
3. Programming with the graphicsio library

Here we describe the mechanics of accessing and manipulating files using the CVRTI graphicsio library. This section is most relevant to programmers; users of programs written for graphicsio files can happily skip this drivel entirely.

3.1 Graphicsio Library Structure

A library of functions and subroutines provide controlled access to CVRTI graphicsio time signal and geometry files. This approach serves to both relieve the user of some programming effort and also to allow some self-protection so that programming errors do not result in damage to file integrity or--worst of all--loss of information. Layered on top of the graphicsio library are a number of higher level utility functions, and self-contained tool programs, both of which facilitate developing and testing programs.

3.1.1 Design strategy

The design strategy for the routines that make up the graphicsio library was to first develop the core modules, internal data structures, and conversion routines, and then construct user-accessible routines on this base. To support a range of computer languages, we used standard ANSI C to create the data file routines, then wrote wrapper functions in Fortran. The Fortran routines do nothing more than perform any necessary data type conversions, call the underlying C functions, and then return the appropriate values. This way, code maintenance and development can focus on the C functions while still providing (almost) complete support for Fortran users. For reasons of compatibility, we restricted the Fortran to ``standard'' F77, which for practical purposes meant avoiding the more esoteric VMS extensions such as data structures as well as any of the Fortran90 features. To date, we have ported the library to Unix variants from Silicon Graphics, the IBM AIX, Sun OS, Linux, and Solaris with fairly minor alterations in the source code.

The exceptions to Fortran support for library capabilities was in a set of functions that simplify the editing or re-writing of data files and for the fiducial information in the tsdfc files. We may address the latter shortcoming, but then again, we may not...

Geometry files appear to the user fundamentally different from the tsdf files, simply because of the contents. Internally, however, the structure of both file types is virtually identical and many of the same data structures and internal functions are present in both. It is perhaps most accurate to view both the tsdf and the geometry files as subsets of a more general file structure. The essential elements of the file structure abstraction then become the main header, which contains enough information to describe the size and type of the blocks to follow, and the block themselves, which again must contain enough self-description to identify their character and content. The logical data structure for such a hierarchy is the linked list in which each block contains a pointer to the location of the start of the next block.

3.1.2 Programming conventions

There are a number of conventions we have imposed on the users of the graphicsio library:

  1. In order to reduce the likelihood of programming errors destroying important data, write operations to tsdf are permitted only to a file that is new. Programs can read existing tsdf files but not write to them.
  2. The flexible format of the tsdf and tsdfc files permits a great variety in the actual contents of the files; many parameters are optional.
  3. As a result of these two features making even a small change in one value of a tsdf file requires the creation of a completely new file, which must include all the parameters and data of the old file, in addition to the additions and alterations.
  4. Each tsdf can only contain one time series.

3.1.3 File re-write support

To simplify the manipulation of existing tsdf files, we developed a set of ``rewrite'' functions, based on a queue of edits or additions. Each time the user makes a change to the tsdf file, the request to change is queued, together with enough information to carry out the changes. A call to a flushing function initiates processing of the queue, which reconciles against the contents of the original file so that the new version contains all the contents of the original, plus any changes requested in the queue. Each entry of the queue consists of a code that reveals which file parameter is to be altered and a pointer to the new values for this parameter. These pointers can be simple pointers to data values or buffers but also pointers to the names of functions that, when activated, create the new values. It is this ability to point to the name of a function that prohibited Fortran77 support of re-writes.

3.2 Geometry file

We begin the detailed description of the programming steps required for the graphicsio files with a summary of steps required to write and read each type of file. Details of each step either follow here or are available in the list of calling functions and their arguments in Section 5.

3.2.1 Step-by-step

The steps required to open a new geometry file and load it with data are as follows:

  1. Open a new file: the software creates all the necessary internal data structures and creates the shell of a complete file,
  2. submit main header information: file type, text string, file identifier,
  3. set parameters for a surface of the geometry: surface name string, surface type,
  4. set node information for this surface,
  5. set values associated with the nodes, eg., scalars for channel numbers, vectors, or tensors,
  6. set connectivity information as element (polygon) size, number of elements, then an array of connectivities,
  7. set values associated with the polygons,
  8. repeat the last two steps for each new surface, and
  9. close the file.

To read the contents of the file, the process is as follows:

  1. Open an existing file: returns main header information.
  2. set the desired surface,
  3. get surface information: header, number of nodes, elements, element size etc.,
  4. get the node information,
  5. get the associated values for the nodes,
  6. get the connectivity information (the descriptions of the elements),
  7. get the values associated with the elements, and
  8. close the file.

3.2.2 Sample code

For a sample of a function that reads a geometry file, see Appendix A.1.

3.3 Time signal tsdf file

The graphicsio library has an overall structure for handling tsdf files that is very similar to that for geometry files. Here, there is only one block, the time series, and a series of read/write (get/set) functions that manipulate specific elements of the time series.

3.3.1 Step-by-step

The steps for creating a time series file are as follows:

  1. Open a new file: the software creates all the necessary internal data structures and creates the shell of a complete file,
  2. set main header information: file type, text string, file identifier,
  3. set parameters for a time series: number of channels and number of frames (mandatory), and data units, text string, parameter block, data format, lead attributes, etc., (all optional),
  4. pack and send the time series block to the file, and
  5. close the file.

To read the contents of the file, the process is as follows:

  1. Open an existing file: returns main header information,
  2. get time series information: number of channels, number of frames, units, format, etc.,
  3. get lead attributes,
  4. get the data: either as the full block or a segment of a time series, and
  5. close the file.

3.3.2 Data block formats

The block of time series signals that the graphicsio routine gettimeseries returns is multiplexed in one of two ways.

  1. Ordered by frame (map). First values in the block are frame 1-lead 1, frame 1-lead 2, frame 1-lead 3, etc.,.
  2. Ordered by channel (time signal). Here the order is lead 1-frame 1, lead 1-frame 2, lead 1-frame 3, etc
At present, virtually all the data we have is stored in the former ordering, but the value of the enum variable DataFormat defines which order is present. It has three values at present
and the value for any tsdf file is returned by gettimeseriesformat.

The calling program is responsible for unpacking recovered data blocks or packing them for subsequent storage in a new tsdf file.

3.3.3 Pathnames for external time series files

When the time signals in the tsdf data are external, the ``actual'' data files (.acq, .raw, or .pak file) are usually stored in other directories from the one containing the tsdf file. The default location for these files has traditionally been the CVRTI Vax, which is available via NFS as /vax/mapping/data for our systems. To define another path to the directory containing .acq, .pak, or .raw files, use the settimeseriesdatapath function before getting the time series data.

Some programs written at the CVRTI use an environment variable called MAP3D_DATAPATH that contains the desired path for the .pak and .raw files.

3.3.4 Fiducials

The challenge in describing fiducial information is to permit a large range of flexible options for defining, detecting, and storing fiducials within the file structure in a clear manner. To this end we have developed the structure shown in Figure 3.1

Figure 3.1: Organization of the a single fiducial set in graphicsio files.

Note the following features of this organization:

  1. There can be any number of fiducial sets for each time series.
  2. Each fiducial set contains a string label that describes that set.
  3. Each fiducial set has a fiducial descriptor array that is always as long as there are channels (or leads) in the time series
  4. The fiducial descriptor array lists the number of fiducial values of any type stored for that particular channel. This array is required to unpack the fiducial value and fiducial type arrays.
  5. Fiducial value and type arrays are aligned; for each value there is a fiducial type.
  6. Fiducial values are stored as floating point values as unitless frame values; you must know the sampling rate for the data to convert these to real time values.
  7. Fiducial types are listed in a library maintained at the CVRTI and will expand with time. See the next section for details on managing fiducial types and the associated names. Fiducial numbers and names

To simplify and coordinate assignment and management of fiducial types, we have created a library that gives access to a fiducial type database. This library is described in detail at Use of this library will ensure that the most current links between fiducial types are their text names is available to your program.

3.4 The container files (.tsdfc and .dfc)

Section 2.1.3 described the organization of the container files, i.e., the files that are containers to a series of tsdf files. The container files also contain information extracted from the time series, eg., temporal fiducials determined on a channel-by-channel (or lead-by-lead) basis. Certainly the most frequent example is the activation time, which we routinely compute.

At present, there are no routines within graphicsiofor handling fiducials in tsdfc files. Examples of programs and libraries that do provide support for tsdfc files include Everett, a program by Ted Dustman for initial processing of mapping data, Matmap, a set of MATLAB uilities by Jeroen Stinstra with a similar functionality, and tsdflib (as yet undocumented), a library created by Ted Dustman, Rob MacLeod, Jenny Simpons, and Jeroen Stinstra that provides C-language access to container files.

3.5 Using graphicsio in your programs

If you are planning to program with graphicsio, there are two ways to go. If all that is required is access to the functions, then linking to is the most sensible approach. Recent versions of the library with both C and Fortran entry points are always available in /usr/local/lib (and /usr/local/lib64 if you need a 64-bit version).

If you want know more or actually add functionality to graphicsio, you should coordinate with Ted and make use of the CVS repository that we have for the graphicsio source code. For details on this, see

3.6 Matlab access to tsdf files

With the ubiquity of Matlab has come the need to provide an interface to graphicsio files from Matlab, which we have accomplished in two ways. The first was a stand-alone program that converts tsdf files into Matlab ``mat'' files. This approach has its limitation and so we have largely abandoned it for the more elegant method of direct access through Matlab.

To add functionality to Matlab, one creates ``mex'' files that contain some Matlab and some C code and the result is new commands that appear transparent to the Matlab user. This is all explained in the Matlab manuals, but the main result of all this are three new Matlab commands:

Table 3.1: Matlab command for reading graphicsio files.
read_file Reads the header information from a graphicsio .tsdf file
  Usage: fileInfo = read_file(dataFileName);
    dataFilename name of the tsdf file
  Struct fileInfo:    
    text header text for the file
    expid experiment id
    numts number of time series (should be 1)
read_data Reads the data from a graphicsio .tsdf file
  Usage: tsinfo = read_data(dataFileName, begTS, endTS);
    dataFilename name of the tsdf file
    begTS first time series to read (= 1)
    endTS last time series to read (= 1)
  Struct tsinfo:    
    numleads number of leads in the data
    numframes number of time instants
    format multiplexing format
    units unit type
    numbadleads number of leads with attributes
    badleadlistarray array of lead attributes
    pakfile string containing name of external pak file
    geomfile string containing name of external geometry file
    label time series header label
    potval double array numleads X numframes of potentials
write_data Writes a graphicsio .tsdf file
  Usage: write_data(dataFileName, fileInfo, tsInfo);
    dataFilename name of the output tsdf file
    fileInfo fileInfo struct for this file
    tsInfo = tsInfo struct for this file

To make sure you have these command available to you, add the following to the path variable in Matlab:


Rob Macleod 2004-10-20