraction Algorithm Using the Span Space. Yarden Livnat, Han-Wei Shen, Christopher R. Johnson. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 2(1): 73-84 (1996). - Isosurfaces: Geometry, Topology, and Algorithms. Rephael Wenger. A K Peters/CRC Press 2013. |
slides |
L17-isosurfaces.pdf |
required |
- Mathematical
Principles for Scientific Computing and Visualization, Chapter 16 Background. Gerald Farin
and Dianne Hansford. A K Peters/CRC Press, 2008. |
recommended |
- Light reflection
functions for simulation of clouds and dusty surfaces. James F.
Blinn. SIGGRAPH 16(3): 21-29, 1982. - Compositing digital images. Thomas Porter and Tom Duff. SIGGRAPH 18(3): 253-259, 1984. - The rendering equation. James T. Kajiya. SIGGRAPH 20(4): 143-150, 1986. - Example-based Volume Illustrations. Aidong Lu, David S. Ebert. Proceedings of IEEE Visualization, pp. 655-662, 2005. - Volume Illustration: Nonphotorealistic Rendering of Volume Models. Penny Rheingans, David S. Ebert. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 7(3): 253-264 (2001). - History of computer graphics. - Short overview on Wikipedia. - Short history of the U in graphics. - History of the Utah Teapot. |
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L18-graphics.pdf |
required |
- Visualization
Analysis and Design, Ch. 8.4.2 Arrange Spatial Data, Tamara
Munzner. |
recommended |
- Real-Time
Volume Graphics, Chapters 1, 3, 7, and 9, Klaus Engel,
Markus Hadwiger, Joe Kniss, Christof Rezk-Salama, Daniel
Weiskopf, A K Peters, 2006 - Real-Time Volume Graphics (course notes), Klaus Engel, Markus Hadwiger, Joe Kniss, Aaron Lefohn, Christof Rezk-Salama and Daniel Weiskopf. Original SIGGRAPH 2004 course. Also, slides from newer coursenotes from EG 2006. - A rendering algorithm for visualizing 3D scalar fields. Paolo Sabella. SIGGRAPH 1988: 51-58. - Display of Surfaces from Volume Data, Marc Levoy, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 8(3), 29-37, 1988 - Volume rendering, Robert A. Drebin, Loren C. Carpenter, Pat Hanrahan. SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Vol. 22, No. 4, August, 1988, pages 51-58. - Footprint Evaluation for Volume Rendering, Lee Westover. ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 367-376, 1990. - Fast Volume Rendering Using a Shear-Warp Factorization of the Viewing Transformation. Lacroute, P. and Levoy, M. in Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 1994. pages 451-458 - A Model for Volume Lighting and Modeling. Joe Kniss, Simon Premoze, Charles Hansen, Peter Shirley, Allen McPherson, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2003. - A Survey of GPU-Based Volume Rendering of Unstructured Grids. Cláudio T. Silva, João Luiz Dihl Comba, Steven P. Callahan, Fábio F. Bernardon. RITA 12(2): 9-30 (2005). - Hierarchical Exploration of Volumes Using Multilevel Segmentation of the Intensity-Gradient Histograms, Cheuk Yiu Ip, Amitabh Varshney, Joseph JaJa, IEEE VisWeek, 2012. -- Check out the video. |
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L19-volume-rendering.pdf |
guest | Dr. Josh
assistant professor, School of Computing, Clemson University.
required |
The Transfer Function Bake-Off.
Hanspeter Pfister, William E. Lorensen, Chandrajit L. Bajaj, Gordon L. Kindlmann, William J. Schroeder, Lisa Sobierajski Avila, Ken Martin, Raghu Machiraju, Jinho Lee.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 21(3): 16-22 (2001). - Semi-Automatic Generation of Transfer Functions for Direct Volume Rendering, Gordon Kindlmann, James Durkin, IEEE 1998 Symposium on Volume Visualization, pages 79-86. |
recommended |
- The contour spectrum., Chandrajit L. Bajaj, Valerio Pascucci, Daniel Schikore. IEEE Visualization 1997: 167-174 - Interactive Volume Rendering Using Multi-Dimensional Transfer Functions and Direct Manipulation Widgets, Joe Kniss, Gordon Kindlmann, Charles Hansen, IEEE Visualization 2001, pages 255-262. - Curvature-Based Transfer Functions for Direct Volume Rendering: Methods and Applications, Gordon Kindlmann, Ross Whitaker, Tolga Tasdizen, Torsten Mšller, IEEE Visualization 2003. - Gaussian Transfer Functions for Multi-Field Volume Visualization. Joe Kniss, Simon Premoze, Milan Ikits, Aaron E. Lefohn, Charles D. Hansen, Emil Praun. IEEE Visualization, pp. 497-504, 2003. - Statistically Quantitative Volume Visualization. Joe Michael Kniss, Robert L. Van Uitert Jr., Abraham Stephens, Guo-Shi Li, Tolga Tasdizen, Charles D. Hansen. IEEE Visualization, pp. 287-294, 2005. - Local Histograms for Design of Transfer Functions in Direct Volume Rendering, Claes Lundstršm, Patric Ljung, Anders Ynnerman. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(6): 1570-1579 2006. |
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L20-transfer-functions.pdf |
guest | Dr. Josh
assistant professor, School of Computing, Clemson University.
required |
- Visualization
Analysis and Design, Ch. 8.5 Arrange Spatial Data, Tamara
Munzner. - Flow Visualization. Stephen Kline (National Committee for Fluid Mechanics Films). 35 min running time. Check out the Film Notes as well. |
recommended |
- Over
Two Decades of Integration-Based Geometric Flow
Visualization. Tony McLouglin, Robert S. Laramee, Ronald
Peikert, Frits H. Post and Min Chen. Computer Graphics Forum,
Vol. 29, No. 6, 2010, pages 1807-1829. - Image-guided streamline placement. G. Turk and D. Banks. In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH, pages 453-460, 1996. - Creating evenly-spaced streamlines of arbitrary density. B. Jobard and W. Lefer. In Visualization in Scientific Computing, pages 43-56, 1997. - Imaged Based Streamline Generation and Rendering. Liya Li and Han-Wei Shen. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol 13, No. 3, pages 630-640, 2007. - Streak Lines as Tangent Curves of a Derived Vector Field. Tino Weinkauf, Holger Theisel. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 16(6): 1225-1234 (2010). - Farthest Point Seeding for Efficient Placement of Streamlines. Abdelkrim Mebarki, Pierre Alliez, Olivier Devillers. IEEE Visualization 2005: 61. - The State of the Art in Flow Visualisation: Feature Extraction and Tracking. Frits H. Post, Benjamin Vrolijk, Helwig Hauser, Robert S. Laramee, Helmut Doleisch. Comput. Graph. Forum 22(4): 775-792 (2003). |
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L21-vector-fields.pdf |
required |
- Visualization
Analysis and Design, Ch. 4 Analysis: Four Levels for Validation, Tamara
Munzner. |
recommended |
- Software
Design Patterns for Information Visualization. Jeffrey
Heer, Maneesh Agrawala, IEEE Trans. Visualization &
Comp. Graphics (Proc. InfoVis), 12(5), 853Ð860, 2006. - A Nested Model for Visualization Design and Validation, Tamara Munzner, IEEE TVCG (Proc. InfoVis 2009), 15(6):921-928, 2009. - The Nested Blocks and Guidelines Model, Miriah Meyer, Michael Sedlmair, P. Samuel Quinan, and Tamara Munzner, Journal of Information Visualization, 2013. - Strategies for Evaluating Information Visualization Tools: Multi-dimensional In-depth Long-term Case Studies,Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant. BELIV '06 Proceedings of the 2006 AVI workshop on BEyond time and errors: novel evaluation methods for information visualization. - Design Study Methodology: Reflections from the Trenches and the Stacks. Michael Sedlmair, Miriah Meyer, Tamara Munzner. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of InfoVis 2012), 18(12): 2431-2440, 2012. - Wicked problems in design thinking. Richard Buchanan. Design Issues , Vol. 8, No. 2 (Spring, 1992), pp. 5-21. |
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L22-vis-models.pdf |
guest | Dr. Josh
assistant professor, School of Computing, Clemson University.
required |
- Visualization
Analysis and Design, Ch. 8.6 Arrange Spatial Data, Tamara
Munzner. - Comparing 2D Vector Field Visualization Methods: A User Study. David H. Laidlaw, Robert M. Kirby, Cullen D. Jackson, J. Scott Davidson, Timothy S. Miller, Marco da Silva, William H. Warren, Michael J. Tarr. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 11(1): 59-70 (2005). |
recommended |
- Imaging vector
fields using line integral convolution. B. Cabral and
C. Leedom. in Proceedings of SIGGRAPH, pages 263-270, 1993. - Image based flow visualization. J. van Wijk. in Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH, pages 745-754, 2002. - The State of the Art in Flow Visualization: Dense and Texture-Based Techniques. Robert S. Laramee, Helwig Hauser, Helmut Doleisch, Benjamin Vrolijk, Frits H. Post, and Daniel Weiskopf. in Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), Vol. 23, No. 2, 2004, pages 203-221. - Strategies for Direct Volume Rendering of Diffusion Tensor Fields, Gordon Kindlmann, David Weinstein, David Hart, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 6(2):124-138, April-June 2000. - Diffusion Tensor Visualization with Glyph Packing, Gordon Kindlmann C. F. Westin, TVCG, vol.12, no.5, pp.1329-1336, Sept.-Oct. 2006. - An Introduction to Visualization of Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Its Applications. A. Vilanova, S. Zhang, G. Kindlmann, D. Laidlaw. In J Weickert and H Hagen, editors, Visualization and Processing of Tensor Fields, pages 121-153. Springer Verlag, 2006. - HyperLic. Xiaoqiang Zheng and Alex Pang. IEEE Visualization 2003. - Anisotropic Noise Samples for Tensor Field Visualization. Feng, L., Hotz, I., Hamann, B., Joy, K.I. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2008, Vol. 14, pp. 342-354. |
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L23-tensors.pdf |
required |
Design Study Methodology: Reflections from the Trenches and the
Stacks. Michael Sedlmair, Miriah Meyer, Tamara
Munzner. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer
Graphics (Proceedings of InfoVis 2012), 18(12): 2431-2440,
recommended |
- MizBee:
A Multiscale Synteny Browser. Miriah Meyer, Tamara Munzner, and
Hanspeter Pfister. IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics
(Proc. InfoVis 09), 2009. - Variant View: Visualizing Sequence Variants in their Gene Context. Joel A. Ferstay, Cydney B. Nielsen , Tamara Munzner. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Information Visualization, Atlanta, GA, USA. 2013. - SoccerStories: A Kick-off for Soccer Visual Analysis. Charles Perin, Romain Vuillemot, Jean-Daniel Fekete. Proceedings of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis'13), 2013. - ABySS-Explorer: Visualizing genome sequence assemblies. Cydney B. Nielsen, Shaun D. Jackman, Inanc Birol, Steven J.M. Jones. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc InfoVis 2009) 15(6):881-8, 2009. - Interactive Coordinated Multiple-View Visualization of Biomechanical Motion Data. Daniel F. Keefe, Marcus Ewert, William Ribarsky, Remco Chang. IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. Vis 2009), 15(6):1383-1390, 2009. - Facilitating Discourse Analysis with Interactive Visualization. Jian Zhao, Chevalier, F., Collins, C., Balakrishnan, R. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(12), 2012. |
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L24-design-studies.pdf |
guest | Dr. Janet Iwasa,
research assistant professor, Department of Biochemistry, U
of Utah School of Medicine.
required |
Animating the model figure. Janet Iwasa. Trends in Cell Biology, 2010, vol. 20, no12, pp. 699-704.
recommended |
Crafting a career in molecular animation. Janet Iwasa. Mol Biol
Cell. 2014 Oct 1;25(19):2891-3, 2014.
- How animations can help scientists test a hypothesis. Janet's TED talk, 2014. |
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L25-molecular-animation.pdf |
recommended |
Khan Academy introduction to HTML and CSS.
- W3School intro to Javascript. - D3 homepage. |
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