Rob MacLeod, CVRTI, University of Utah,
Displaying contour maps can be one of the most cumbersome and time-consuming parts of processing map data, both because of the relative complexity of the problem and due to the lack of commercial software with adequate power and flexibility. Add to this the constantly changing requirements of scientists for new and different options and output modes, and any solutions become, by definition, customizations requiring extensive support and continuous modifications. This document describes yet another attempt at solving this problem, pscont.
The program was first written, and called Tekcont in 1989 at Dalhousie University, Dept. of Physiology & Biophysics, to run on a Vax under VMS. The goal was to devise a program that could display maps on the screen of a Tektronix terminal (or personal computer running some sort of terminal emulation e.g.,Kermit or NCSA Telnet) connected to one of several Vaxes. The native Tektronix plot software library available at the time was Plot10 and hence, this paradigm formed the initial model for the layout and structure of the graphics. The first expansion of this environment came with the addition of an HP Colorpro plotter, connected directly to the PC/XT, and supported by the EM 4014 (and later EM 4105) terminal emulator from Diversified Computer System (DCS). This allowed not only direct hardcopy printing from images captured on the display, but features like zooming and management of coloured pens (and colour display, had this been available to me at the time).
With the addition of Postscript output capabilities in the form of a QMS 810 laser printer, it was not long before I wanted to generate laser-printer images from map data. This led to the development of a library of graphics subroutines which matched a subset of Plot10 and allowed me to convert existing two-dimensional graphics code from Plot10 to Postscript with relative ease. This library, psteksubs, contained routines to open and manage a file in which the Postscript code was written, and had user-callable routines with similar names to those in Plot10, simply prefixed with ``PS'', eg., Draw became PSDraw, Move became PSMove, and so on. The scaling and layout paradigm continued to be that of Plot10, a screen of 100 by approximately 130 units in size, onto which multiple windows could be defined and individually manipulated.
Tekcont than received some more flexible means of allowing the user to design a layout for maps, test the result on the video display, and then run the same layout through the Postscript subroutines and generate quality hardcopy. In order to preserve some of the layout in a form that would allow later reproduction of the graphics, I devised the tekcont_ file format. These files contain the filenames and record numbers of the files from which map data is extracted to generate the plot, together with some text fields which can be used to place labels on the plot. The user selects the other details of plot layout at execution time. An added benefit of having the file driven by these simple ASCII files is that the user can easily edit them, or even have them generated by programs or scripts.
The future for Tekcont is rather uncertain, especially given the move to Unix computers and the GL graphics library. Plot10 is as good as dead and there seems little point in expanding the psteksubs library in the direction of Plot10. On the other hand, GL development is occurring almost exclusively in the C programming language while Tekcont is written in Fortran.
Recent Developments: While the screen viewing supported by the original Tekcont program has decreased in importance, the need for Postscript output has grown if anything. With the extensive use of the Macintosh-based facilities at the CVRTI, a new need as arisen - a way to get plot data into a form that can be manipulated by the broad range of powerful programs for editing images. The path we are now pursuing is based on the PICT standard, an alternative with numerous disadvantages over Postscript, but the single overwhelming advantage that it can be read and editing by other programs, something that is not yet generally available with Postscript.
As a result, we are developing new libraries of routines to produce graphics from without our own programs in PICT format. This work has not progressed to the point of inclusion into pscont, but this is the next project on the waiting list and should be in some useful form by autumn or winter of 1994.
The name of the program has also been changed in the meantime from Tekcont to pscont, to reflect the fact that Tektronix support has been dropped. The functionality built into SGI GL-based applications is so much better that there seems little point in supporting Tektronix terminal output. The Plot10 form of the routines has, however, remained and there are no plans to change that in the near future.
Latest addition (November, 1994) is to keep track of the bounding box in the psteksubs library and thus produce a more complete postscript file. This shold permit easier inclusion of the file into other postscript files and into LaTeX or other printing programs.
pscont is designed to be interactive in its operation, allowing the user to enter parameters, select data files and layout, and then generate a plot on a single page of Postscript output, in the form of a file.
To see how the program works, it is probably simplest to walk through a sample session and describe the question and answer dialog as it unfolds. The program currently (November 29, 2000) runs only on Unix computers, with ports to SGI/IRIX, IBM/AIX, and SUN/OS in existence.
But first, an environment variable that is important. The value of ROBDIR must be set to my home directory in order to find some files that pscont needs to run properly. If ROBDIR is not set the program will yell when it fires up, offering a chance to enter a value interactively.
Now, on to the action...
eli:macleod/maprodxn/p3200/dat77> pscont Welcome to the program to display potential data in Postscript Assume the Rob MacLeod home directory here is /vis/u/macleod/This is just a reporting message of the home directory used for a lot of the filename building. If ROBDIR is not defined, it must be entered here.
Want to save the contours from each maps in a separate file for later use (y/return) ?Here is where the user can opt to save the contour segments in a set of files, one file for each map. If the answer here is ``y'', then the program asks later for the filename.
Then we also offer the chance to save more details that appear on the screen in a log file. This is used mainly for debugging.
Want to save info in a log file (y/return) ?
Now we go on to getting the data
What type of input data is to be used ? CVRTI .data files ........ "d" Pot files ................ "p" Your choice [def=p] ?There are two types of data files which I use to store potentials. These are the .pot and .data files. See section 5.2 for details on data file format. Suffice it to say that .data files are the most efficient, being binary, while the .pot files are the easiest to use and to transport, being simple (and I do mean simple) ASCII files. The next question is to make sure that we point to the right directory for the individual potentials files. The .data file will often contain only pointers to other files, which contain the actual potential values.
Pak/Raw file path read from MAP3D_DATAPATH as /vax/data/mapping/ Should we use this value (return/n) ?
Now to the geometry:
Dal torso data .................. 1 Dal epicardium .................. 2 CVRTI 192-lead torso............. 3 CVRTI 64-leads sock ............. 5 CVRTI 128-leads sock ............ 6 Andy3 tank ...................... 7 Andy3 tank leadset 1 (192)....... 8 Stus 88 lead olive .............. 9 16x16 plaque array .............. 10 Quans slice 1.................... 11 Quans slice 2.................... 12 Your choice [Def= 1] ?This is obviously a growth industry since there are a lot more geometries defined already than those given here. New ones will be added as I get time and need to plot different data.
The geometry files have a base filename of /u/macleod//contour/pscont/geom//daltorso2dJust some more reporting...
To enter the file numbers by hand ........... "h" Read the file numbers in from a file ......return ? Enter filename with extension - or without it .tekcont or .pscont used Enter the name of the tekcont file to work with [Default: oc1-1.tekcont ] ? epi-inverse-1.tekcont
This dialog is important. The .tekcont file format allows the files for a single page worth of data to be listed, along with some textual information. See the sample .tekcont file in section 5.1 for examples and descriptions. Entry of the filename can be with or without the extension as the program is smart enough to look for both. In fact, pscont forces use of the extensions .tekcont or .pscont (don't gripe, it's a programmer right to make some demands!). Note also the mention of .pscont files here - they will probably be the new format I am already cooking up to manage things better. To maintain compatibility, use of the .tekcont extension for current files is recommended
In GetFileListFrom File an end of file was hit after 18 entries were read in from epi-inverse-1.tekcont How do you want to select channels files?', One at a time for each data file ........ o Or a single file for the whole set ...... s Or no channels mapping at all ........... n [def = s ] ? Enter the channels file to work with [Default: /home/macleod/torso/dal/daltorso2d.channels ] ?
Channels files are used to link the data values and their locations in the geometry. See section 5.3 or the documentation for map3d for more details of channels files and the indirection they facilitate. In practice, the defaults set by the program are usually more than adequate. There is seldom a need for anything other than a single channels file for all the plots on a page and the default filename is stored in the program and offered for confirmation.
The list of files read in is as follows: # Filename Series Frame Middle Left Right 1 p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_140.pot 1 1 Epi-Inverse 140 Instant 2 p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_142.pot 1 1 Epi-Inverse 142 Instant 3 p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_144.pot 1 1 Epi-Inverse 144 Instant 4 p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_146.pot 1 1 Epi-Inverse 146 Instant 5 p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_148.pot 1 1 Epi-Inverse 148 Instant 6 p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_150.pot 1 1 Epi-Inverse 150 Instant 7 p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_152.pot 1 1 Epi-Inverse 152 Instant 8 p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_154.pot 1 1 Epi-Inverse 154 Instant 9 p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_156.pot 1 1 Epi-Inverse 156 Instant 10 p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_158.pot 1 1 Epi-Inverse 158 Instant 11 p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_160.pot 1 1 Epi-Inverse 160 Instant 12 p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_162.pot 1 1 Epi-Inverse 162 Instant 13 p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_164.pot 1 1 Epi-Inverse 164 Instant 14 p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_166.pot 1 1 Epi-Inverse 166 Instant 15 p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_168.pot 1 1 Epi-Inverse 168 Instant 16 p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_170.pot 1 1 Epi-Inverse 170 Instant 17 p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_172.pot 1 1 Epi-Inverse 172 Instant 18 p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_174.pot 1 1 Epi-Inverse 174 Instant Now enter the full directory path for the input files (if needed) Enter the name of the directory file to work with [Default: /vis/u/macleod/maprodxn/p3200/dat77/epi-inverse/ ] ?The filenames can be listed in the .tekcont file without directory names, in order to make the whole thing more portable. But we obviously need to know where to look for the data files.
Now we begin a section that asks the user for parameters that determine the look and layout of the plot.
To plot each map with the same contours ........ "s" Or to auto-contour each individually ........... "a" Your choice [def= a] ?This feature is now fixed and determines how the plots will be scaled. With autoscaling, each individual map is scaled on its own. This ensures that the maximum number of contour lines appear in each plot, but makes comparisons between plots more difficult. To nail the scaling down to a single set of values for all maps on the page, the user can choose ``s'' here. The program then scans all the data files and comes up with global extrema on which to base the contour level selection.
In the contour level setting routine (GetContVals): For linear contour levels ...................."l" or for logarithmic ..........................."g" lab standard 7 log contours ............... return ? OK, lab-log 7 mapping selectedFor linear scaling, further questions help set the step between contours and the way contour reflect around zero. Nothing really magic here, but some experimenting is usually required to get the desired appearance. The model used for setting contour values is also chosen at plot time. The ``lab standard'' is what I use quite often on BSPM data (it is Milan Horacek's idea) and computes 7 contour levels which logarithmically span a decade. The contours are based on a fixed sequence of 1.0, 1.5, 2.2, 3.3, 4.7, 6.8, and 10.0, which is scaled by factors of 10 until the mantissa of the largest extremum falls below 10. For example, if the largest extremum is -237.92, then the contours are fixed at ±222., ±150., 100, ±68, ±47, ±33, and ±22.
Want to have a scalar lead drawn (y/n)? [def= n ] ?This is a new feature that plots a scalar lead in the upper right corner of the page. It is very useful when plotting a selection of instant plots, or even a set of DWT maps to show where in the beat they came from. The catch (ah, there's always a catch) is that pscont needs the whole beat of data to extract the lead from. This can be tricky with the DWT data, but trivial when plotting instant maps from a .data file. I may have to come up with a workaround for more flexibility (and data-manipulation possibilities). Note that we can plot either a selected lead, or an RMS curve that includes all the leads in the file that are included for the plot (i.e., the channels file determines which channels we include).
To write a single heading on the page .......... " 1" To write a heading for each column ............. " 2" To write both main and column heading........... " 3" Or include no headings at all .................. " 0" Your choice [def = 0] ?Each page can have a main header, and each column a subheader. This s nice for producing plots to show others, and provides self-documentation for archiving the plots.
To plot without filename ..................... "-1" To plot with lowercase filename .............. " 1" To plot with uppercase filename .............. " 2" To plot with filename as is .................. " 0" Your choice [def = 0] ?This feature is self-explanatory, isn't it?
Now for marking the plots For no marking at all ......................... "0" To draw all node points ....................... "1" To draw in coronary arteries .................. "4" To draw coronaries and node points ............. "5" Your choice [def= 0] ?The above feature is working again now. Use it with abandon, well almost. It will prompt differently based on the geometry (torso, epi, etc,). I have set the defaults so that standard precordial leads are plotted on the torso. For coronaries on the epicardium, pscont asks for guidance in finding the required .lmark file.
Note that the questions regarding max and min and coronary geometry type have been removed. They have become redundant so forget 'em. In the next section too, I have removed all reference to tektronix terminals since pscont is really just for postscript output.
Postscript options are: portrait..............."p" landscape.............."l" return to take p ?
What follows are several small decisions regarding layout of the plots. The defaults offered below are the ``hard-wired'' versions; if the user changes one of these, it becomes the new default value for the next plot layout, provided the user stays in the program.
There are 18 maps to display here Enter the number of plots in the x and y-directions or return to take the default X-direction: max = 4 ; def = 3 ) ? Y-direction: max = 6 ; def = 6 ) ? Enter the desired line width in points [def = 0.75] ?The program currently allows a maximum of 24 maps in a four-row by six-column arrangement. In our experience, more maps than this on a page is seldom useful.
Re-do the last entries ............... "r" Continue with plot ................. return ? Enter the name of the Postscript file to work with [Default: ] ?Last chance to correct things.
The file exists To enter new value ......................... "n" To exit here and leave things untouched .... "e" or to clobber the old version ........... . return ? File: deleted
Now with everything laid out, pscont is ready to go ahead and produce postscript files. If the specified filename already exists, the user decides whether to overwrite it, enter the name anew, or even to exit the program. When running pscont via a shell script, this dialog can be troublesome since it typically messes up the list of responses that the script expects. The only solution I know of is to make very sure that the output files do not already exist before running the script.
As pscont does its thing, it outputs a progress report as it goes.
(readptsfile.f) Read 97 points from /vis/u/macleod/torso/dal/dalepi2d.pts (readfacfile.f) Finished reading 176 triangles from /vis/u/macleod/torso/dal/dalepi2d.fac (readedgefile.for) Finished reading edge file /vis/u/macleod/torso/dal/dalepi2d.edge # Triangle vertices: 176 # Edges: 272 Doing Postscript plot for map # 1.... Doing Postscript plot for map # 2.... Doing Postscript plot for map # 3.... Doing Postscript plot for map # 4.... Doing Postscript plot for map # 5.... Doing Postscript plot for map # 6.... Doing Postscript plot for map # 7.... Doing Postscript plot for map # 8.... Doing Postscript plot for map # 9.... Doing Postscript plot for map #10.... Doing Postscript plot for map #11.... Doing Postscript plot for map #12.... Doing Postscript plot for map #13.... Doing Postscript plot for map #14.... Doing Postscript plot for map #15.... Doing Postscript plot for map #16.... Doing Postscript plot for map #17.... Doing Postscript plot for map #18.... Output to the postscript file is complete Filename: epi-inverse-1.psHooray, success!! The ``s'' option will send the Postscript file to the printer, if the version of pscont has been properly tuned to the local system. This option is still in its infancy, but works best if the environment variable PRINTER is set to a postscript printer of choice, and the system supports lpr-based (versus lp-based) printing. The other options offer paths to various jump-in points for getting new data or repeating the plot with a new set of control parameters.
To send the file to the printer ................. "s" To display a new file ........................... "n" Use the same data but new contours .............. "c" Same contours but new parameters ................ "p" Or to end here ............................... return Your entry ?
The contouring section of pscont is derived from some stand-alone programs written to generate ``contour files'' from potential data and geometry. The methods are based on work by Barr et al. [2,3,4] and require not only the geometry on which the data is to be projected, but also an ``edge file'', which must be generated for the particular geometry. The advantage of the edge-table based approach is that contour lines can be generated as continuous lines, a significant factor when mechanical plotters are used to produce hardcopy but not really an issue for video screen or Postscript printers. Even for Postscript plot, however, the procedure is useful since it produces contiguous contour lines that can easily be smoothed or manipulated before display. It is also simple to make an edge table from a .pts and .fac file set.
The filetype that is unique to pscont is the .tekcont file. Here is an example using a series of .pot files as the data source:
p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_140.pot 1 Epi-Inverse$140$Instant p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_142.pot 1 Epi-Inverse$142$Instant p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_144.pot 1 Epi-Inverse$144$Instant p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_146.pot 1 Epi-Inverse$146$Instant p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_148.pot 1 Epi-Inverse$148$Instant p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_150.pot 1 Epi-Inverse$150$Instant p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_152.pot 1 Epi-Inverse$152$Instant p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_154.pot 1 Epi-Inverse$154$Instant p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_156.pot 1 Epi-Inverse$156$Instant p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_158.pot 1 Epi-Inverse$158$Instant p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_160.pot 1 Epi-Inverse$160$Instant p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_162.pot 1 Epi-Inverse$162$Instant p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_164.pot 1 Epi-Inverse$164$Instant p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_166.pot 1 Epi-Inverse$166$Instant p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_168.pot 1 Epi-Inverse$168$Instant p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_170.pot 1 Epi-Inverse$170$Instant p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_172.pot 1 Epi-Inverse$172$Instant p2_3200_qrst_77_epi_174.pot 1 Epi-Inverse$174$InstantHere is another example using a pair of .data files as the source.
data/ 24 From 370$At. Dr. 1$24 ms data/ 24 From 192$At. Dr. 1$24 ms data/ 24 From 117$At. Dr. 1$24 ms data/ 77 From 370$Pace 1$77 ms data/ 77 From 192$Pace 1$77 ms data/ 77 From 117$Pace 1$77 ms data/ 36 From 370$Pace 2$77 ms data/ 36 From 192$Pace 2$36 ms data/ 36 From 117$Pace 2$36 ms data/ 48 From 370$Pace 3$48 ms data/ 48 From 192$Pace 3$48 ms data/ 48 From 117$Pace 3$48 ms data/ 72 From 370$Pace 4$48 ms data/ 72 From 192$Pace 4$72 ms data/ 72 From 117$Pace 4$72 ms data/ 28 From 370$At. Dr. 2$28 ms data/ 28 From 192$At. Dr. 2$28 ms data/ 28 From 117$At. Dr. 2$28 ms
Each line of the file describes a single map, in the first case each map comes from a single .pot file. In the second case, the maps are all found in one of a pair of data files, each map representing a single frame in a time series within the file.
The fields in each line of a .tekcont files are defined as follows:
Tekcont file field formats | |
Field # | Contents |
1 | Filename of the data file |
2 | Record number in the data file |
3 | Text to be placed in the centre cutout of the plot |
4 | Text for the left cutout of the plot |
5 | Text for the right cutout |
Note that spaces separate the first 2 entries from the rest, while the dollar sign ``$'' separates the three text fields. If we have .data files as sources, the suffix ``@'' must be used to denote which time series is desired. The record number then becomes the frame number in the selected series.
The final locations of the ``cutouts'' depends on the type of geometry being used to plot the data. Fitting these cutouts into the layout of the geometry is why it takes some time to add a new geometry to pscont.
The simplest way to store scalar data values (typically electric potentials) is in a series of .pot files. The values are generally ordered in the same way as the node points to which they are to be associated in the display, although channels files offer an opportunity for indirection of the link between data values and geometry nodes (see section 5.3).
The rules for .pot files are:
A set of files that contains a time sequence of data should have filenames of the form base_filename_001 to base_filename_NNN, with the numeric suffix (NNN) being a three-digit value, which can run in any regular increments. For example, pot_file_001.pot, pot_file_005.pot, pot_file_009.pot, pot_file_013.pot, ...
The newly developed standard data files (.data extension) are capable of holding not only the scalar and vector data found in the older .pot and .grad files, but also links into existing ``pak-tape'' and ``raw-tape'' files under VMS, the name of the suggested geometry files, and various other bits of information that could be useful to a plot of data processing program. There is also a program called pottodata for converting a set of .pot files into one or more .data files.
There are some concepts of the data file structure that should be understood to appreciate how a program accesses the contents.
The .data files are binary and hence cannot be accessed without using a dedicated programs, which use elements of a special library written by Phil Ershler and Rob MacLeod. The suite of programs for reading, writing, and manipulating .data files is growing rapidly, and we can only refer the user to the likely authors of such programs for more information.
Leadlinks and channels files, and the arrays they contain, are identical in structure, but not in function. A program may require both, either, or neither of these, depending on the structure of the data files and geometries. The basic function of both leadlinks and channels information is to offer linkages between recording locations and the data that is to be associated with those locations. One , leadlinks, describes the connection between ``leads'', a measurement concept, with ``nodes'', and geometrical concept. The channels information, on the other hand, links the nodes to ``channels'' of data in a data file. Or, in more detail,
In the leadlinks array, each entry refers, by its location in the array, to a particular lead; the array value at that location gives the number of the node in the geometry file to be associated with this lead. For example if lead 4 has a leadlinks entry of 22, then node 22 in the geometry will be displayed with a ``4'', not ``22'', when lead markings are selected in map3d. In pscont, there is no use for leadlinks arrays at this time.
Hence we have the situation of a lead number K actually being called lead number L, pointing to node number M in the geometry. The map3d program now handles this additional indirection, and other programs are bound to follow suit as the need arises.
Note that channels arrays are used at the time the data is loaded into the internal data storage arrays! The most frequent use of channels information is to unpack multiplexed data. This data come from input files with an inherently different structure in terms of geometry nodes and need to be sorted so that their spatial arrangements are known. The channels array provides the information needed to perform the sorting. An example would be data collected from multiple needles. The data are stored in a block, with no preconception of what spatial relationship that individual electrodes on those needles might have to one another. These relationships can only be fixed by the geometry information of where each electrode was located and what surfaces these locations are grouped into. To untangle this mess, a separate channels array is used for each surface, to point to the measured data values which belong to that surface, and to determine which data value is associated with each node location.
If data and geometry nodes match one-to-one, there is no need for a channels array. In pscont, a channels array is almost always a necessity because of the mapping from three to two dimensions. There are single points in the three-dimensional version of the geometry that have two equivalent points in the two-dimensional version of the geometry used for map display. Hence, pscont stores those channel filenames internally and associates then to a particular choice of plot geometry. In map3d, on the other hand, there are many cases in which channels information is not needed.
The figure 1 shows an example of lead and channels information layered one on top of the other. See the figure caption for details.
![]() |
The source of both channels, leadlinks, and leadlinknums information can be either the geometry (.geom) file or the data (.data) file, or two explicit files, called ``leadlinks'' and ``channels'' files, which are described in the next sections below. In practice, for pscont this information almost always comes from explicit .channels files.
Information for the channels array is stored as an associated scalar with the data information in the standard .geom files. At present, there is no leadlinks array stored in the .geom file but this could change at an time.
We include this for completeness sake since, as mentioned above, pscont does not use the leadlink information at this time.
A leadlinks file is an ASCII file, the first record of which
contain a line nnn leads, where nnn is the number of leads to
be described in the file (and also one less than the total number of lines
in the file). Each following record contains two integer values:
32 Leads 1 1 2 42 4 31 7 65 . . . . . . 32 11 <---- 32nd entry in the file, at line 33 of the file.indicates that there are 32 leads to be linked, and that lead 1 is called lead 1 and is node 1 in the geometry file. Lead two is at node 42, but lead 3 is called ``4'' and is found at node 31. Likewise, lead 4 is called 7, and is located at node 65, and so on, up to lead 32, called 32, at node 11.
A .channels file is an ASCII file, the first record of which contain a
first line nnn nodes, where nnn is the number of nodes to be
described in the file (and also one less than the total number of lines in
the file). Each following record contains two integer values:
352 Nodes 1 123 2 632 . . . . 32 12indicates that there are 352 leads to be linked, and that the data value for the first node is located at location 123 of the data file. For node 2, the data value is to be found at location 632, and so on.
The landmark files contain what I refer to as ``landmarks'' on the surface(s) of the geometry. Initial use was primarily for coronary arteries, but the idea has been expanded to incorporate a number of different orientation landmarks; the only requirement is that these landmarks can be described as a series of connected points, with a radius defined for each point. The landmark is then displayed as a faceted ``pipe'' linearly connecting the points at the centre, with a radius, also linearly interpolated between points, determining the size of the pipe. The landmark file can contain numerous, individual segments of such pipe-work, each of which is drawn separately.
A single point can also be a landmark and in this case, all that is required is a point in 3D space and a radius. The map3d icon for this sort of a landmark is a sphere of fixed radius and different colours, depending on the type of landmark.
In the 2D case of pscont the drawing of the landmarks is much simpler, and used so far exclusively for the epicardial distribution of coronary arteries.
The format of the landmark file is as follows:
Line number | Contents | Comments |
1 | nsegs | number of landmark segments in the file |
2 | 1 landmark_type nsegpts | segment number (1), segment type, and number of points in segment 1 |
3 | X, Y, Z, radius | point location and radius of point 1 |
4 | X, Y, Z, radius | point location and radius of point 2 |
. | . | . |
. | . | . |
nsegpts + 2 | X, Y, Z, radius | point location and radius of last point in segment 1 |
. | 2 landmark_type nsegpts | segment number (2), segment type, and number of points in segment 2 |
. | X, Y, Z, radius | point location and radius of point 1 |
. | X, Y, Z, radius | point location and radius of point 2 |
. | . | . |
. | . | . |
. | X, Y, Z, radius | point location and radius of last point in segment 2 |
. | . | . |
. | . | . |
. | . | . |
. | . | . |
In the two-dimensional case, the Z-values (that's ``zed'' values, mind you) are set equal to zero.
The standard extension of the file is .lmark and the filename is usually made up either based on a patient number for customized arteries, or in a generic coronary circulation geometry file.
Each contour segment is stored in a binary file from within the contouring libary. The format of this file is as follows:
WRITE(luout) contnum, ncpts, vcont WRITE(luout) ((cpoint(i,j), i=1,2), j=1,ncpts)
To read the result back into Matlab, we have created the following function:
function [contours, numcontours]=read_contourfile(filename) % Read in a matrix in Rob's Fortran contour format % % The contours variable returned is an array of contourinfo structures, % each contaning all the points for a single contour line % % .numpts = number of points in the contour line % .contval = scalar value of the contour line % .contpts = (2 X numpts) array of order X/Y points for the contour % % numcontours = the number of contours found in this file. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [fid, message] = fopen([filename],'r'); if ( fid < 0 ) fprintf('Illegal value returned by fopen = %d\n', fid); fprintf('Return message is %s\n', message) return end numcontours = 0; keepreading = 1; % contours = struct('numpts', 0, 'contval', 0.0, ' while( keepreading > 0 ) % Read in the first block of info, contnum, contval, and ncpts. [header1, numreads]=fread(fid,3,'int32'); if numreads < 1 return; end contnum = header1(2); ncpts = header1(3); % Read in the contour value header2 = fread(fid,3,'float32'); contval = header2(1); % Read in the actual contour points [contourset, numreads] = fread(fid,[2,ncpts],'float32'); % Read in a dummy record terminator. dummy = fread( fid, 1, 'int32'); if ( numreads ~= ncpts*2 ) fprintf(' Error reading contour file\n'); fprintf(' numreads = %d but ncpts*2 = %d\n', numreads, ncpts*2); return; else numcontours = numcontours + 1; fprintf(' Contour #%d contains %d points and contour value %f\n',... numcontours, ncpts, contval ); end contours(numcontours).numpts = ncpts; contours(numcontours).contval = contval; contours(numcontours).contpts = contourset; end fprintf(' Read in %d contours\n', numcontours);
The following make file creates the executable under Unix on the SGI's at the CVRTI. On Suns, use the gcc compiler, but any ANSI compatible compiler should handle the C-libraries. The Fortran is pretty standard and seem to run on most systems, with some rather bizarre changes needed for the Suns. Seems they have a limit on the number of continuation lines a program is allowed to have. Don't ask me...
# pscont.make The makefile for pscont # Author: Rob MacLeod # Last update: Fri Oct 31 19:40:07 1997 # - needed proper use of ${SYSEXT} macro! # Last update: Fri Oct 4 11:34:57 1996 # - added TARGET # Last update: Wed May 18 16:09:59 MDT 1994 # - made more portable with update facilities too # Last update: Mon Sep 28 12:35:33 MDT 1992 # - SHELL = /bin/sh RM = /bin/rm -f REMDIR = REMLIBDIR = SYSTEM = SYSEXT = -${SYSTEM} SYSEXT = TARGET = pscont ################## Defines #################################### OBJECTS = ${TARGET}.o \ dopscont.o \ drawarrow.o drawlandmark.o drawscalar.o \ enterfilelist.o maxmindata.o \ getplotparam.o getfilelistfromfile.o getcorfilename.o \ getscalar.o getmap.o LIBS = -B static -ldatafile -lfgraphicsio -ltorso -lpstek -lcontour\ -lutil -B dynamic LOCALHEADERS = pscont.fh HEADERS = pscont.fh \ dfileio.fh \ fgraphicsio.fh ##################### Dependencies ########################### all: ${TARGET}${SYSEXT} ${TARGET}: ${OBJECTS} $(F77) -o $@${SYSEXT} ${OBJECTS} -L${HOME}/lib $(LIBS) #f.o.: # $(F77) -c $(FFLAGS) *.f ${OBJECTS}: ${HEADERS} ############## Machine Specific settings ###################### # SGI F77 = f77 FFLAGS = -g -I${HOME}/include#-n32 RCP = /usr/bsd/rcp LIBDIR = ${ROBHOME}/dfile/lib CP = /sbin/cp # Suns #F77 = f77 #FFLAGS = -g -w #RCP = /usr/ucb/rcp #LIBDIR = ${ROBHOME}/dfile/lib #CP = /sbin/cp # IBM #F77 = xlf #FFLAGS = -g #RCP = /usr/bsd/rcp #LIBDIR = ${ROBHOME}/dfile/lib #CP = /sbin/cp ########################### Utilities ############################ install: ${TARGET}${SYSEXT} ${CP} ${TARGET}${SYSEXT} ${ROBHOME}/bin touch: touch ${OBJECTS:.o=.f} clean mostlyclean: -$(RM) *.o -$(RM) *~ -$(RM) \#* -$(RM) a.out -$(RM) core clobber distclean realclean: clean -$(RM) ${TARGET}${SYSEXT} update: for filename in ${OBJECTS:.o=.f}; do \ echo "Copying $${filename} from ${REMDIR}" ; \ ${RCP} macleod@${REMDIR}/$${filename} . ; \ done for filename in ${HEADERS}; do \ echo "Copying $${filename} from ${REMLIBDIR} to ${LIBDIR}" ; \ ${RCP} macleod@${REMLIBDIR}/$${filename} ${LIBDIR} ; \ done # Print the sources print: $(OBJECTS:.o=.f) lpr $< maketar: echo "Tarring files into ${TARGET}-source.tar " tar cvf ${TARGET}-source.tar ${OBJECTS:.o=.f} ${HEADERS} Makefile
For details on all the different libraries, consult the Library binder in my office or the Makefiles in the individual subdirectories in the LIBS macro.
This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator Version 99.2beta6 (1.42)
Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996,
Nikos Drakos,
Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999,
Ross Moore,
Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.
The command line arguments were:
latex2html -split 3 -no_white -link 3 -no_navigation -nomath -html_version 3.2,math pscont
The translation was initiated by Rob MacLeod on 2000-11-29