(10 files, 1271 lines)
(5 files, 1328 lines)
(8 files, 3728 lines)
(3 files, 1112 lines)
(1 files, 166 lines)
(5 files, 17 lines)
(2 files, 618 lines)
(8 files, 2758 lines)
(2 files, 265 lines)
(2 files, 43 lines)
(12 files, 2279 lines)
(19 files, 115 lines)
Author | Changes | Lines of Code | Lines per Change |
Totals | 5 (100.0%) | 14 (100.0%) | 2.8 |
dav | 4 (80.0%) | 12 (85.7%) | 3.0 |
knolla | 1 (20.0%) | 2 (14.3%) | 2.0 |
Initial framework for in-simulation Uintah tracking system. Messages
will be sent from sus (from each and every process sus is using) to a
simulation tracking server. This will help track the state of
simulations and where/when they fail.
M Core/Util/Socket.h
- BOLD comment about important return condition. (Hopefully gets the
users attention.)
- Added info function.
M Core/Util/Socket.cc
Accept() should be using the new socket (I believe). (Note, I think
both the old and new socket (at this point) are the same, but
still...) Displays an error message if the accept'ance fails.
Implemented the getSocketInfo() function.
M Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController/sub.mk
- Use the tracker.
- Alphabetize. Led to removal of duplicate DataArchiver listing.
M Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SimulationController/AMRSimulationController.cc
- Start using the tracker. (Currently only tracks the beginning of each timestep.)
- Better ordering of #includes.
M Packages/Uintah/StandAlone/sub.mk
Use tracker.
A Packages/Uintah/StandAlone/tools/tracker
A Packages/Uintah/StandAlone/tools/tracker/sub.mk
A Packages/Uintah/StandAlone/tools/tracker/TrackerProgram.cc
Very basic simulation tracking server. Needs to be updated to handle
a threaded server library (which needs to be implemented soon, see below.)
M Packages/Uintah/StandAlone/tools/sub.mk
- Build tracker server.
- Untabify.
M Packages/Uintah/StandAlone/sus.cc
- Add '-track' option.
M Packages/Uintah/Core/sub.mk
Use tracker.
A Packages/Uintah/Core/Tracker
A Packages/Uintah/Core/Tracker/sub.mk
A Packages/Uintah/Core/Tracker/Tracker.cc
A Packages/Uintah/Core/Tracker/TrackerClient.h
A Packages/Uintah/Core/Tracker/Tracker.h
A Packages/Uintah/Core/Tracker/TrackerServer.cc
A Packages/Uintah/Core/Tracker/TrackerServer.h
A Packages/Uintah/Core/Tracker/TrackerClient.cc
Initial commit of tracker libraries (for server and client). Server
needs to be updated to use Threads (so that a server program can query
the server library to ask about status etc (without blocking).
Currently only a few messages are sent... most of the code needs to be
updated to send tracking messages.
7 lines of code changed in 2 files:
Fixes to allow VisIt plugin to be automatically built on the binary
side of the tree (if so specified to configure).
M configure
M configure.ac
- Add --with-visit=DIR flag.
- Add warning about glui.h
M configVars.mk.in
- Indent.
- Add BUILD_VISIT vars.
M Packages/Uintah/Core/DataArchive/DataArchive.h
- Indent. Use white space.
M Packages/Uintah/StandAlone/tools/sub.mk
- Build visit stuff if configured to do so.
M Packages/Uintah/StandAlone/tools/radiusMaker/radius_maker.cc
- Trying to get radius to come out right... this needs to be looked into more.
M Packages/Uintah/StandAlone/tools/uda2vis/sub.mk
Remove #if.
D Packages/Uintah/VisIt/udaReaderMTMD/avtudaReaderMTMDFileFormat.C
A Packages/Uintah/VisIt/udaReaderMTMD/testavtudaReaderMTMDFileFormat.C.in
- The avtudaReaderMTMDFileFormat.C has been replaced with the test*.in file which
allows configure to insert the path to the library directly into the file, thus
avoiding the user having to set an environment var.
M Packages/Uintah/VisIt/udaReaderMTMD/udaReaderMTMDCommonPluginInfo.C
- Use the full path #include: <Packages/Uintah/...>
M Packages/Uintah/VisIt/udaReaderMTMD/avtudaReaderMTMDFileFormat.h
- Fix #includes to use full path. Fix indentation.
A Packages/Uintah/VisIt/udaReaderMTMD/sub.mk
- Somewhat complicated sub.mk file to build visit library plugin. It
creates symbolic links on the binary side to the visit source files on
the src side of the tree (as the Makefile.visit that will be generated
by VisIt must have all the files in the same location). Currently it
runs the creation of the Makefile one time, but this probably needs to
be fixed and run as necessary. This commit is just to get a somewhat
working system in to the repository. I think the testavt...C.in file
is correctly updated to avt...C if the .in file changes, but need to
verify. This VisIt stuff should only happen when VisIt is configured
via configure.
A Packages/Uintah/VisIt/udaReaderMTMD/README
- Just a place to put notes.
M Packages/Uintah/sub.mk
- Build VisIt if configure'd.
4 lines of code changed in 1 file:
made a new uda2vis branch; restored uda2nrrd from rev 41567.
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Moved mpi_test to the tools subdir (along with async_mpi_test (whatever that is). Removed tabs, and did cosmetic coding standard updates.
1 lines of code changed in 1 file: