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Arbeit Compound List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
__KeyMapCmp__The key map compare
gutz::_Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 >An intermediate class so that we can speciallize one for the "call" function based on types
gutz::_CallIF< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 >The call interface, to get rid of a few irrelevant types imposed by the (more) concrete version below so that the Signal can keep a list/vector of these
gutz::_NAThe "Not Applicable" class, just an empty class for typeing and partial specialization..
_NrroTypeA NrroType interface class
AlgObjAlg Obj Base Class a base class for all Algorithms, this includes SourceObjs
AlgObjIFAlg Obj Interface class This is just the public interface to the class, if you are creating a new algorithm, sub class "AlgObj" not the interface
gutz::arrayBase< T >
gutz::arrayOwn1< T >
gutz::arrayOwn2< T >
gutz::arrayOwn3< T >
gutz::arrayOwn4< T >
gutz::arrayOwn5< T >
gutz::arrayWrap1< T >
gutz::arrayWrap2< T >
gutz::arrayWrap3< T >
gutz::arrayWrap4< T >
gutz::arrayWrap5< T >
gutz::BaseManipCommon functionality between manipulators, including cameras and lights
basic_ikokostream< _Elem, _Traits, _Alloc >
basic_kokobuf< _Elem, _Traits, _Alloc >
basic_kokostream< _Elem, _Traits, _Alloc >
basic_okokostream< _Elem, _Traits, _Alloc >
BasicQGLBasic QGL class
glift::BorderTexBorderTex - 'color' sets the texture border color
gutz::Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 >
gutz::Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, NA >Implement/specialize Call with 7 parameters
gutz::Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, NA, NA >Implement/specialize Call with 6 parameters
gutz::Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, NA, NA, NA >Implement/specialize Call with 5 parameters
gutz::Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, A4, NA, NA, NA, NA >Implement/specialize Call with 4 parameters
gutz::Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA >Implement/specialize Call with 3 parameters
gutz::Call< CE, F, A1, A2, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA >Implement/specialize Call with 2 parameters
gutz::Call< CE, F, A1, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA >Implement/specialize Call with 1 parameter
gutz::Call< CE, F, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA >Implement/specialize call with 0 parameters
gutz::CameraThe "LOCAL" space for this manipulator is WORLD space
CanvasImageCanvasImage.h simianUI
CanvasItemBaseA highlevel counted canvas item
CanvasItemIFA interface for smart canvas items
ColorMapperBase class for color mapping, also implments some basic color mapping schemes
ColorWStateThe basic Color Widget State
glift::CommandCommand.h - A simple "Command" object that allows for 'void name()' member callbacks
glift::Command0Command0 - Base class
commandQt< T >Base command class, need to override the exec() function
CompositeItemA composite item, for hierarchical grouping these don't actually draw
ConstraintA base class for widget constraints, also implements the "Free Move" constraint, which is really no constraint at all :)
glift::CoordGenTexCoordGenTex - Set state for automatic texture coordinate generation - 'coord' is GL_S, GL_T, GL_R, GL_S - 'genMode' is GL_OBJECT_LINEAR, GL_EYE_LINEAR, GL_SPHERE_MAP, GL_REFLECTION_MAP_ARB, GL_NORMAL_MAP_ARB - 'planeCoeff' contains the coefficients for the plane equation - 'state' is a vector of GenState ptrs to set the state before setting the plane eqn with GL_EYE_LINEAR
glift::CoordTransCoordTrans - Encapsulates a 4x4 matrix transform that can be specified as an absolute or relative transform
glift::CoreTexCoreTex base class
gutz::CountedCounted, Derive your class from it if you want SmartPtr s to it
CrankSpecialized Crank base classes are defined at the bottom!!!
DataObjData Object Base class
DataObjIFData Object Interface This members of this object are all used in the pipeline framework, and are not something a developer or user should care about
glift::DrawableGLIAbstract base class for anything that can be drawn
glift::DrawAlgArrDrawAlgArr - Vertex Array OpenGL drawing algorithm
glift::DrawAlgImmDrawAlgImm - Standard OpenGL drawing algorithm
glift::DrawAlgorithmDrawAlgorithm - Interface for an OpenGL Drawing algorithm
EdgeItemAn edge (line) composed from 2 nodes (points)
glift::EdgeModeTexEdgeModeTex - 'coord' is GL_S, GL_T, GL_R, GL_Q - 'edgeMode' is GL_CLAMP, GL_REPEAT, ..
EdgeWidgetAn edge (line) composed of 2 points (start/end)
ErrTxtWinA window for showing text errors
EventDataA class for monkeying around with loops and such in
gutz::EventKeyMapEvent map, takes button ids (unsigned ints) and returns event behaviors (also unsigned ints)
gutz::eventKeyMapCmpKey Map Compare Functor, for Mapping keys to events using bit vectors
gutz::EventMap< MT >Generic Manipulator Event Mapper
gutz::EventParamMapEvent Param map, takes button ids (unsigned ints) and returns event paramters (floats)
FieldProbesFieldProbes.h simianUI
FieldPropertiesFieldProperties.h simianUI
FieldVecProbesFieldProbes.h simianUI
FieldVecPropsFieldVecProps.h simianUI
glift::FilterTexFilterTex - 'minFilter' is minification filter: GL_NEAREST or GL_LINEAR - 'magFilter' is magnification filter: GL_NEAREST or GL_LINEAR - Note: To use mipmapping, use the 'MipMapTex' class
glift::FragProgARBFragProgARB.h: interface for the FragProgARB class
FrameWidgetA Frame/Square PolygonWidget
glift::FuncTexFuncTex - 'texFunc' is GL_REPLACE, GL_MODULATE, GL_DECAL - Use the 'blendColor' constructor to use GL_BLEND
GenDataObj< T >This is a generic data object for all types that are "Counted"
GenDataObj_base< T, P >A base class for 2 kinds of generic data objects
GenDataObjNSP< T >This is a generic data object for all types that are NOT "Counted", you have a choice, let the data be deleted with this class, or nuke it yourself
glift::GenDrawAttrib< AT >Type of this attribute: see gutzAttrib.h
glift::GenPrimGL< VERTA, TEXCA, IDXA, RANGEA >GenPrimGL, A (very) generic geometry primitive
glift::GenStateA Generic State object Any attribute where it is okay to have more than one of the same attribute in a shader
GLItemA generic gl object, just a base class
GLTFSurfaceWidgetGLTFSurfaceWidget- GL appearance implementation of TFSurfaceWidget
GLUEdgeWidgetA glu bar widget
GLUItemA generic glu object
GLUNodeWidgetA glu sphere widget
GrinderSingleton, the brain of the system, handles IR and Symbol table
GrinderKeysGrinder specific key type, still just regular keys underneath, this class just adds some useful functionality as a toplevel key/symbol table
gtvspSort from point
glift::GutzAttrib< SYST, STORT, SZ, GLENUMVAL >
glift::IndexAttrib< VAT >Attribute type for a vertex array
KeyA single key use a std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() to indicate that a value is unused
KeyCmdQt< T >Key Event Command
gutz::KeyEventKeyEvent, a key was pressed
KeyPairKey-name key pairs
gutz::LightA Light interaction class
LimitsGLGL Limits
LinRampTFStandardTF.h some simple transfer functions
gutz::ManipA Manipulator interaction class
gutz::ManipEventBase< MT >Generic Manipulator Event Interface class
gutz::mat< T, X_DIM, Y_DIM >
gutz::mat2< T >
gutz::mat3< T >
gutz::mat4< T >
glift::MemberCommand0< Receiver >MemberCommand0 - Base class
MetaProgMetaProg.h a base class for grinder metaprograms
Method< ObjType >
glift::MipMapTexMipMapTex - 'minFilter' is minification filter: GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR - 'magFilter' is magnification filter: GL_NEAREST or GL_LINEAR - 'autoMipGen' enables/diables GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_SGIS - 'minLevel' is minimum mipmap level - 'maxLevel' is maximum mipmap level - 'minLOD' is minimum mipmap lambda value - 'maxLOD' is maximum mipmap lambda value Note: lambda = lg( rho ) base2 rho = scale factor between texture size and polygon
gutz::MouseEventMouseEvent, the mouse went down or up..
gutz::MouseMoveEventMouseMoveEvent, the mouse is moving
glift::MultiPrimMultiPrim: Base Container class for multiple SinglePrim objects
glift::MultiTexMultiTexture.h: - Container class for multitexturing - Pass in vector of SingleTex ptrs and an optional vector of MultiTexUnitState objects to set the texture unit state for each texUnit
glift::MultiTexOStateMultiTexOState - Class that enforces use of TexObjState ptrs
glift::MultiTexUStateMultiTexUState - Class that enforces use of TexUnitState ptrs
NodeItemA Node (point) also can keep track of edges it is connected to
NodeWidgetA Node (point) also can keep track of edges it is connected to
glift::NormalAttrib< VAT >Attribute type for a vertex array
NrroNRRO, NRRd Object, "Not Really Raster Object"
Nrro::__dblIgnore this class, it just represents a double for assignment
Nrro::NrroIter< T >Iterator, generic type, use gen functions TODO: need to make a const iterator too!, I think it works NOTE: this includes a -> that gives you the nrro so, this suffices as a typed nrro object
NrroCanvasImgA object for putting a Nrro on a canvas
NrroDataObjSee GenDataObj_base for interface to the data
NrroImageAll nrro images are 3D, I decree: N channels, x, y from fastest to slowest raster order
NrroImageSPThe smart pointer, a new class just so we can do automatic casts to the parent class "Nrro"
NrroKernelKernel object
NrroProbeDesigned to nicely handle multi-channel volumes
NrroTypesID< T_ENUM >An empty template for matching ids to types
NrroTypesID< Nrro::CHAR >Specializations for each of the Nrro types
NrroTypesID< Nrro::DOUBLE >
NrroTypesID< Nrro::FLOAT >
NrroTypesID< Nrro::INT >
NrroTypesID< Nrro::SHORT >
NrroTypesID< Nrro::UCHAR >
NrroTypesID< Nrro::UINT >
NrroTypesID< Nrro::USHORT >
NrroTypesT< T >An empty template for matching types to id
NrroTypesT< char >
NrroTypesT< double >
NrroTypesT< float >
NrroTypesT< int >
NrroTypesT< short >
NrroTypesT< unsigned char >
NrroTypesT< unsigned int >
NrroTypesT< unsigned short >
PBSortZ1For sorting our pick info's
PBufferPBuffer class
glift::PBuffGliftPBuffGlift - An adapter class to turn a PBuffer into a StateGLI object - Adds the ability to initialize the render context via a member or non-member callback, 'initCB'
PickPick, creates a PickInfoVec in sorted order from least to greatest z1 when "endPick()" is called: Here's how it works: - You get a mouse event with an x,y screen space position - You determine if it warents a pick - If it does, create a Pick object - call Pick::startPickGL() - call your draw function - call Pick::endPickGL() & capture PickInfoVec
PickInfoPickInfo, contains the information related to a particular object that was under the mouse during a pick
glift::PixelShaderPixel shader
  • The class constructor takes care of all state except the actual shader (eg
glift::PlanarQuadPlanarQuad.h: interface for the PlanarQuad class
  • BaseClass for all quad primitives that are planar and
    and orthogonal to the z-axis
gutz::plane< T >
PlaneConstraintConstrain to plane, makes sure moves stay on the plane and below the mouse
glift::PointsGLWrapper around all the OpenGL 1.2 primitives
PolygonEditA Polygon that you can edit
PolygonWidgetA "Composite Widget" for nodes and lines
glift::PrimGLPrimGL - GLIFT wrapper for an OpenGL primitive
glift::PriorityTexPriorityTex - 'priority' is in [0,1] and sets the texture object's priority - 0.0 is lowest, 1.0 is highest priority
glift::ProgShaderProgShader - A wrapper class for a programmable shader
PShaderTxtEditable text for a shader must be created in conjunction with a "gl" window, needs context to load programs
PShaderWinA window for managing and editing programmable shaders in opengl
glift::QuadTexGenQuadTexGen: Generate the texture coordinates for a quad
gutz::quat< T >
RasterDataIFAn interface for raster data
gutz::ray2< T >
gutz::ray3< T >
ReaderReader.h a base class for readers
glift::RenderableGLIRenderable: Base class for a render pass
RenderableQGLRenderable QT openGl class
glift::RenderPassRenderPass.h: interface for the RenderPass class
gutz::RotateManipEventRotate Manip Event
glift::ScaleTexGen2DScaleTexGen2D: Generate the 2D texture coordinates by dividing each vertex position by the dimension coordinate
SerialSave< T >
glift::ShadedPrimShadedPrim - The class that binds a shader and primitive together
glift::ShaderShader.h: interface for the Shader class
gutz::Signal< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 >An API for signals and slots
gutz::SignalIFSignal interface, see gutz::Signal, NOT FOR GENERAL USE
gutz::SignalTrackerSignal Tracker..
SimBaseSimBase, base object for simianlib
SimCoreTODO: Parallel Multi-threaded!!!
SimInstSimInst.h some instramentation for simian type volume rendering
SimMetaProg< MPTYPE >SimMetaProg.h a base class for simian meta-programs
SimModObjIFModule interface A public module interface, implements nothing
glift::SingleTexSingleTex - Single texture base class
SliceFinderSliceFinder.h simianUI
SlicerBaseSlicerBase.h simianUI
SlicerInfoSlicerInfo.h simianUI
SlicerMultiSlicerMulti.h simianUI
SlicerWidgetSlicerWidget.h simianUI
SliceViewSliceView.h simianUI
gutz::SmartPtr< T >Smart Pointer class
gutz::SmartPtrRef< T >Smart Pointer Reference class, behaves like a reference to a pointer
SourceObjSource Object base class
SourceObjIFSource Object interface A public interface to a Source object
glift::StateGLI"state.h" implementation file for the Attribute class
StupidFPCrankTrue leaf class, sooo stupd that it should never be extended :( compiles to the ARB spec
glift::SubdivPlanarQuadMSubdivPlanarQuadM.h: interface for the SubdivPlanarQuadM class
glift::SubdivPlanarQuadSSubdivPlanarQuad.h: interface for the SubdivPlanarQuadS class
glift::SubPBuffSubPBuff - A Wrapper class to make sub-buffers within a larger pbuffer - Sets and restores the viewport specified for this subBuffer - Can also specify a surface (GL_FRONT_LEFT, GL_AUXn, etc)
glift::SubTexSubTex - A sub-region of a larger texture that is treated as its own Glift texture
SurfaceContentWidgetA concrete/composite surface widget
SurfaceWidgetSurfaceWidget, fully constrained to 4 points
TapeTape class
glift::Tex1DTex1D, Tex2D, Tex3D, TexCube - These are the publicly constructed texture objects - 'texState' is vector of TexState pointers that initialize the texture object's state - 'pbuff' is NULL or a pbuffer pointer that is bound with this texture unit - Texture memory is initialized by passing 'setTexData(...)' functions a 'TexData' object - 'copyToTex*D(...)' copies data from the framebuffer to the texture object - See 'SingleTex' header for rest of public interface
glift::Tex2DTex2D - 2D Textures
glift::Tex3DTex3D - 3D Textures
glift::TexConstA floating-point constant that is set to a texture coordinate
glift::TexCoordAttrib< VAT >Attribute type for a vertex array
glift::TexCoordPerturbTexCoordPerturb: Definition of texture coord transforms and constants that accompany a programmable pixel and vertex shader
glift::TexCubeTexCube - CubeMap Textures
glift::TexDataTexData - Base wrapper class used to set texture data - 'setTexData(...)' calls glTexImage*D(...) - This class stores all information necessary to describe the data to OpenGL
glift::TexDataArr1< T >Texture Data classes - These are adapter classes between your favorite data
structure and the 'TexData' interface
glift::TexDataArr2< T >TexDataArr2<T> - TexData for arrayWrap2<T> data - Template parameter is OpenGL-compatible basic type - Use for 2D textures and CubeMaps
glift::TexObjStateTexObjState - Abstract base class for all texture state associated with a texture object
glift::TexRectTexRect - Rectangular Textures (non-power-of-two)
glift::TexStateTexState - Abstract base class for all texture state
glift::TexTransTexTrans - Encapsulation of a scale/bias linear transform on raw texture coordinates
glift::TextureTexture - Base class for any texture class
glift::TexUnitStateTexUnitState - Abstract base class for all texture state associated with a texture unit
TFBlendOverAlphaAlpha blend
TFBlendSumTF Element blend strategies, for combining multiple overlapping elements in the tf data domian
TFBoxItemTFItemSTD.h simianUI
TFElementA generic transfer function element base (classification widget spec) not a concrete implementation
TFElementBoxBox type tf element
TFElementListA usefull LIST of transfer function elements
TFEltSPA double indirection tf element
TFEltViewA base class for 2D projections of TFElment objects
TFEvalThe base (abstract) interface for evaluators
TFEvalGausA gaussian
TFEvalLinA linear ramp
TFGenericA generic ND transfer function
TFImageImage class, subclass of NrroImage
TFImageSPSpeciallized TFImage smart ptr for auto cast to bases
TFImageSPMapCmpTFImageSP map for collaboration with the TF
TFItemTFItem, generic base class, see TFItemSTD for some concrete example implementations
TFItemVecTFItemVec, manages a bunch of transfer function elements, and the tf itself, as far as QT is concerned
TFManagerManages collaboration between TFGeneric and TFViewWidget, and TFViewWidget -> TFEltView -> TFElement
TFSurfaceWidgetTFSurfaceWidget- behavior implementation
TFViewTFView.h simianUI
TFViewWidgetTFViewWidget, a class for handling interaction in 2D projections of transfer function domain
TFWidgetTFWidget.h simianUI
TFWinBaseTFWinBase.h simianUI
TimerTODO: this is crap, need to make one class for both platforms
gutz::TransPlaneManipEventTranslate in Plane
gutz::TransXYManipEventTranslate XY Manip Event
gutz::TransZManipEventTranslate Z Manip Event
Triangle< T >A triangle class if you don't already have somthing to represent a triangle
TriRasterInfo< T, TT >TriRasterInfo: a class to help you setup rasterization
gutz::vec< T, V_DIM >A vector templated in type and dimension, plus delete policy, but you can ignore this in 99% of normal use a generic vector, with constructors up to length 10 bridges the gap between vectors and arrays, very similar to an array1 but, supports smaller 1D arrays that are used like N Dimensional vectors
gutz::vec2< T >
gutz::vec3< T >
gutz::vec4< T >
glift::VertAttrib< VAT >Attribute type for a vertex array
glift::VertexProgARBVertexProgARB.h: interface for the VertexProgARB class
glift::VertexShaderVertex shader
VolFieldVolField, a single field
VolFieldVecVolFieldVec, a collection of fields, with functionality of a std::vector
VolRenAlgBaseRendering strategy for "VolRen" classes..
VolRenBaseForward Decl
VolShaderVolShader.h Base class for Simian Volume Shaders also implements the shader for drawing the outlines of slices
VolShaderStdVolShaderStd, implements the common volume rendering setup
VolSlicerA base class for slicing a volume
VolumeVolume, basic container for multi-channel volume data contains VolFields and Volytopes, see these class definitions for for more functionality
VolyCubeCreate a Cube Volytope with user specified size and origin
VolyTetCreate a Tetrahedron Volytope with user specified size and origin
WidgetFactoryA base class for generating basic widget items
WidgetItemThe widget item base class, virtual, needs a concrete sub-class to do anything
WidgetStateThe Base interface for Widget State, this is things like colors, clipping planes, etc
WinStatsGLGL Window state
glift::WinTexGen2DWinTexGen2D: Generate the 2D texture coordinates in window coordinates (similar to scaleTexGen2D but no divide)
glift::WrappedPrimFactoryPrimGL - A factory class for PrimGL classes

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