__GLXEvent | |
__KeyMapCmp__ | The key map compare |
gutz::_Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 > | An intermediate class so that we can speciallize one for the "call" function based on types |
gutz::_CallIF< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 > | The call interface, to get rid of a few irrelevant types imposed by the (more) concrete version below so that the Signal can keep a list/vector of these |
gutz::_NA | The "Not Applicable" class, just an empty class for typeing and partial specialization.. |
_NrroType | A NrroType interface class |
AlgObj | Alg Obj Base Class a base class for all Algorithms, this includes SourceObjs |
AlgObjIF | Alg Obj Interface class This is just the public interface to the class, if you are creating a new algorithm, sub class "AlgObj" not the interface |
AnalyticVolRen | |
gutz::arrayBase< T > | |
gutz::arrayOwn1< T > | |
gutz::arrayOwn2< T > | |
gutz::arrayOwn3< T > | |
gutz::arrayOwn4< T > | |
gutz::arrayOwn5< T > | |
gutz::arrayWrap1< T > | |
gutz::arrayWrap2< T > | |
gutz::arrayWrap3< T > | |
gutz::arrayWrap4< T > | |
gutz::arrayWrap5< T > | |
AsyncMesgHandle | |
gutz::BaseManip | Common functionality between manipulators, including cameras and lights |
basic_ikokostream< _Elem, _Traits, _Alloc > | |
basic_kokobuf< _Elem, _Traits, _Alloc > | |
basic_kokostream< _Elem, _Traits, _Alloc > | |
basic_okokostream< _Elem, _Traits, _Alloc > | |
BasicQGL | Basic QGL class |
gutz::BitRef | |
gutz::BitVector | |
Blend | |
glift::BorderTex | BorderTex - 'color' sets the texture border color |
gutz::Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 > | |
gutz::Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, NA > | Implement/specialize Call with 7 parameters |
gutz::Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, NA, NA > | Implement/specialize Call with 6 parameters |
gutz::Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, NA, NA, NA > | Implement/specialize Call with 5 parameters |
gutz::Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, A4, NA, NA, NA, NA > | Implement/specialize Call with 4 parameters |
gutz::Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA > | Implement/specialize Call with 3 parameters |
gutz::Call< CE, F, A1, A2, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA > | Implement/specialize Call with 2 parameters |
gutz::Call< CE, F, A1, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA > | Implement/specialize Call with 1 parameter |
gutz::Call< CE, F, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA > | Implement/specialize call with 0 parameters |
Callback | |
CallbackMap | |
gutz::Camera | The "LOCAL" space for this manipulator is WORLD space |
gutz::CameraEvent | |
CanvasImage | CanvasImage.h simianUI |
CanvasItemBase | A highlevel counted canvas item |
CanvasItemIF | A interface for smart canvas items |
Color4f | |
ColorMapper | Base class for color mapping, also implments some basic color mapping schemes |
ColorWState | The basic Color Widget State |
glift::Command | Command.h - A simple "Command" object that allows for 'void name()' member callbacks |
glift::Command0 | Command0 - Base class |
commandQt< T > | Base command class, need to override the exec() function |
Communicator | |
glift::Compilable | |
CompositeItem | A composite item, for hierarchical grouping these don't actually draw |
ComputeSlab | |
Constraint | A base class for widget constraints, also implements the "Free Move" constraint, which is really no constraint at all :) |
glift::CoordGenTex | CoordGenTex - Set state for automatic texture coordinate generation - 'coord' is GL_S, GL_T, GL_R, GL_S - 'genMode' is GL_OBJECT_LINEAR, GL_EYE_LINEAR, GL_SPHERE_MAP, GL_REFLECTION_MAP_ARB, GL_NORMAL_MAP_ARB - 'planeCoeff' contains the coefficients for the plane equation - 'state' is a vector of GenState ptrs to set the state before setting the plane eqn with GL_EYE_LINEAR |
glift::CoordTrans | CoordTrans - Encapsulates a 4x4 matrix transform that can be specified as an absolute or relative transform |
glift::CoreTex | CoreTex base class |
gutz::Counted | Counted, Derive your class from it if you want SmartPtr s to it |
Crank | Specialized Crank base classes are defined at the bottom!!! |
DataObj | Data Object Base class |
DataObjIF | Data Object Interface This members of this object are all used in the pipeline framework, and are not something a developer or user should care about |
glift::DispList | Final |
glift::DrawableGLI | Abstract base class for anything that can be drawn |
glift::DrawAlgArr | DrawAlgArr - Vertex Array OpenGL drawing algorithm |
glift::DrawAlgImm | DrawAlgImm - Standard OpenGL drawing algorithm |
glift::DrawAlgorithm | DrawAlgorithm - Interface for an OpenGL Drawing algorithm |
glift::DrawAttrib | DrawAttrib.h |
DrawItem | DrawItem.cpp |
EdgeItem | An edge (line) composed from 2 nodes (points) |
glift::EdgeModeTex | EdgeModeTex - 'coord' is GL_S, GL_T, GL_R, GL_Q - 'edgeMode' is GL_CLAMP, GL_REPEAT, .. |
EdgeWidget | An edge (line) composed of 2 points (start/end) |
glift::EmptyTex | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
ErrTxtWin | A window for showing text errors |
EventData | A class for monkeying around with loops and such in |
gutz::EventKeyMap | Event map, takes button ids (unsigned ints) and returns event behaviors (also unsigned ints) |
gutz::eventKeyMapCmp | Key Map Compare Functor, for Mapping keys to events using bit vectors |
gutz::EventMap< MT > | Generic Manipulator Event Mapper |
gutz::EventParamMap | Event Param map, takes button ids (unsigned ints) and returns event paramters (floats) |
FieldProbes | FieldProbes.h simianUI |
FieldProperties | FieldProperties.h simianUI |
FieldVecProbes | FieldProbes.h simianUI |
FieldVecProps | FieldVecProps.h simianUI |
glift::FilterTex | FilterTex - 'minFilter' is minification filter: GL_NEAREST or GL_LINEAR - 'magFilter' is magnification filter: GL_NEAREST or GL_LINEAR - Note: To use mipmapping, use the 'MipMapTex' class |
FPCrank | Fragment |
FPMetaProg | Fragment |
glift::FragProgARB | FragProgARB.h: interface for the FragProgARB class |
FrameWidget | A Frame/Square PolygonWidget |
glift::FuncTex | FuncTex - 'texFunc' is GL_REPLACE, GL_MODULATE, GL_DECAL - Use the 'blendColor' constructor to use GL_BLEND |
Function | |
GenDataObj< T > | This is a generic data object for all types that are "Counted" |
GenDataObj_base< T, P > | A base class for 2 kinds of generic data objects |
GenDataObjNSP< T > | This is a generic data object for all types that are NOT "Counted", you have a choice, let the data be deleted with this class, or nuke it yourself |
glift::GenDrawAttrib< AT > | Type of this attribute: see gutzAttrib.h |
glift::GenPrimGL< VERTA, TEXCA, IDXA, RANGEA > | GenPrimGL, A (very) generic geometry primitive |
glift::GenState | A Generic State object Any attribute where it is okay to have more than one of the same attribute in a shader |
GLClipPlane | |
GLColorWState | |
GLEW | |
glift::GliftObject | |
GLItem | A generic gl object, just a base class |
GLSurfaceWidget | |
GLTFSurfaceWidget | GLTFSurfaceWidget- GL appearance implementation of TFSurfaceWidget |
GLUEdgeWidget | A glu bar widget |
GLUItem | A generic glu object |
GLUNodeWidget | A glu sphere widget |
GlutSphere | |
GLXBufferClobberEventSGIX | |
GLXPbufferClobberEvent | |
Grinder | Singleton, the brain of the system, handles IR and Symbol table |
GrinderKeys | Grinder specific key type, still just regular keys underneath, this class just adds some useful functionality as a toplevel key/symbol table |
gtvsp | Sort from point |
glift::GutzAttrib< SYST, STORT, SZ, GLENUMVAL > | |
glift::IndexAttrib< VAT > | Attribute type for a vertex array |
Key | A single key use a std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() to indicate that a value is unused |
KeyCmdQt< T > | Key Event Command |
gutz::KeyEvent | KeyEvent, a key was pressed |
KeyPair | Key-name key pairs |
KokoBuffer | |
gutz::Light | A Light interaction class |
LimitsGL | GL Limits |
glift::LineLoopGL | |
glift::LinesGL | |
glift::LineStripGL | |
LinRampTF | StandardTF.h some simple transfer functions |
ltchar | |
gutz::Manip | A Manipulator interaction class |
gutz::ManipEventBase< MT > | Generic Manipulator Event Interface class |
gutz::mat< T, X_DIM, Y_DIM > | |
gutz::mat2< T > | |
gutz::mat3< T > | |
gutz::mat4< T > | |
glift::MemberCommand0< Receiver > | MemberCommand0 - Base class |
Messenger | |
MetaProg | MetaProg.h a base class for grinder metaprograms |
metaVolumeBase | |
Method< ObjType > | |
glift::MipMapTex | MipMapTex - 'minFilter' is minification filter: GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR - 'magFilter' is magnification filter: GL_NEAREST or GL_LINEAR - 'autoMipGen' enables/diables GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_SGIS - 'minLevel' is minimum mipmap level - 'maxLevel' is maximum mipmap level - 'minLOD' is minimum mipmap lambda value - 'maxLOD' is maximum mipmap lambda value Note: lambda = lg( rho ) base2 rho = scale factor between texture size and polygon |
gutz::MouseEvent | MouseEvent, the mouse went down or up.. |
gutz::MouseMoveEvent | MouseMoveEvent, the mouse is moving |
MPICommunicator | |
glift::MultiPrim | MultiPrim: Base Container class for multiple SinglePrim objects |
glift::MultiTex | MultiTexture.h: - Container class for multitexturing - Pass in vector of SingleTex ptrs and an optional vector of MultiTexUnitState objects to set the texture unit state for each texUnit |
glift::MultiTexCoordGen | |
glift::MultiTexOState | MultiTexOState - Class that enforces use of TexObjState ptrs |
glift::MultiTexUState | MultiTexUState - Class that enforces use of TexUnitState ptrs |
NDGausTF | |
NodeItem | A Node (point) also can keep track of edges it is connected to |
NodeWidget | A Node (point) also can keep track of edges it is connected to |
glift::NormalAttrib< VAT > | Attribute type for a vertex array |
Nrro | NRRO, NRRd Object, "Not Really Raster Object" |
Nrro::__dbl | Ignore this class, it just represents a double for assignment |
Nrro::NrroIter< T > | Iterator, generic type, use gen functions TODO: need to make a const iterator too!, I think it works NOTE: this includes a -> that gives you the nrro so, this suffices as a typed nrro object |
NrroCanvasImg | A object for putting a Nrro on a canvas |
NrroDataObj | See GenDataObj_base for interface to the data |
NrroImage | All nrro images are 3D, I decree: N channels, x, y from fastest to slowest raster order |
NrroImageSP | The smart pointer, a new class just so we can do automatic casts to the parent class "Nrro" |
NrroKernel | Kernel object |
NrroProbe | Designed to nicely handle multi-channel volumes |
NrroTypeChar | |
NrroTypeDouble | |
NrroTypeFloat | |
NrroTypeInt | |
NrroTypeLL | |
NrroTypeShort | |
NrroTypesID< T_ENUM > | An empty template for matching ids to types |
NrroTypesID< Nrro::CHAR > | Specializations for each of the Nrro types |
NrroTypesID< Nrro::DOUBLE > | |
NrroTypesID< Nrro::FLOAT > | |
NrroTypesID< Nrro::INT > | |
NrroTypesID< Nrro::SHORT > | |
NrroTypesID< Nrro::UCHAR > | |
NrroTypesID< Nrro::UINT > | |
NrroTypesID< Nrro::USHORT > | |
NrroTypesT< T > | An empty template for matching types to id |
NrroTypesT< char > | |
NrroTypesT< double > | |
NrroTypesT< float > | |
NrroTypesT< int > | |
NrroTypesT< short > | |
NrroTypesT< unsigned char > | |
NrroTypesT< unsigned int > | |
NrroTypesT< unsigned short > | |
NrroTypeUChar | |
NrroTypeUInt | |
NrroTypeULL | |
NrroTypeUnknown | |
NrroTypeUShort | |
PBSortZ1 | For sorting our pick info's |
PBuffer | PBuffer class |
glift::PBuffGlift | PBuffGlift - An adapter class to turn a PBuffer into a StateGLI object - Adds the ability to initialize the render context via a member or non-member callback, 'initCB' |
Pick | Pick, creates a PickInfoVec in sorted order from least to greatest z1 when "endPick()" is called: Here's how it works: - You get a mouse event with an x,y screen space position - You determine if it warents a pick - If it does, create a Pick object - call Pick::startPickGL() - call your draw function - call Pick::endPickGL() & capture PickInfoVec |
PickInfo | PickInfo, contains the information related to a particular object that was under the mouse during a pick |
glift::PixelShader | Pixel shader |
glift::PixelShaderATI8K |
glift::PlanarQuad | PlanarQuad.h: interface for the PlanarQuad class |
glift::PlanarQuadZ |
gutz::plane< T > | |
PlaneConstraint | Constrain to plane, makes sure moves stay on the plane and below the mouse |
PNoise | |
glift::PointsGL | Wrapper around all the OpenGL 1.2 primitives |
PolygonEdit | A Polygon that you can edit |
glift::PolygonGL | |
PolygonWidget | A "Composite Widget" for nodes and lines |
glift::PrimGL | PrimGL - GLIFT wrapper for an OpenGL primitive |
glift::PriorityTex | PriorityTex - 'priority' is in [0,1] and sets the texture object's priority - 0.0 is lowest, 1.0 is highest priority |
glift::ProgShader | ProgShader - A wrapper class for a programmable shader |
PShaderTxt | Editable text for a shader must be created in conjunction with a "gl" window, needs context to load programs |
PShaderWin | A window for managing and editing programmable shaders in opengl |
glift::QuadsGL | |
glift::QuadStripGL | |
glift::QuadTexGen | QuadTexGen: Generate the texture coordinates for a quad |
gutz::quat< T > | |
RasterDataIF | An interface for raster data |
glift::RawPrim | |
gutz::ray2< T > | |
gutz::ray3< T > | |
Reader | Reader.h a base class for readers |
Renderable | Renderable |
glift::RenderableGLI | Renderable: Base class for a render pass |
RenderableQGL | Renderable QT openGl class |
gutz::RenderEvent | |
glift::RenderPass | RenderPass.h: interface for the RenderPass class |
RenderState2D | |
gutz::RotateManipEvent | Rotate Manip Event |
glift::ScaleTexGen2D | ScaleTexGen2D: Generate the 2D texture coordinates by dividing each vertex position by the dimension coordinate |
SerialSave< T > | |
glift::ShadedPrim | ShadedPrim - The class that binds a shader and primitive together |
glift::Shader | Shader.h: interface for the Shader class |
gutz::Signal< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 > | An API for signals and slots |
gutz::SignalIF | Signal interface, see gutz::Signal, NOT FOR GENERAL USE |
gutz::SignalTracker | Signal Tracker.. |
SimBase | SimBase, base object for simianlib |
SimCore | TODO: Parallel Multi-threaded!!! |
SimianQGL | |
SimInst | SimInst.h some instramentation for simian type volume rendering |
SimMetaProg< MPTYPE > | SimMetaProg.h a base class for simian meta-programs |
SimModObjIF | Module interface A public module interface, implements nothing |
glift::SinglePrim | |
glift::SingleTex | SingleTex - Single texture base class |
SliceFinder | SliceFinder.h simianUI |
SlicerBase | SlicerBase.h simianUI |
SlicerInfo | SlicerInfo.h simianUI |
SlicerMulti | SlicerMulti.h simianUI |
SlicerWidget | SlicerWidget.h simianUI |
SliceView | SliceView.h simianUI |
gutz::SmartPtr< T > | Smart Pointer class |
gutz::SmartPtrRef< T > | Smart Pointer Reference class, behaves like a reference to a pointer |
SourceObj | Source Object base class |
SourceObjIF | Source Object interface A public interface to a Source object |
glift::StateGLI | "state.h" implementation file for the Attribute class |
StupidFPCrank | True leaf class, sooo stupd that it should never be extended :( compiles to the ARB spec |
glift::SubdivPlanarQuadM | SubdivPlanarQuadM.h: interface for the SubdivPlanarQuadM class |
glift::SubdivPlanarQuadS | SubdivPlanarQuad.h: interface for the SubdivPlanarQuadS class |
glift::SubPBuff | SubPBuff - A Wrapper class to make sub-buffers within a larger pbuffer - Sets and restores the viewport specified for this subBuffer - Can also specify a surface (GL_FRONT_LEFT, GL_AUXn, etc) |
glift::SubTex | SubTex - A sub-region of a larger texture that is treated as its own Glift texture |
SurfaceContentWidget | A concrete/composite surface widget |
SurfaceWidget | SurfaceWidget, fully constrained to 4 points |
Tape | Tape class |
glift::Tex1D | Tex1D, Tex2D, Tex3D, TexCube - These are the publicly constructed texture objects - 'texState' is vector of TexState pointers that initialize the texture object's state - 'pbuff' is NULL or a pbuffer pointer that is bound with this texture unit - Texture memory is initialized by passing 'setTexData(...)' functions a 'TexData' object - 'copyToTex*D(...)' copies data from the framebuffer to the texture object - See 'SingleTex' header for rest of public interface |
glift::Tex2D | Tex2D - 2D Textures |
glift::Tex3D | Tex3D - 3D Textures |
glift::TexConst | A floating-point constant that is set to a texture coordinate |
glift::TexCoordAttrib< VAT > | Attribute type for a vertex array |
glift::TexCoordGen | |
glift::TexCoordPerturb | TexCoordPerturb: Definition of texture coord transforms and constants that accompany a programmable pixel and vertex shader |
glift::TexCube | TexCube - CubeMap Textures |
glift::TexData | TexData - Base wrapper class used to set texture data - 'setTexData(...)' calls glTexImage*D(...) - This class stores all information necessary to describe the data to OpenGL |
glift::TexDataArr1< T > | Texture Data classes - These are adapter classes between your favorite data structure and the 'TexData' interface |
glift::TexDataArr2< T > | TexDataArr2<T> - TexData for arrayWrap2<T> data - Template parameter is OpenGL-compatible basic type - Use for 2D textures and CubeMaps |
glift::TexObjState | TexObjState - Abstract base class for all texture state associated with a texture object |
glift::TexRect | TexRect - Rectangular Textures (non-power-of-two) |
glift::TexState | TexState - Abstract base class for all texture state |
glift::TexTrans | TexTrans - Encapsulation of a scale/bias linear transform on raw texture coordinates |
glift::Texture | Texture - Base class for any texture class |
glift::TexUnitState | TexUnitState - Abstract base class for all texture state associated with a texture unit |
TFBaseSP | |
TFBlendOverAlpha | Alpha blend |
TFBlendSum | TF Element blend strategies, for combining multiple overlapping elements in the tf data domian |
TFBoxItem | TFItemSTD.h simianUI |
TFElement | A generic transfer function element base (classification widget spec) not a concrete implementation |
TFElementBox | Box type tf element |
TFElementList | A usefull LIST of transfer function elements |
TFEltSP | A double indirection tf element |
TFEltView | A base class for 2D projections of TFElment objects |
TFEval | The base (abstract) interface for evaluators |
TFEvalGaus | A gaussian |
TFEvalLin | A linear ramp |
TFGeneric | A generic ND transfer function |
TFGL | TFGL.h simianUI |
TFImage | Image class, subclass of NrroImage |
TFImageSP | Speciallized TFImage smart ptr for auto cast to bases |
TFImageSPMapCmp | TFImageSP map for collaboration with the TF |
TFItem | TFItem, generic base class, see TFItemSTD for some concrete example implementations |
TFItemVec | TFItemVec, manages a bunch of transfer function elements, and the tf itself, as far as QT is concerned |
TFManager | Manages collaboration between TFGeneric and TFViewWidget, and TFViewWidget -> TFEltView -> TFElement |
TFSurfaceWidget | TFSurfaceWidget- behavior implementation |
TFView | TFView.h simianUI |
TFViewWidget | TFViewWidget, a class for handling interaction in 2D projections of transfer function domain |
TFWidget | TFWidget.h simianUI |
TFWinBase | TFWinBase.h simianUI |
Timer | TODO: this is crap, need to make one class for both platforms |
gutz::TransPlaneManipEvent | Translate in Plane |
gutz::TransXYManipEvent | Translate XY Manip Event |
gutz::TransZManipEvent | Translate Z Manip Event |
Triangle< T > | A triangle class if you don't already have somthing to represent a triangle |
glift::TriangleFanGL | |
glift::TrianglesGL | |
glift::TriangleStripGL | |
TriRasterInfo< T, TT > | TriRasterInfo: a class to help you setup rasterization |
gutz::vec< T, V_DIM > | A vector templated in type and dimension, plus delete policy, but you can ignore this in 99% of normal use a generic vector, with constructors up to length 10 bridges the gap between vectors and arrays, very similar to an array1 but, supports smaller 1D arrays that are used like N Dimensional vectors |
gutz::vec2< T > | |
gutz::vec3< T > | |
gutz::vec4< T > | |
glift::VertAttrib< VAT > | Attribute type for a vertex array |
glift::VertexProgARB | VertexProgARB.h: interface for the VertexProgARB class |
glift::VertexShader | Vertex shader |
VolField | VolField, a single field |
VolFieldVec | VolFieldVec, a collection of fields, with functionality of a std::vector |
VolRenAlgBase | Rendering strategy for "VolRen" classes.. |
VolRenBase | Forward Decl |
VolRenCube | |
VolRenLit | |
VolRenSlab | VolRenSlab.h |
VolSamples | |
VolShader | VolShader.h Base class for Simian Volume Shaders also implements the shader for drawing the outlines of slices |
VolShaderStd | VolShaderStd, implements the common volume rendering setup |
VolShaderTexCoord | VolShaderTexCoord |
VolSlicer | A base class for slicing a volume |
Volume | Volume, basic container for multi-channel volume data contains VolFields and Volytopes, see these class definitions for for more functionality |
volumeBase | |
VolyCube | Create a Cube Volytope with user specified size and origin |
VolyTet | Create a Tetrahedron Volytope with user specified size and origin |
Volytope | Volytope |
VolytopeVec | VolytopeVec |
VPCrank | Vertex |
VPMetaProg | Vertex |
WidgetFactory | A base class for generating basic widget items |
WidgetItem | The widget item base class, virtual, needs a concrete sub-class to do anything |
WidgetState | The Base interface for Widget State, this is things like colors, clipping planes, etc |
WinStatsGL | GL Window state |
glift::WinTexGen2D | WinTexGen2D: Generate the 2D texture coordinates in window coordinates (similar to scaleTexGen2D but no divide) |
glift::WrappedPrim | FactoryPrimGL - A factory class for PrimGL classes |