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00001 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 //
00003 //   Joe Kniss
00004 //     6-20-03
00005 //                   ________    ____   ___ 
00006 //                  |        \  /    | /  /
00007 //                  +---+     \/     |/  /
00008 //                  +--+|  |\    /|     < 
00009 //                  |  ||  | \  / |  |\  \ 
00010 //                  |      |  \/  |  | \  \ 
00011 //                   \_____|      |__|  \__\
00012 //                       Copyright  2003 
00013 //                      Joe Michael Kniss
00014 //                   <<< >>>
00015 //               "All Your Base are Belong to Us"
00016 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00018 /// WidgetFactory.h
00020 #ifndef __WIDGET_FACTORY_DOT_H
00021 #define __WIDGET_FACTORY_DOT_H
00023 #include <smartptr.h>
00024 #include "NodeWidget.h"
00025 #include "EdgeWidget.h"
00028 /// a base class for generating basic widget items. 
00029 /// this hides the "appearance" from the behavior levels of the hierarchy, 
00030 ///  this way we can re-use widgets even if we don't have openGL or don't like
00031 ///  the way they look.
00032 ///
00033 /// This class should be restricted to generating only "basic" widget
00034 ///  items like, nodes, edges, sliders, and cones.  
00035 /// More complex, composite, widgets should take a factory
00036 ///  in it's constructor to generate the correct "kind" of basic widgets using
00037 ///  the gen*() functions.
00038 ///
00039 /// This is a prototype factory, which means all widgets must implement 
00040 ///  some form of clone() function.  The WidgetItem interface requires
00041 ///  you to be able to implement 
00042 ///  \code WidgetItem *clone() const \endcode
00043 ///  However, many classes like NodeWidget and EdgeWidget define the
00044 ///  WidgetItem::clone() and declare new clone ops for that specific 
00045 ///  subclass, which get called by their implementation of WidgetItem::clone().
00046 ///  This is very usefull since we are sepparating the behavior and appearance
00047 ///  via the class hierarchy and would still like to copy the widgets.
00048 ///
00049 /// To create a custom factory is simplest to just create a new factory or use/copy
00050 ///  an existing "const default" one, for instance 
00051 ///  here is the definition of the default GLUWidgetFactory :
00052 /// \code
00053 ///  const WidgetFactory GLUWidgetFactory(new GLUNodeWidget(...), new GLUEdgeWidget(...));
00054 /// \endcode
00055 /// To customize just copy and modify:
00056 /// \code
00057 ///  WidgetFactory myWF = GLUWidgetFactory;
00058 ///  ... /// change atributes of the widget protos to suite
00059 /// \endcode 
00060 /// The advantage here is that specifics about color and appearance can remain
00061 ///  transparent at the behavior level of the widget hierarchy, it also means
00062 ///  that the "style" of the widget-set being used can be easly customeized while
00063 ///  the code remains generic.  For instance, if the user wants salmon pink nodes
00064 ///  and lime green bars, this style can be created by cloning the appropriate
00065 ///  prototypes, or by using this "prototype-widget-factory" created from an
00066 ///  example salmon-pink node and lime green bars to generate composite widgets
00067 ///  such as the FrameWidget.
00068 class WidgetFactory : public gutz::Counted {
00069 public:
00070    WidgetFactory(NodeWidget *nodeProto, EdgeWidget *edgeProto)
00071       : _nodeProto(nodeProto), _edgeProto(edgeProto)
00072    {
00073       //TODO: could use some error checking here to insure we have a 
00074       // COMPLETELY and CORRECTLY configured proto factory
00075    }
00076    WidgetFactory(const WidgetFactory &wf)
00077       : _nodeProto(wf._nodeProto->cloneNode()),
00078         _edgeProto(wf._edgeProto->cloneEdge())
00079    {
00080    }
00081    virtual ~WidgetFactory() {}
00083    WidgetFactory &operator=(const WidgetFactory &wf)
00084    {
00085       _nodeProto = wf._nodeProto->cloneNode();
00086       _edgeProto = wf._edgeProto->cloneEdge();
00087    }
00089    ///@name NodeWidget prototypes
00090    ///@{
00091    virtual NodeWidget  *genNode() const
00092    {  if(_nodeProto) return _nodeProto->cloneNode(); return 0; }
00093    virtual NodeWidgetSP getNodeProto() 
00094    { return _nodeProto; }
00095    virtual const NodeWidget *const getNodeProto() const
00096    { return _nodeProto.getPtr(); }
00097    virtual void         setNodeProto(NodeWidget *nw)
00098    { _nodeProto = nw; }
00099    ///@}
00101    ///@name EdgeWidget prototypes
00102    ///@{
00103    virtual EdgeWidget   *genEdge() const
00104    {  if(_edgeProto) return _edgeProto->cloneEdge(); return 0; }
00105    virtual EdgeWidgetSP  getEdgeProto()
00106    { return _edgeProto; }
00107    virtual const EdgeWidget *const getEdgeProto() const
00108    { return _edgeProto.getPtr(); }
00109    virtual void          setEdgeProto(EdgeWidget *ew)
00110    { _edgeProto = ew; }
00111    ///@}
00113 protected:
00114    /// not used
00115    WidgetFactory() {}
00117    NodeWidgetSP _nodeProto;
00118    EdgeWidgetSP _edgeProto;
00120 };
00122 typedef gutz::SmartPtr<WidgetFactory> WidgetFactorySP;
00125 #endif

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