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MPICommunicator Member List

This is the complete list of members for MPICommunicator, including all inherited members.
_idCommunicator [protected]
_nprocsCommunicator [protected]
_recv_bytesCommunicator [protected]
_recv_srcCommunicator [protected]
_recv_tagCommunicator [protected]
ARecv(KokoProcID id, KokoBuffer &buf, KokoTag tag)MPICommunicator [virtual]
ASend(KokoProcID id, KokoBuffer &buf, KokoTag tag)MPICommunicator [virtual]
Barrier(void)MPICommunicator [virtual]
Broadcast(KokoBuffer &buffer, KokoProcID root, KokoTag tag)MPICommunicator [virtual]
Communicator(void)Communicator [inline]
ErrorMesg(int err)MPICommunicator [protected]
ID(void)Communicator [inline, virtual]
NumProcessors(void)Communicator [inline, virtual]
Rank(void)Communicator [inline, virtual]
Recv(KokoProcID id, KokoBuffer &buf, KokoTag tag)MPICommunicator [virtual]
RecvSize(void)Communicator [inline, virtual]
RecvSource(void)Communicator [inline, virtual]
RecvTag(void)Communicator [inline, virtual]
Send(KokoProcID id, KokoBuffer &buf, KokoTag tag)MPICommunicator [virtual]
SendRecv(int dest, KokoBuffer &sendbuf, KokoTag stag, int src, KokoBuffer &recvbuf, KokoTag rtag)MPICommunicator
Communicator::SendRecv(KokoProcID to, KokoBuffer &sendbuf, KokoTag sendtag, KokoProcID from, KokoBuffer &recvbuf, KokoTag recvtag)=0Communicator [pure virtual]
Test(KokoMesgHandle &hand)MPICommunicator [virtual]
Wait(KokoMesgHandle &hand)MPICommunicator [virtual]
~Communicator(void)Communicator [inline]

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