/trunk/src Developers: scjmc

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Total Commits:
332 (3.9%)
Lines of Code:
28,056 (29.5%)
Most Recent Commit:
2019-06-19 01:05
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Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for scjmc

Activity by Day of Week for scjmc

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 332 (100.0%) 28056 (100.0%) 84.5
CCA/Components/PhaseField/Applications/ 39 (11.7%) 8435 (30.1%) 216.2
CCA/Components/PhaseField/BoundaryConditions/detail/ 46 (13.9%) 5558 (19.8%) 120.8
CCA/Components/PhaseField/AMR/detail/ 37 (11.1%) 3892 (13.9%) 105.1
CCA/Components/PhaseField/DataWarehouse/detail/ 44 (13.3%) 2648 (9.4%) 60.1
CCA/Components/PhaseField/AMR/ 48 (14.5%) 1675 (6.0%) 34.8
CCA/Components/PhaseField/DataTypes/ 12 (3.6%) 1264 (4.5%) 105.3
CCA/Components/PhaseField/Views/detail/ 17 (5.1%) 1205 (4.3%) 70.8
CCA/Components/PhaseField/BoundaryConditions/ 20 (6.0%) 994 (3.5%) 49.7
CCA/Components/PhaseField/Util/ 7 (2.1%) 991 (3.5%) 141.5
CCA/Components/PhaseField/DataWarehouse/ 14 (4.2%) 715 (2.5%) 51.0
CCA/Components/PhaseField/Factory/ 3 (0.9%) 332 (1.2%) 110.6
CCA/Components/PhaseField/Exceptions/ 7 (2.1%) 201 (0.7%) 28.7
CCA/Components/PhaseField/Views/ 2 (0.6%) 105 (0.4%) 52.5
CCA/Components/PhaseField/ 5 (1.5%) 37 (0.1%) 7.4
CCA/Components/Parent/ 2 (0.6%) 3 (0.0%) 1.5
/ 2 (0.6%) 1 (0.0%) 0.5
include/sci_defs/ 2 (0.6%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
CCA/Components/Heat/ 23 (6.9%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
CCA/Components/ 2 (0.6%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Activity of scjmc

Most Recent Commits

scjmc 2019-06-19 01:05 Rev.: 59478

- Improved PhaseField Component Doxygen documentation

- Implemented copy constructors and clone methods for views at bc to make them
use the given dw view to access data from the DataWarehouse.
This is required by amr applications where physical (bc) and artificial (fci)
boundaries intersect and bc have to be imposed on coarser views.

- Added Implicit timestepping (Backward Euler and Crank-Nicolson) to Heat
Application within PhaseField component.
It make use of hypre solver for solving each level from the coarsest to the
finest using the solution on a level as bc condition on the finer fci's.

0 lines of code changed in 136 files:

  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/AMR: AMRInterface.h (new), sub.mk (new)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/AMR/detail: amr_coarser_view.h (changed), amr_finer_view.h (changed), amr_interface0_CC.h (new), amr_interface0_NC.h (changed), amr_interpolator.h (changed), amr_interpolator_I0.h (changed), amr_interpolator_I1_D1.h (changed), amr_interpolator_I1_D2.h (changed), amr_interpolator_I1_D3.h (changed), amr_restrictor.h (new), amr_restrictor_I0_NC.h (changed), amr_restrictor_I1_CC.h (new)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/Applications: ApplicationFactory.h (new), Benchmark.cc (new), Benchmark01.h (changed), Benchmark02.h (changed), Benchmark03.h (changed), Benchmark04.h (changed), Heat.cc (new), Heat.h (new), PureMetal.cc (new), PureMetal.h (new)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/BoundaryConditions: BCFDView.h (new), BCFDViewFactory.h (new)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/BoundaryConditions/detail: bc_basic_fd_view.h (changed), bc_fd.h (changed), bc_fd_Dirichlet_G1_CC.h (changed), bc_fd_Dirichlet_G1_NC.h (new), bc_fd_FineCoarseInterface_G1.h (changed), bc_fd_FineCoarseInterface_G1_FCBilinear.h (changed), bc_fd_FineCoarseInterface_G1_FCLinear.h (new), bc_fd_FineCoarseInterface_G1_FCSimple.h (changed), bc_fd_Neumann_G1_CC.h (changed), bc_fd_Neumann_G1_NC.h (changed), bcfd_view.h (new), bcs_basic_fd_view.h (changed), get_bc.h (changed), get_bcs.h (new), partition_range_X.h (changed)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/DataTypes: Problem.h (changed)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/DataWarehouse: DWFDView.h (changed), DWInterface.h (changed), DWView.h (changed)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/DataWarehouse/detail: dw_basic_fd_view.h (new), dw_fd.h (new), dw_fd_G1.h (changed), dw_fd_view.h (changed), dw_interface0_CC.h (new), dw_interface0_NC.h (new), dw_interface1_CC_D1.h (new), dw_interface1_CC_D2.h (new), dw_interface1_CC_D3.h (changed), dw_interface1_NC_D1.h (new), dw_interface1_NC_D2.h (changed), dw_interface1_NC_D3.h (new), dw_view.h (changed), dwfd_view.h (new)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/Exceptions: IntVectorOutOfBounds.cc (changed), IntVectorOutOfBounds.h (new)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/Util: Definitions.h (changed), Expressions.h (new)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/Views/detail: basic_fd_view.h (changed), fd_view.h (new), piecewise_view.h (changed), view_array_view.h (changed), virtual_view.h (new)
scjmc 2019-06-18 05:57 Rev.: 59475

- Benchmark applications implemented within PhaseField component

3194 lines of code changed in 9 files:

  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/Applications: ApplicationFactory.cc (+5 -2), Benchmark.cc (+64), Benchmark01.h (+677), Benchmark02.h (+842), Benchmark03.h (+807), Benchmark04.h (+798), sub.mk (+1)
scjmc 2019-06-17 05:53 Rev.: 59472

- Removed references to deleted component Heat (now merged into the PhaseField one)

- Added PhaseField component to the list of components enabled by the configuration flag --enable-all-components

1 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • Makefile.in (+1 -8)
  • CCA/Components: sub.mk (new)
  • CCA/Components/Parent: ApplicationFactory.cc (-50)
  • include/sci_defs: uintah_testdefs.h.in (-1)
scjmc 2019-06-17 05:53 Rev.: 59471

- Heat component reimplemented as Heat application within PhaseField component
(implicit solver implementation removed temporarly)

3189 lines of code changed in 58 files:

  • CCA/Components/Heat: AMRCCHeat2D.cc (del), AMRCCHeat2D.h (del), AMRCCHeat3D.cc (del), AMRCCHeat3D.h (del), AMRNCHeat2D.cc (del), AMRNCHeat2D.h (del), AMRNCHeat3D.cc (del), AMRNCHeat3D.h (del), CCHeat2D.cc (del), CCHeat2D.h (del), CCHeat3D.cc (del), CCHeat3D.h (del), NCHeat2D.cc (del), NCHeat2D.h (del), NCHeat3D.cc (del), NCHeat3D.h (del), TimeScheme.h (del), blockrange_io.h (del), pvtkfile.hpp (del), sub.mk (del), visitfile.hpp (del), vtkfile.cpp (del), vtkfile.hpp (del)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/AMR: AMRFDView-bld.sh (+4 -4), AMRFDViewHeatProblemCCP5FC0-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewHeatProblemCCP5FC0New-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewHeatProblemCCP5FC1-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewHeatProblemCCP5FC1New-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewHeatProblemCCP5FCBilinear-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewHeatProblemCCP5FCLinear-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewHeatProblemCCP5FCSimple-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewHeatProblemCCP7FC0-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewHeatProblemCCP7FC0New-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewHeatProblemCCP7FC1-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewHeatProblemCCP7FC1New-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewHeatProblemNCP5FC0-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewHeatProblemNCP5FC1-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewHeatProblemNCP5FCBilinear-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewHeatProblemNCP5FCLinear-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewHeatProblemNCP5FCSimple-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewHeatProblemNCP7FC0-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewHeatProblemNCP7FC1-bld.sh (new 27), sub.mk (+28)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/Applications: Heat.cc (+67), Heat.h (+2427), sub.mk (+1)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/BoundaryConditions: BCFDView-bld.sh (+4 -4), BCFDViewFactory-bld.sh (+4 -4), BCFDViewHeatProblemCCP5-bld.sh (new 27), BCFDViewHeatProblemCCP7-bld.sh (new 27), BCFDViewHeatProblemNCP5-bld.sh (new 27), BCFDViewHeatProblemNCP7-bld.sh (new 27), sub.mk (+9)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/DataTypes: HeatProblem.h (new 51)
scjmc 2019-06-14 07:24 Rev.: 59463

- Fixed PureMetal::error_estimate_grad_psi for NC problems

19 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/Applications: PureMetal.h (+19 -2)
scjmc 2019-06-14 01:41 Rev.: 59460

- PhaseField application reimplemented as PureMetal

2952 lines of code changed in 26 files:

  • CCA/Components/Parent: ApplicationFactory.cc (+3 -48)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField: AMRPhaseField.h (del), PhaseField.cc (del), PhaseField.h (del), sub.mk (new)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/AMR: AMRFDViewPureMetalProblemCCP5FC0-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewPureMetalProblemCCP5FC0New-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewPureMetalProblemCCP5FC1-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewPureMetalProblemCCP5FC1New-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewPureMetalProblemCCP5FCBilinear-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewPureMetalProblemCCP5FCLinear-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewPureMetalProblemCCP5FCSimple-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewPureMetalProblemCCP7FC0-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewPureMetalProblemCCP7FC0New-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewPureMetalProblemCCP7FC1-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewPureMetalProblemCCP7FC1New-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewPureMetalProblemNCP5FC0-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewPureMetalProblemNCP5FC1-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewPureMetalProblemNCP5FCBilinear-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewPureMetalProblemNCP5FCLinear-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewPureMetalProblemNCP5FCSimple-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewPureMetalProblemNCP7FC0-bld.sh (new 27), AMRFDViewPureMetalProblemNCP7FC1-bld.sh (new 27)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/Applications: PureMetal.cc (+70), PureMetal.h (+2356)
scjmc 2019-06-13 01:52 Rev.: 59459

- Generalized implemenentation of PhaseField component which now provides a
framework for phase field applications

18701 lines of code changed in 95 files:

  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/AMR: AMRFDView-bld.sh (+425), AMRInterface.h (+70), AMRInterpolator.h (new 56), AMRRestrictor.h (new 56), sub.mk (+64)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/AMR/detail: amr_coarser_view.h (+378), amr_finer_view.h (+367), amr_interface0.h (new 61), amr_interface0_CC.h (+97), amr_interface0_NC.h (+96), amr_interpolator.h (+153), amr_interpolator_I0.h (+371), amr_interpolator_I1_D1.h (+438), amr_interpolator_I1_D2.h (+464), amr_interpolator_I1_D3.h (+524), amr_restrictor.h (+150), amr_restrictor_I0_NC.h (+398), amr_restrictor_I1_CC.h (+395)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/Applications: Application.h (new 100), ApplicationFactory.cc (+81), ApplicationFactory.h (+86), sub.mk (+34)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/BoundaryConditions: BCFDView-bld.sh (+280), BCFDView.h (+140), BCFDViewFactory-bld.sh (+187), BCFDViewFactory.h (+123), BCInterface.h (new 101), sub.mk (+38)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/BoundaryConditions/detail: bc_basic_fd_view.h (+342), bc_fd.h (+105), bc_fd_Dirichlet_G1_CC.h (+403), bc_fd_Dirichlet_G1_NC.h (+399), bc_fd_FineCoarseInterface_G1.h (+432), bc_fd_FineCoarseInterface_G1_FCBilinear.h (+502), bc_fd_FineCoarseInterface_G1_FCLinear.h (+474), bc_fd_FineCoarseInterface_G1_FCSimple.h (+476), bc_fd_Neumann_G1_CC.h (+405), bc_fd_Neumann_G1_NC.h (+403), bcfd_view.h (+309), bcs_basic_fd_view.h (+670), get_bc.h (+237), get_bcs.h (+117), partition_range.h (new 122), partition_range_X.h (+162)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/DataTypes: BCInfo.h (new 115), Problem.h (+485), PureMetalProblem.h (new 51), ScalarField.h (new 61), SubProblems.h (new 95), SubProblemsP.h (new 72), Support.h (new 191), Variable.h (new 81), VectorField.h (new 62)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/DataWarehouse: DWFDView-bld.sh (new 101), DWFDView.h (+118), DWFDViewFactory.h (new 54), DWInterface.h (+118), DWView-bld.sh (new 113), DWView.h (+116), DWViewFactory.h (new 55), sub.mk (new 40)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/DataWarehouse/detail: dw_basic_fd_view.h (+324), dw_fd.h (+94), dw_fd_G1.h (+341), dw_fd_view.h (+144), dw_interface0.h (new 55), dw_interface0_CC.h (+137), dw_interface0_NC.h (+135), dw_interface1.h (new 59), dw_interface1_CC_D1.h (+89), dw_interface1_CC_D2.h (+90), dw_interface1_CC_D3.h (+91), dw_interface1_NC_D1.h (+90), dw_interface1_NC_D2.h (+92), dw_interface1_NC_D3.h (+91), dw_view.h (+655), dwfd_view.h (+161)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/Exceptions: IntVectorOutOfBounds.cc (+75), IntVectorOutOfBounds.h (+93), sub.mk (new 33)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/Factory: Base.h (new 108), Factory.h (new 115), Implementation.h (new 109)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/Util: BlockRangeIO.h (new 62), Definitions.h (+764), Expressions.h (+165)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/Views: FDView.h (new 52), View.h (new 53)
  • CCA/Components/PhaseField/Views/detail: basic_fd_view.h (+216), fd_view.h (+130), piecewise_view.h (+213), view.h (new 203), view_array.h (new 133), view_array_view.h (+79), virtual_view.h (+231)
Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0