DICOM -> SCIRun Images

Images 1 & 2


This is a LatVol representation of a single slice of a CT scanned bone. The slice was stored as a DICOM file. The DICOM file was read into SCIRun via several Insight modules as shown in image 2. The Itk IO library was used to parse the DICOM image, and the ImageToField module was used to convert the pixel buffer representation into a 2D LatVol. The non-blue area represents a cross-section of a Humerus bone. The DICOM data was obtained from a scan performed ad the University of Utah hospital.

Image 1:

Image 2:

Images 3-5
Image 3:


This is a representation of the same bone as above, but with multiple slices stacked together to form a 3D volume. I did not read in the entire set of slices because of memory constraints. The itkImageSeriesReader was used to read in this series of DICOM files. The Insight package was again used to convert the resulting Itk object into a SCIRun LatVol field.

Image 4:


This is the same visualization as above. The volume has been rotated so that the slice at the other end of the stack is showing.

Image 5:


This is a view of the entire Humerus bone, read in from three special DICOM files.

Last modified: Fri Sep 12 16:43:56 MDT 2003 by Jenny Simpson