Author | Changes | Lines of Code | Lines per Change |
Totals | 12 (100.0%) | 8 (100.0%) | 0.6 |
jas | 9 (75.0%) | 5 (62.5%) | 0.5 |
dav | 1 (8.3%) | 2 (25.0%) | 2.0 |
ahumphrey | 2 (16.7%) | 1 (12.5%) | 0.5 |
Remove PAPI support.
This direct support is no longer necessary, as almost all profiling tools sit on top of PAPI. No sense in us maintaining code that's avialble through professional tools.
1 lines of code changed in 2 files:
This commit updates the code to support a newer version of PIDX, including the beginnings
of particle support. This update passes all of the local RT using UDA output, but
fails on a number of (previously passing) PIDX tests. I am committing so that Sid/Steve
can take a look and fix the issue.
Sid, here is the output from (one of) the failing test:
Running test ---methane_fire_8patch--- (mpi 8 proc) at 01:04:31
Command Line: /usr/bin/time -p /usr/installed/mpich/mpich-3.2-gcc4.9.2-install/bin/mpirun -genvlist MALLOC_STATS -np 8 sus -svnStat -svnDiff methane_fire_8patch.ups
Successfully ran to completion
Comparing udas
*** ERROR, test (methane_fire_8patch) failed uda comparison, tolerances exceeded (256)
See /ssd2/home/dav/SVN/Uintah_Baseline/opt-mpich/local_RT/ARCHES-results/methane_fire_8patch/compare_sus_runs.log.txt for more comparison information.
M CCA/Components/DataArchiver/DataArchiver.cc
M CCA/Ports/PIDXOutputContext.h
M CCA/Ports/PIDXOutputContext.cc
- Updates for newer version of PIDX with (I think) the beginnings of particle support.
- Allow for better (finer grained) specification of PIDX flags in .ups input file.
M Core/Util/XMLUtils.h
M Core/Util/XMLUtils.cc
M Core/ProblemSpec/ProblemSpec.h
M Core/ProblemSpec/ProblemSpec.cc
- Added ability to check for unsigned ints.
M StandAlone/tools/extractors/particle2tiff.cc
- Fix compiler warning. White space. Use {} on one line 'if' statements.
M StandAlone/tools/pfs/sub.mk
M StandAlone/Benchmarks/sub.mk
- Link in PIDX.
M configure.ac
M configure
- Newest PIDX requires the zfp library.
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Update copyright date.
5 lines of code changed in 9 files: