Mobile Development
In the past year or so I've been extremely impressed with the mobile development world. Since then I've been compiling a list of ideas that I hope to be able to implement some day. At this point my focus is on finishing my graduate studies, but I would love to put some of my ideas into practice in the future.
Image Analysis
Image Analysis is by far one of my favorite fields of development. See education for more details.
I was just accepted to the University of Utah's Robotics in Computing MS program. I absolutely loved the Artificial Intelligence and Planning side of Robotics, but was less enthusiastic about the Electrical Engineering. And while I decided to switch to Image Analysis as it better fit my goals and interests, I still have a strong love for robotic solutions.
I absolutely love music. I began playing the piano about 5 years ago. I'm not very good at reading sheet music, but chords have always made sense to me, so I can spend hours in front of a piano just playing. Recently I've wanted to learn how to read music and it spurred my work with Fortissimo. Hopefully I'll have a usable midi game soon that will help further my piano education.
Last year I also started playing the drums. Due to the release of rhythm games such as rock band (and me finally purchasing one). I found that the drums were much more intuitive for me than the piano ever was. I'm currently working on progressing through all of the Rock Band 2 songs, and can currently play 90% of them on expert. I hope to have a 5 piece drumset in the next couple of years.
This has also spurred a lot of questions in my mind about the computer science aspects of music. Recently I've been reading into Onset and Beat detection algorithms. I'm extremely interested in music transcription and robotic audio recognition.