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00001 //
00002 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00003 //
00004 // File   : Communicator.h
00005 // Author : Patrick McCormick (
00006 // 
00007 // $Date: 2003/09/09 10:12:57 $
00008 // $Revision: 1.17 $
00009 //
00010 // 
00011 // This class forms the basis for a set of Communicator classes that 
00012 // can be used to communicate via a messaging based interface.  This 
00013 // base class should define all the basic operations that are needed
00014 // to support basic communcation.  This class may not be as flexible 
00015 // as possible but is geared towards MPI-like support code.
00016 //
00017 // There are no real implementation details (so to speak) in this 
00018 // class.  The only true purpose it serves is to provide an interface
00019 // definition for sending messages. 
00020 // 
00021 // After recv. operations you can call the RecvMesgSize() method to 
00022 // get the actual size of the message received. 
00023 //
00024 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00026 #ifndef _KOKO_COMMUNICATOR_H_
00027 #define _KOKO_COMMUNICATOR_H_
00029 #include "koko.h"
00030 #include "KokoBuffer.h"
00032 class Communicator
00033 {
00034   public:
00035     inline Communicator(void) 
00036     { 
00037       _nprocs     = -1;
00038       _id         = -1;
00039       _recv_bytes = 0;
00040       _recv_tag   = KOKO_ANY_TAG;
00041       _recv_src   = 0;
00043     };
00045     inline ~Communicator(void)  
00046     { };
00048     // Blocking send.  Return of true = successful send, false = failure. 
00049     virtual bool Send(KokoProcID id, KokoBuffer &buf, KokoTag tag) = 0;
00051     // Blocking receive. Returns the number of bytes received. The nbytes
00052     // parameter is the number of bytes that can be stored in the buffer 
00053     // not the expected size of the message. 
00054     virtual int Recv(KokoProcID id, KokoBuffer &buf, KokoTag tag) = 0;
00056     // SendRecv combination.
00057     virtual int SendRecv(KokoProcID to, KokoBuffer &sendbuf, 
00058                          KokoTag sendtag, KokoProcID from, KokoBuffer &recvbuf, 
00059                          KokoTag recvtag) = 0; 
00061     // Non-blocking send. 
00062     virtual KokoMesgHandle ASend(KokoProcID id, KokoBuffer &buf, KokoTag tag) = 0;
00064     // Non-blocking receive. 
00065     virtual KokoMesgHandle ARecv(KokoProcID id, KokoBuffer &buf, KokoTag tag) = 0;
00067     // Non-blocking completion operations.
00069     // Return when the operation ID'ed by the given handle completes.  Return 
00070     // value indicates error condition -- true == error. 
00071     virtual bool Wait(KokoMesgHandle &hand) = 0;
00073     // Check to see if the operation ID'ed by the given handle completes.  
00074     // Return value indicates if the operation is complete.  Error 
00075     // conditions are reported to std::cerr. 
00076     virtual bool Test(KokoMesgHandle &hand) = 0; 
00079     // Broadcast -- send the message to all nodes, including ourself.  The 
00080     // processor performing the broadcast should be specified by the root 
00081     // argument.  All other processors (!= root) will receive the broadcat. 
00082     virtual bool Broadcast(KokoBuffer &buf, KokoProcID root, KokoTag tag) = 0;
00084     // Barrier -- a standard barrier.
00085     virtual bool Barrier(void) = 0;
00087     // What is our ID?
00088     inline virtual KokoProcID ID(void)
00089     { return _id; };
00091     inline virtual KokoProcID Rank(void)
00092     { return _id; };
00094     // Total number of processors in use. 
00095     inline virtual unsigned int NumProcessors(void)
00096     { return _nprocs; };
00098     // You'll have to call this routine to determine how many 
00099     // bytes were transfered during a receive operation. 
00100     inline virtual int RecvSize(void) 
00101     { return _recv_bytes; };
00103     // If you use an "any" tag request, this routine will give
00104     // you the tag used by a received message. 
00105     inline virtual KokoTag RecvTag(void)
00106     { return _recv_tag; };
00108     inline virtual KokoProcID RecvSource(void)
00109     { return _recv_src; };
00111   protected:
00112     KokoProcID       _id;          // Processor/process ID. 
00113     int              _nprocs;      // Total number of processors.
00114     KokoProcID       _recv_src;    // Who did we receive a message from.
00115     int              _recv_bytes;  // Total bytes received in a message. 
00116     KokoTag          _recv_tag;    // The tag that was attached to the last 
00117                                    //  recv'ed message. 
00118 };
00120 #endif

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